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  1. Not a problem, Happy Villainy!
  2. When you go in go in to a server, click on Create New, and it will pop up "Hero or Villain" chosing Villain puts you in "CoV"
  3. OMGASM!!

    I have had a hero sitting since level 1 waiting for weapon customization.

    Oh and since no one else has said it...

  4. Its actually a cluster of multiple servers that make up each server you see in the selection screen. Last published information I saw described 47 individual servers for each "Server" but by now I am sure it is more.
  5. The I7 Version

    [b] fullscreen [b] - Sets video mode to fullscreen.
    [b] maximize [b] - Maximizes the window.
    [b] disable2D [b] - Disables 2D sprite drawing.
    [b] screen [b] - "Sets X and Y screen dimensions. Should be constrained to 640x480,1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200, etc"
    [b] quit [b] - Quits game.
    [b] cmdlist [b] - Prints out all commands available.
    [b] bind [b] - Binds a key to a command - 'bind k ++forward' will set k to toggle running forward.
    [b] unbind [b] - "Unbinds a bound key (sets it to default). If the default action is not desired, use: /bind <keyname> ""nop"""
    [b] bind_load_file [b] - Reads a list of keybinds from a file.
    [b] bind_load [b] - Reads a list of keybinds from <INSTALL DIR>/keybinds.txt.
    [b] bind_save [b] - Saves all keybinds to <INSTALL DIR>/keybinds.txt.
    [b] bind_save_file [b] - Saves all keybinds to specified file.
    [b] netgraph [b] - Displays network connection information.
    [b] maxfps [b] - Limits max frames per second.
    [b] maxInactiveFps [b] - Limits max frames per second while the game is not in the foreground.
    [b] showfps [b] - "Show current framerate (1 = on, 0 = off)."
    [b] camdist [b] - Sets the distance in feet that the third person camera pulls back behind the player.
    [b] camreset [b] - Camreset is bound to the PageDown key (default) to reset the camera behind the player.
    [b] demorecord [b] - Record a demo to the given name
    [b] demostop [b] - Stop demo record/play
    [b] texAniso [b] - "Sets the amount of anisotropic filtering to use, reloads textures"
    [b] fsaa [b] - Sets the amount of full screen antialiasing
    [b] vis_scale [b] - Controls world detail 1.0=default
    [b] shaderDetail [b] - Changes the shader detail level
    [b] useHDR [b] - Use HDR lighting effects (Bloom/tonemapping) if available
    [b] useDOF [b] - Use Depth of Field effects if available
    [b] useBumpmaps [b] - Use bumpmaps
    [b] useFP [b] - Use a floating point render target for HDR lighting effects if available
    [b] useWater [b] - Use fancy water effects if available
    [b] noSunFlare [b] - Disables sun flare for performance debugging
    [b] renderScaleX [b] - Changes the horizontal scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
    [b] renderScaleY [b] - Changes the vertical scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
    [b] renderScale [b] - Changes the scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
    [b] renderSize [b] - Changes the size at which the 3D world is rendered
    [b] useRenderScale [b] - Enables/disables render scaling feature
    [b] renderScaleFilter [b] - Changes method of filtering used in renderscaling
    [b] bloomWeight [b] - "Sets bloom scale, valid values 0.0 - 2.0"
    [b] bloomScale [b] - "Sets bloom blur size, valid values of 2 or 4"
    [b] dofWeight [b] - "Sets DOF scale, valid values 0.0 - 2.0"
    [b] compatibleCursors [b] - Enables useage of basic Windows mouse cursors instead of graphical cursors (command line option)
    [b] shadowvol [b] - Controls whether or not shadow volumes are drawn.
    [b] ss [b] - Controls whether or not simple shadows are drawn.
    [b] follow [b] - "set follow mode, 1 = follow selected target, 0 = stop following"
    [b] stopinactivedisplay [b] - Stops rendering when the game is not the foreground application.
