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  1. Winx_Elusive


    Im going to be making a stone troller and wondering whether to take kinetics or empathy as secondary. would 1 of them be more useful than the other if i have a stone troller or not? I just need a couple of answers and ill be able to make it
  2. Oo Ok thanks for all the quick replies

    Now im not sure whether to choose ninja thugs or mercs lol after ive read a few posts your views on that please ?
  3. Well I'm making a Mercs MM but not sure which secondary to choose

    I already have lots of chars with DM so want to try something different, I will be PvE mostly and usually in teams if I can but I would like to be a tad good in PvP also but it doesnt matter that much

    So your wise words will be much appreciated

  4. Winx_Elusive

    EA or SR?

    sorry im a bit unknowledgeable whats TF/ET?
  5. Winx_Elusive

    EA or SR?

    Ok thanks and sorry forgot to mention ill be mostly playing in teams and will be playing in PvE as i rarely go in PvP
  6. Winx_Elusive

    EA or SR?

    so ive decided to go for MA but now i dont know which secondary to choose i want good defence so could anyone tell me which is better for defence but i would also like to not run out of end all the time too so which is better?

  7. Ok this is my problemo, i dont know whether to choose

    energy melee / energy aura
    Martial Arts / Super reflexes
    Martial Arts / Energy Aura

    i dont want ninjitsu because i already have a stalker with ninjitsu so want something tad different

    & any techniques or tips you could tell me to help me on my way to becoming a great stalker?

    As my other stalker went a tad wrong and even worse after my brother respeced it and just ruined everything

    Or just the best power combinations in your opinion? As i want this stalker to work

  8. I have a level 8 MM and its about the time to choose whether i should get stamina.

    I havent got any attack powers, and i dont think i want to get attack powers ill just let my zombies do it

    But do i still need stamina if i dont have any attack powers?
    I have /dark as my secondary
  9. i quite like dark, but im no know it all villain Mastermind person, im just bored
  10. Ok, so i just have to have a bit of a testy around thing to decide which is best I see ty
  11. Can zombies work with traps as a secondary power? i was wondering