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  1. I'm placing my money that Coralax is the winged AT. There are a number of words that start with C-O-R that derive their meanings from 'bird-like' or 'raven'.
  2. Apostle_NA

    Villain Emotes

    When Villains get together, you can always count on one thing: Villains pulling guns on each other. /em threaten should cause the player to draw a pistol and point it in the direction he is facing. "I say we hit the bank." "Yeah? Well I say your plan sucks!" em/ threaten "Do you see this Loki? This bastage just pulled a gun on me!" em/ threaten "Yeah, I see it Tony. Put your gun down" "Up yours! You put your gun down" em/ threaten "All of you put your guns down or I'll plug the lot of you!"

    Also, in CoV, /em boombox should set a bomb at the player's feet that detonates, leaving nothing to send to the hospital. Automatic character wipe. "Hey dudes! Just got level 14! Hello evil travel powers!! Let's celebrate!" /em boombox "DUDE, NOOO!!!" KABOOMBOX!!!
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Its almost to the point now where I have a hard time telling the differnece between real life and video games.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll bet you one hundred dollars that you can't superjump from the top of your house to the house across the street....