    [b] mouse_look [b] - Command key for mouselook
    [b] info [b] - Opens the info window for the current target (yourself if you have no target).
    [b] info_tab [b] - Opens the specified tab of the info window for the current target (yourself if you have no target).
    [b] info_self [b] - Opens the info window for yourself.
    [b] info_self_tab [b] - Opens the specified tab of the info window for yourself.
    [b] toggle_enemy [b] - Cycles through targetable enemies.
    [b] toggle_enemy_prev [b] - Cycles through targetable enemies (in reverse).
    [b] target_enemy_near [b] - Targets the nearest enemy.
    [b] target_enemy_far [b] - Targets the farthest enemy.
    [b] target_enemy_next [b] - Cycles through visible targetable enemies in near to far order.
    [b] target_enemy_prev [b] - Cycles through visible targetable enemies in far to near order.
    [b] target_friend_near [b] - Targets the nearest friend.
    [b] target_friend_far [b] - Targets the farthest friend.
    [b] target_friend_next [b] - Cycles through visible targetable friends in near to far order.
    [b] target_friend_prev [b] - Cycles through visible targetable friends in far to near order.
    [b] target_custom_near [b] - Targets the nearest match.
    enemy - Hostile enemies
    friend - Friendlies (including pets)
    defeated - 0 HP targets
    alive - Living targets
    mypet - Inlcude only your pets
    notmypet - Exclude your pets
    base - Include only passive base items
    notbase - Exlude passive base items
    teammate - Include only teammates
    notteammate - Exclude teammates
    Other token will be matched against name for specific targeting
    [b] target_custom_far [b] - Targets the farthest match.
    enemy - Hostile enemies
    friend - Friendlies (including pets)
    defeated - 0 HP targets
    alive - Living targets
    mypet - Inlcude only your pets
    notmypet - Exclude your pets
    base - Include only passive base items
    notbase - Exlude passive base items
    teammate - Include only teammates
    notteammate - Exclude teammates
    Other token will be matched against name for specific targeting
    [b] target_custom_next [b] - Cycles through matching targets in near to far order.
    enemy - Hostile enemies
    friend - Friendlies (including pets)
    defeated - 0 HP targets
    alive - Living targets
    mypet - Inlcude only your pets
    notmypet - Exclude your pets
    base - Include only passive base items
    notbase - Exlude passive base items
    teammate - Include only teammates
    notteammate - Exclude teammates
    Other token will be matched against name for specific targeting
    [b] target_custom_prev [b] - Cycles through matching targets in far to near order.
    enemy - Hostile enemies
    friend - Friendlies (including pets)
    defeated - 0 HP targets
    alive - Living targets
    mypet - Inlcude only your pets
    notmypet - Exclude your pets
    base - Include only passive base items
    notbase - Exlude passive base items
    teammate - Include only teammates
    notteammate - Exclude teammates
    Other token will be matched against name for specific targeting
    [b] unselect [b] - unselects currently selected thing
    [b] profiler_record [b] - Record client profiler information to specified file.
    [b] profiler_stop [b] - Stop recording profiler information.
    [b] reloadgfx [b] - unloads all textures (causing them to be reloaded dynamically)
    [b] texwordeditor [b] - edit the text layout for translatable textures
    [b] whereami [b] - Tells the name of the shard/map you are on.
    [b] loc [b] - Get current position.
    [b] getpos [b] - Get current position.
    [b] autoreply [b] - Start a reply for client.
    [b] cursorcache [b] - enable cursor cache for smoother cursor changes
    [b] ctm_toggle [b] - click-to-move toggle
    [b] clicktomove [b] - enables click-to-move
    [b] ctm [b] - enables click-to-move
    [b] beginchat [b] - Starts chat-entry mode with given string.
    [b] startchat [b] - Starts chat-entry mode.
    [b] slashchat [b] - Starts chat-entry mode with slash.
    [b] say [b] - Sends the given text on the current chat channel.
