69 -
Well I do know you play The Secret World. :P Find me as Alevan on deviantart and give me the details. We can always play there!
I've heard the news and I'm really sad.
I'll never forget using my gift card fresh out of high school back in 2004 to play this game. I was in the Guardian server and then eventually came to this server. I created Luficia originally as a parody and it just evolved from there into a really nice community.
It has brought a lot of memories and led me to bring me into comics to this very day. I hate to see it end but, I guess.... unexpectedly, it is.
I'll never forget you guys. To the people who want to stay in contact, I'm on MSN or Steam. Steam, just search up luficia and you'll be able to add me. If not, PM me for my email and we'll try to stay in contact.
I'll be here until the last sunset but... You guys were an awesome chapter.
Thank you, and... soon, goodbye.
-Luficia -
Domi got to spit Sebastian Kain in the face. Best moment ever.
Oh, cool. This looks really interesting... and I hadn't done a Mothership raid in a long while.
I'll try to be there! This looks fun! -
Thanks for everyone who came along. It turned out to be a huge success for both villain and hero sides!
If you guys have pics, go ahead and post them!
If you guys are interested in having UNited Underworld run events for you but more on a personal level? Check out the Right to Menace form and fill it out after checking it over. Then we can set up and run special events for your supergroup! Send a tell to @Drimble Wedge for information.
Or if your a villain group and looking for a coalition, United Underworld is also looking! Again, send a tell to @Drimble Wedge or @Blightrix on such.
Thanks again for such a huge turn out! It was a great success and LOADS of fun! -
Heroes: 7:00 PM is to start the AE Arc. THis also gives the villains time for a headcount while that introduction is done. To do the arc, try to meet on up at the Kings Row AE. When you need the team number, send me a tell -- I'll send you the number so your teams can get started on it. It is an hour to kill so RP and make most of it! Also, remember: READ ZEE CLUES! :P
Villains: There isn't much for us except for a head count. All villains participating with the United Underworld should meet up in Cap Au Diable by the Willy Wheeler contact. So we have a head count, figure things out and give out at least what we;re doing to those who haven't been informed yet. If your still lost, send a tell to Dominatriea or @Alevan(ME!) and I'll just invite you into a team.
Don't forget! This is coming up this Sunday!
Paragon City has been recovering peacefully despite the terrible loss of their greatest heroes. The Rogue Isles were not affected nearly so much and life moved on with the people ready for the new challenges ahead. Everything was back to normal--Except, of course, for the mysterious rash of disappearances among Paragon City heroes and Rogue Isles vigilantes lately.
It is summer though. Perhaps they decided to take a break?
...But then... no matter who you were, hero or a villain, flying above Paragon City or roaming the depths of the Rogue Isles, it happened! It would start out as a piercing headache before a vision would play out before their very eyes. Some might recognize the woman's mask that glared back at them with piercing, glowing eyes or the petite form that barely showed itself through the thick cloud surrounding her.
It didn't matter who you were. You could feel the hatred pouring out of her. Presently the woman would speak to anyone witnessing her vision.
"Greetings. I am Dominatriea...Supreme Leader to the United Underworld!"
"Don't bother to call your 'heroes.' I am not here...only a vision that exists to declare a warning to you. The 'Era of the Hero' will end, and United Underworld will have complete control of Paragon City!"
She paused, as if she could 'feel' the likely heroic speeches or declarations against her. Even though she wore a mask, you could sense the smirk on her face.
"I have one thing up my sleeve, or... rather, a deck of cards. It may mean nothing to you, but I assure you I hold the upper hand. At this very moment, I can see the multitude of ever past, present and future of every single hero or villain in existence! Oh, I can even do more than see it..."
"... I can erase it."
"Enjoy your time while it lasts, heroes. By the time my speech ends, you will cease to exist. Every single hero to exists will disappear and, with enough time, no one will remember any of you or your accomplishments!"
"Go ahead. Call the police to protect you, the National Guard, the army! I'm willing to give the city a sporting chance when we come. Any villain that rallies under our banner will be rewarded...I extend the invitation to anyone who wants to help in our little invasion. Who knows? Maybe if your a hero and decide to help... Maybe I'll rewrite your history into that as a villain as well and spare your life."
"Have a wonderful evening. I look forward to watching the city burn before United Underworld takes over!"
The vision abruptly ends.
Welcome to United Underworld's RPvP Event: "The Cardaclysm!"
Hosted on June 24th, it will begin at 7:00 PM EST with an AE introductory mission before starting in the PvP zone Bloody Bay at 8:00 PM EST--with more surprises ahead as the story unfolds!
What is the Cardaclysm? The villain Dominetriea has enacted a mystical ritual involving her powers to try to erase every single hero (or vigilante) from existence! Once complete, United Underworld forces intend to invade the city without any resistance!
However, what Dominatriea did not realize is the massive scope such a ritual would take to complete, resulting in a time frame much longer then she anticipated!
What does this mean for you until then? It means you can get involved with some good role-play in the coming events! If you want one of your heroes to disappear temporarily during Dominatriea's ritual, then you are more then welcome to do so to play it up as you like. Your hero will reappear back into existence safely once the event is over. It can be done before or during the event!
(This is part of the event's story is, of course, a voluntary choice, which people can choose to take part in or not. If, on the other hand, you do want to permanently erase your character from existence then you can do so as well. The choice is yours, and the option is there for story purposes, as well as any other creative way in which you choose to participate!)
If you have an idea you want to present involving your character or your Supergroup, be they hero or villain, send a tell to @Drimble Wedge or @Alevan in-game or respond to this post! We will try our best to work with you.
Either way, it is time to be a HERO! ..or a VILLAIN! -
Your both pretty!
Srsly. Nice event. Let's all hug now. The event ended and all that stuff. I really enjoyed myself as Dominatriea so thanks for having me there with the rest of the United Underworld! -
Quote:This is belated as I am moving into a brand new apartment. Yay!The additional Imperial Dynasty pieces are coming with Issue 22 (the first update after the launch to be specific). Unfortunately there wasn't time to work them into a build prior to the release of the Pack.
In other words, Soon™.
Thanks for taking the time to confirmed this, Z. -
No clue what your problem is but, okay.
Quote:Maybe they're going to release two packs?
Yeah, it'd be a mean-spirited move, but I note that priced individually, the pieces listed are all ready close to triple the cost of the bundle (compared to some of the other more recent bundles where the savings, IIRC, wasn't as big), so maybe they feel like doing two bundles to make up the cost?
I don't mean to come off angry but this isn't the best thing to do. I'd rather wait in the couple of weeks for i22 to come out and have them release the set then and HAPPILY get my money's worth for the full set then purchase a gimped up version with an IOU sticker on it with the promise of the rest of the set that might or might not be fulfilled.
Not only that, there is absolutely no disclaimer at all there is more to this set for the people who don't go to the beta server so half of them don't even know of this issue. A bigger clarification should have been made on the front page and on this set in particular. They shouldn't have released this set until i22. I am a very unhappy customer right now. -
Oh I love the set.
Except where's the rest of the pieces?
On the beta server, the top had different versions to it along with where this isn't this gray area. Where is it? I'd love a whole solid tight color that I managed to make along with multiple top sections.
Also, where's the skin version?
Where is all of it? When I saw this on the beta server, I thought there'd be a little more. Either some pieces are missing or someone's holding back. An explanation would be nice as the costume I REALLY wanted to make is now practically impossible.
Where are the rest of the pieces?
EDIT: In fact, I can't even see these sets in the robotic arm category.
What the hell, Paragon Studios? This set had a lot more to it back on beta and instead of the limitless possibilities, I'm instead being limited in what I was hoping to make. I feel extremely ripped off and would really like an explanation as to where the rest of these pieces are!
In case your wondering, this was the set I was hoping to recreate:
As it stands, its completely impossible.
I'm feeling a tad ripped off here unless there's some valid explanation. -
Also, to take into consideration Issen: Statesman lost his DAUGHTER.
You don't have to argue if whether or not he was arrogant or not. Issen. This man lost his daughter. Anyone who is a parent knows how they would feel if their kid was murdered in cold blood. They'd want to either hunt this man down or do everything to help to get this person behind bars.
Statesman did a mixture of both.
He's suffered enough grief with the death of his wife and barely got back up for that. Now some jerk comes and murders his daughter. Of course he isn't going to think rationally. He's going to hunt this jerk down and arrest him. He's going to overlook clues in his bid to avenge his daughter. He probably KNEW it was a trap but wasn't sure the magnitude of what he was facing at the time so he went on in it anyway.
So in some ways, I was a little "meh" with how they did it... but since I've read the comics, the books, etc: The whole thing? I came to really appreciate it. I liked it. I hope we can murder Darrin Wade now but, hey, I can see where it came to.