    [b] s [b] - Sends the given text on the current chat channel.
    [b] chat_set [b] - Sets the channel to the given string.
    [b] chat_cycle [b] - Cycles through the default chat channels.
    [b] hideprimarychat [b] - Hide/unhide primary chat window text messages.
    [b] tabtoggle [b] - Make the previously active chat tab the new active tab. Used to flip between two tabs.
    [b] tabnext [b] - Cycle forward through all chat tabs in indicated chat window (0-4)
    [b] tabprev [b] - Cycle backward through all chat tabs in indicated chat window (0-4)
    [b] tabglobalnext [b] - Cycle forward through all chat tabs in all windows. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
    [b] tabglobalprev [b] - Cycle backward through all chat tabs in all windows. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
    [b] tabselect [b] - Select the given chat tab. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
    [b] change_handle [b] - "Change your global user name, if allowed"
    Syntax: change_handle <HANDLE>
    [b] chan_create [b] - Create a new chat channel
    Syntax: chan_create <CHANNEL NAME>
    [b] chan_join [b] - Join an existing chat channel
    Syntax: chan_join <CHANNEL NAME>
    [b] chan_leave [b] - Leave a chat channel
    Syntax: chan_leave <CHANNEL NAME>
    [b] chan_invite_team [b] - Invite your entire team or taskforce to a chat channel
    Syntax: chan_invite_team <CHANNEL NAME>
    [b] chan_invite_gf [b] - Invite your entire global friends list to a chat channel
    Syntax: chan_invite_gf <CHANNEL NAME>
    [b] chan_user_mode [b] - Sets user permissions for specified user on channel.
    You must have operator status to set permissions.
    Syntax: chan_user_mode <CHANNEL NAME> <PLAYER_NAME> <OPTIONS...>
    Valid Options:
    " -join kicks user from channel"
    " +send / -send gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel"
    " +operator / -operator gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel"
    [b] chan_mode [b] - "Changes default access rights for new user who joins the channel. If you set -join, no one can join."
    Syntax: chan_mode <CHANNEL NAME> <OPTIONS...>Valid Options:
    " -join kicks user from channel"
    " +send / -send gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel"
    " +operator / -operator gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel"
    [b] chan_members [b] - List all members of channel
    Syntax: chan_members <CHANNEL NAME>
    [b] chan_motd [b] - "Set the channel's Message Of The Day, which is sent to everyone that joins the channel"
    Syntax: chan_motd <CHANNEL NAME> <MESSAGE>
    [b] chan_desc [b] - Set the channel's description
    Syntax: chan_desc <CHANNEL NAME> <DESCRIPTION>
    [b] watching [b] - List all channels that you belong to.
    [b] gfriends [b] - Display all members of your global friends list.
    [b] ghide [b] - Make yourself invisible to your global friends.
    [b] gunhide [b] - Make yourself visible to your global friends.
    [b] gignoring [b] - Lists the players on your global chat ignore list
    [b] myhandle [b] - Display your chat handle.
    [b] quickchat [b] - Pops up the quickchat menu.
    [b] window_resetall [b] - "Resets all window locations, sizes, and visibility to their defaults."
    [b] window_toggle [b] - "Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: toggle)"
    [b] toggle [b] - "Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: window_toggle)"
    [b] window_show [b] - Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: show)
    [b] show [b] - Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: window_show)
    [b] window_hide [b] - Forces the given window to be hidden. (Synonym: hide)
    [b] window_color [b] - Changes the window colors.
    [b] windowcolor [b] - Changes the window colors.
    [b] chat [b] - Toggles the chat window.
    [b] tray [b] - Toggles the tray window
    [b] target [b] - Toggles the target window.
    [b] nav [b] - Toggles the navigation window.
    [b] map [b] - Toggles the map window.
    [b] menu [b] - Toggles the menu.
    [b] chatoptions [b] - Toggles chat options for specified window (0-4)
    [b] petoptions [b] - Displays pet option context menu.