So. Come March: We declare it "Punch Darrin Wade like a pinata" day. -
I remember that Top Cow comic. I still got it too. The god dude(Forgot his name. Prometheus? I think) even says "Nice shot" since it was Manticore that killed Statesman. All part of the risky move.
So yes its been used before. Its not just a "I win" button. Thats why Darrin Wade said to Statesman, "I'm sure this feels quite familiar" because it was. -
I'm in kind of late but, either way.
Tights? Sign me up please! I've been wanting new tights for ages! But, like, it'd also be good to have tights that aren't always from a set. Sets are nice but the kind you can also mix and match with is always nice. -
T_T So sad... I swear, I'm not crying.
We salute to thee, Imperial. -
Quote:This looks totally awesome - as usual
EDIT: Minus awesome points for that offensive "Malleus" badge still being there - it's totally bad taste, and needs to be renamed to something that doesn't celebrate the historical mass-murder of women.
Being a woman myself, I don't find this particularly offensive nor find it having that represents celebrating the mass slaughter of women. I find it to be a good term to use to represent HALLOWEEN as a whole along with the other badges.
If we're going to start going into cookie cutter mode to every single word, I could name a few other badges that should be changed because it could potentially offend somebody but that wouldn't be fair to the others who like that word and feel it represents whatever creation they've made for themselves now would it?
Quote:Ya better! :P((AHWS-SOME!
I will endeavor to finish my story in time for this. Really glad I'm gonna be able to take part in all this. I've really got to thank The Challengers and ERA for revitalizing my interest in RP. I hope everyone else will enjoy the event as much as I no doubt will.)) -
While I never had an iPad or iPhone or iAnything, I remember 1st through 3rd grade with the Apple computer in the room. We'd hog that little computer to print banners or do other things with it. Good ol' Macintosh... god I feel old.
RIP, man. -
You realize no matter what could have been done, it would have been laggy no matter what the devs would've done?
Don't get me wrong, I understand what you meant... but if you guys knew you weren't going to like it because of the event, maybe you shouldn't go to the next one. And compared to the ones I've seen years back, this looked loads more organized then the ones in the past.
And seriously, you can't change the way things are spawned. I mean, sorry you had a bad experience but... yeah. What more can you do there? -
I managed some! These're the best ones I got.
http://i769.photobucket.com/albums/x...3-21-33-23.jpg -
(( :O....
Note to self, Coldcrash is a sadist!
Kidding aside, awesome read. Been trying to catch up with all the stories and really enjoyed it! Can't wait to see more!)) -
((This is an on-going RP thread for potential new RPers coming in based off of the events of Galaxy City or an alternate character you've created based off of it. Or even a second wind of an old character, coming back due to freedom. Either way, feel free to post it up here and add what you wish!))
Miranda Knox never asked for any of this.
She was suppose to enjoy dinner with her parents after returning home from college. She planned to meet up with old friends and brag about graduating and her plans to get a small apartment somewhere in the Faultline. She was suppose to be partying, enjoying her last minutes of her youth before finding a job and becoming one of the latest people saved daily by Paragon's heroes.
Instead, she witnessed meteors striking Galaxy City and the apartment complex where her parents had lived all their lives. They never even knew what hit them... and then everything went down hill from there. With only a book her mother gave her as a simple graduation present, Miranda had managed to somehow fight past the Shivan creatures and to Longbow.
None of it ever made sense. Even as she had fought to survive, Miranda never knew how to throw a punch that hard in her life... right up until witnessing the carnage around her. She was even able to rescue a civilian or three along her way to safety.
"You could be one of them!" one of the civilians thanked her.
'One of them.'
A Hero.
Now all Miranda can do is sit in the hotel room, with the book wide open in her lap. It had been cut open from the inside with the real present inside. It was a check with more then enough money to help her get started, a letter with well wishes from her family and a startling revelation; She was adopted.
They weren't even her birth parents.
Miranda tightened her hands into fists, staring down at them in awe. Her very hands gave a strange, light blue glow as if it were something she had done all her life. How long did she have this? Was she born with it? Was she even human?
None of it made any sense.
Quietly, Miranda closed the book and stood up to her feet. She strolled to the dresser and set it down. She opened up the drawer with whatever clothing she could find in there. She gave a tiny grin.
"... Not the career I wanted, but..." Miranda grinned, "... guess I'll have to get used to it."
Thus, the Cosmic Glory took the streets the very next day.