    [b] powers [b] - Toggles the power inventory.
    [b] alttray [b] - Toggle the secondary tray while a key is being pressed. (for keybinds)
    [b] alt2tray [b] - Toggle the secondary tray while a key is being pressed. (for keybinds)
    [b] alttraysticky [b] - Toggle the secondary tray.
    [b] tray_sticky [b] - Set the sticky-state of the specified tray.
    "Syntax: tray_sticky <SHOWING TRAY NUM> <0 for non sticky, sticky otherwise>"
    [b] tray_sticky_alt2 [b] - Toggle the sticky-state of the alt2 tray.
    [b] next_tray [b] - Go to next tray.
    [b] prev_tray [b] - Go to previous tray.
    [b] next_tray_alt [b] - Go to next secondary tray.
    [b] prev_tray_alt [b] - Go to previous secondary tray.
    [b] next_tray_alt2 [b] - Go to next tertiary tray.
    [b] prev_tray_alt2 [b] - Go to previous tertiary tray.
    [b] next_trays_tray [b] - Go to next trays tray slot.
    [b] prev_trays_tray [b] - Go to previous trays tray slot.
    [b] goto_tray [b] - Go to specified tray number.
    [b] goto_tray_alt [b] - Go to specified tray number.
    [b] goto_tray_alt2 [b] - Go to specified tray number.
    [b] goto_trays_tray [b] - Go to specified tray number in the specified tray.
    Syntax: goto_trays_tray <SHOWING TRAY NUM> <TRAY NUM between 1 and 10>
    [b] team_select [b] - Select Team member.
    [b] pet_select [b] - Select Pet.
    [b] pet_select_name [b] - Select Pet.
    [b] powexec_name [b] - Executes a power with the given name.
    [b] powexec_slot [b] - Executes the given power slot from the current tray.
    [b] powexec_toggleon [b] - "Toggles a given power on. If its already on, does nothing."
    [b] powexec_toggleoff [b] - "Toggles a given power off. If its already off, does nothing."
    [b] powexec_altslot [b] - Executes the given power slot from the alternate tray.
    [b] powexec_alt2slot [b] - Executes the given power slot from the second alternate tray.
    [b] powexec_tray [b] - Executes a power in the given tray and slot.
    [b] powexec_abort [b] - Cancels the auto-attack power and the queued power.
    [b] powexec_unqueue [b] - Cancels the queued power.
    [b] powexec_auto [b] - "Sets the auto-attack power to given named power (or blank to shut it off, or toggles if it's on already)."
    [b] inspirationSlot [b] - Activate an inspiration slot in the first row.
    [b] inspexec_slot [b] - Activate an inspiration slot in the first row.
    [b] inspexec_tray [b] - Activate an inspiration slot in the given row and column.
    [b] inspexec_name [b] - Activate an inspiration by name.
    [b] macro [b] - Add a macro to first empty slot.
    macro <name> <command
    [b] macroslot [b] - Add a macro to provided slot.
    macro <slot> <name> <command>
    [b] manage [b] - Go to the enhancement management screen
    [b] screenshot [b] - Save a .jpg format screenshot.
    [b] screenshottitle [b] - Save a .jpg format screenshot with the given title.
    [b] screenshottga [b] - Save a .tga format screenshot.
    [b] screenshotui [b] - "Enables or disables the ui for screenshots (1=ui on, 0=ui off)"
    [b] copychat [b] - Copy the entire chat history from specified chat Tab into the clipboard.
    [b] bug [b] - Report a bug. Enter a short description of any length.
    [b] release [b] - Activate medicom unit fot emergency medical transport.
    [b] petition [b] - "add user petition (stuck, cheated, etc) to the database"
    [b] cc [b] - Change costume.
    [b] costume_change [b] - Change costume.
    [b] window_scale [b] - Change a single window scale.
    [b] logchat [b] - Toggle chat logging
    [b] assist [b] - Change your current target to selected allies target.
    [b] assist_name [b] - Change your current target to a specified allies target.
    [b] target_name [b] - Change your current target to any entity matching name specified.
    [b] dialog_yes [b] - "Answer OK, Yes, or Accept to current dialog"
    [b] dialog_no [b] - "Answer OK, No, or Cancel to current dialog"
    [b] dialog_answer [b] - Answer dialog with button matching provided text
    [b] renderthread [b] -
    [b] norenderthread [b] -
    [b] e3screenshot [b] - Enables special e3 2004 screenshot mode
    [b] localtime [b] - Prints local time (on your computer)
    [b] autoperf [b] - Automatically change world detail for performance.
    [b] petcom [b] - Set the stance or action of current pet.
    "Syntax: petcom_name ""<pet name>"" <stance, action, or both>"
    [b] petcom_name [b] - Set the stance or action of a specific pet.
    "Syntax: petcom_name ""<pet name>"" <stance, action, or both>"
    [b] petcom_pow [b] - Set the stance or action of a all pets cast by power.
    "Syntax: petcom_name ""<power name>"" <stance, action, or both>"
    [b] petcom_all [b] - Set the stance or action of a specific pet.
    "Syntax: petcom_name <stance, action, or both>"
    [b] petsay [b] - Make your current pet say something or emote.
    [b] petsay_name [b] - Make the named pet say something or emote.
    [b] petsay_pow [b] - Make all pets created by given power say something or emote.
    [b] petsay_all [b] - Make the named pet say something or emote.
    [b] petrename [b] - Rename your current pet.
    [b] petrename_name [b] - Rename the named pet.
    [b] lightmapLODscale [b] - Set lightmap LOD scale
    [b] camturn [b] - Turn camera to match player
    [b] playerturn [b] - Turn player to match camera
    [b] face [b] - Turn player to face target
    [b] windowcloseextra [b] - "Leave fullscreen, close dialogs, and close non-essential windows"
    [b] gamereturn [b] - "Leave fullscreen, close dialogs, and close non-essential windows"
    [b] clearchat [b] - Clear all chat buffers
    [b] keybind_reset [b] - Reset keybinds.
    [b] unbind_all [b] - Reset keybinds.
    [b] ctstoggle [b] - Toggles the click to source display.
    [b] canlook [b] - Whether the player can use the mouse to look around.
    [b] camrotate [b] - Camrotate is bound to the PageUp key to allow controlled camera rotation around the player.
    [b] This [b] - command should not be invoked through the console.
    [b] forward_mouse [b] - Move forward. Enable autorun after 2 seconds.
    [b] forward [b] - Move forward.
    [b] backward [b] - Move backwards.
    [b] left [b] - Strafe left.
    [b] right [b] - Strafe right.
    [b] up [b] - Jump or fly up.
    [b] down [b] - Move down (if flying).
    [b] speed_turn [b] - Set the number of degrees for rotateleft/right
    [b] turnleft [b] - Rotate left a fixed number of degrees.
    [b] turnright [b] - Rotate right a fixed number of degrees.
    [b] zoomin [b] - Zoom camera in.
    [b] zoomout [b] - Zoom camera out.
    [b] lookup [b] - Pitch camera up.
    [b] lookdown [b] - Pitch camera down.
    [b] third [b] - Toggles between first and third person camera.
    [b] first [b] - Toggles between first and third person camera.
    [b] mouse_speed [b] - Scale factor for mouse look.
    [b] mouse_invert [b] - Invert meaning of mouseY for mouselook.
    [b] autorun [b] - Toggles autorun.
    [b] who [b] - get info on <player>
    [b] whoall [b] - Print who's on this map.
    [b] ignore [b] - Ignore User
    [b] unignore [b] - Unignore User
    [b] ignorelist [b] - Displays a list of ignored users
    [b] newspaper [b] - Open up the newspaper.
    [b] emaildelete [b] - Delete message <message num>
    [b] emailsend [b] - Send message <player names> <subject> <body>
    [b] stuck [b] - Try to get unstuck.
    [b] afk [b] - Marks the player as Away From Keyboard (with given message)
    [b] kiosk [b] - Pop up the kiosk info for the nearest kiosk. (Assuming you're close enough.)
    [b] nojumprepeat [b] - Disable jump auto-repeat
    [b] sgraid_window [b] - Set your supergroup raid window <daybits> <hour>
    [b] gignore [b] - Adds a player to your global chat ignore list
    Syntax: gignore <HANDLE>
    [b] gunignore [b] - Removes a player from your global chat ignore list
    Syntax: gunignore <HANDLE>
    [b] gfriend [b] - Add a player to your global friends list.
    [b] gunfriend [b] - Remove a player from your global friends list.
    [b] chan_invite [b] - Invite player or chat handle to a chat channel
    Syntax: chan_invite <CHANNEL NAME> <USER NAME>
    [b] ginvite [b] - Invite player or chat handle to a chat channel
    Syntax: ginvite <CHANNEL NAME> <USER NAME>
    [b] chan_invite_sg [b] - Invite your entire supergroup to a chat channel. Only leaders may use this command.
    You must specify the minimum rank to invite:
    "0 - invite entire supergroup (members, captains and leaders)"
    1 - invite captains and leaders only 2 - invite leaders only
    Syntax: chan_invite_sg <CHANNEL NAME> <RANK>
    [b] ginvite_sg [b] - Invite your entire supergroup to a chat channel. Only leaders may use this command.
    You must specify the minimum rank to invite:
    "0 - invite entire supergroup (members, captains and leaders)"
    1 - invite captains and leaders only 2 - invite leaders only
    Syntax: ginvite_sg <CHANNEL NAME> <RANK>
    [b] chan_send [b] - Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send priviledges.
    "(alias is ""/send"")"
    Syntax: chan_send <CHANNEL NAME> <MESSAGE>
    [b] send [b] - Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send priviledges
    Syntax: send <CHANNEL NAME> <MESSAGE>
    [b] respec [b] - Go to respec screen if you have recieved a free holiday respec
    [b] getarenastats [b] - Get your arena stats.
    [b] servertime [b] - Print the current server time
    [b] show_petnames [b] - Displays the names of all your named pets
    [b] clear_petnames [b] - Clear the names of all your named pets
    [b] release_pets [b] - Release your current pets
    [b] tell [b] - Send a message to only one player.
    [b] t [b] - Send a message to only one player.
    [b] private [b] - Send a message to only one player.
    [b] p [b] - Send a message to only one player.
    [b] whisper [b] - Send a message to only one player.
    [b] friendlist [b] - Display friend list.
    [b] fl [b] - Display friend list.
    [b] group [b] - Send message to group channel.
    [b] g [b] - Send message to group channel.
    [b] team [b] - Send message to group channel.
    [b] yell [b] - Send message to entire map.
    [b] y [b] - Send message to entire map.
    [b] broadcast [b] - Send message to entire map.
    [b] b [b] - Send message to entire map.
    [b] r [b] - Reply to last person that sent you a tell.
    [b] reply [b] - Reply to last person that sent you a tell.
    [b] say [b] - Send message to your area.
    [b] local [b] - Send message to your area.
    [b] l [b] - Send message to your area.
    [b] s [b] - Send message to your area.
    [b] request [b] - Send message to request channel.
    [b] req [b] - Send message to request channel.
    [b] sell [b] - Send message to request channel.
    [b] auction [b] - Send message to request channel.
    [b] supergroup [b] - Send message to super group channel.
    [b] sg [b] - Send message to super group channel.
    [b] coalition [b] - Send message to coalition channel.
    [b] c [b] - Send message to coalition channel.
    [b] ac [b] - Arena chat channel
    [b] arena [b] - Arena chat channel
    [b] h [b] - Help/guide chat channel
    [b] help [b] - Help/guide chat channel
    [b] guide [b] - Help/guide chat channel
    [b] e [b] - Emotes a text string.
    [b] me [b] - Emotes a text string.
    [b] em [b] - Emotes a text string.
    [b] emote [b] - Emotes a text string.
    [b] friend [b] - Add player to friend list.
    [b] f [b] - Talk to friends channel.
    [b] estrange [b] - Remove player from friend list.
    [b] unfriend [b] - Remove player from friend list.
    [b] sidekick [b] - Invite player to be your sidekick.
    [b] sk [b] - Invite player to be your sidekick.
    [b] lk [b] - Invite player to be your lackey.
    [b] lackey [b] - Invite player to be your lackey.
    [b] unsk [b] - No longer mentor (or be a sidekick).
    [b] unsidekick [b] - No longer mentor (or be a sidekick).
    [b] unlk [b] - No longer be a lackey.
    [b] unlackey [b] - No longer be a lackey.
    [b] exemplar [b] - Invite player to be your exemplar.
    [b] ex [b] - Invite player to be your exemplar.
    [b] malefactor [b] - Invite player to be your malefactor.
    [b] mal [b] - Invite player to be your malefactor.
    [b] rsk [b] - Invite player to be your exemplar.
    [b] unexemplar [b] - No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar).
    [b] unex [b] - No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar).
    [b] unrsk [b] - No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar).
    [b] unmal [b] - No longer be an a malefactor.
    [b] unmalefactor [b] - No longer be an a malefactor.
    [b] invite [b] - Invite player to join team.
    [b] i [b] - Invite player to join team.
    [b] kick [b] - Kick player from team.
    [b] k [b] - Kick player from team.
    [b] leaveTeam [b] - Leave your current team up.
    [b] lfg [b] - Toggle looking for group status.
    [b] lfgset [b] - Set looking for group status
    [b] buffs [b] - Toggle team buff display.
    [b] makeleader [b] - Change the team leader.
    [b] ml [b] - Change the team leader.
    [b] sginvite [b] - Invite player to join supergroup.
    [b] sgi [b] - Invite player to join supergroup.
    [b] sgkick [b] - Kick player from supergroup.
    [b] sgk [b] - Kick player from supergroup.
    [b] sgleave [b] - Leave your current supergroup.
    [b] sgstats [b] - Display supergroup info in chat window.
    [b] promote [b] - Promote supergroup member one rank.
    [b] demote [b] - Demote supergroup member one rank.
    [b] nameLeader [b] - Renames the 'Leader' supergroup rank.
    [b] nameOverlord [b] - Renames the 'Overlord' supergroup rank.
    [b] nameCommander [b] - Renames the 'Commander' supergroup rank.
    [b] nameRingleader [b] - Renames the 'Ringleader' supergroup rank.
    [b] nameCaptain [b] - Renames the 'Captain' supergroup rank.
    [b] nameTaskmaster [b] - Renames the 'TaskMaster' supergroup rank.
    [b] nameLieutenant [b] - Renames the 'Lieutenant' supergroup rank.
    [b] nameEnforcer [b] - Renames the 'Enforcer' supergroup rank.
    [b] nameMember [b] - Renames the 'Member' supergroup rank.
    [b] nameFlunky [b] - Renames the 'Flunky' supergroup rank.
    [b] sgSetMOTD [b] - Sets supergroup MOTD.
    [b] sgSetMotto [b] - Sets supergroup motto.
    [b] sgSetDescription [b] - Sets supergroup description.
    [b] sgSetDemoteTimeout [b] - Sets supergroup demote timeout.
    [b] sgmode [b] - Toggle supergroup mode.
    [b] sgmodeset [b] - Setsupergroup mode.
    [b] coalition_invite [b] - Invite player's supergroup to join coalition.
    [b] ci [b] - Invite player's supergroup to join coalition.
    [b] coalition_cancel [b] - Cancel coalition with a supergroup.
    [b] coalition_sg_mintalk [b] - rank Set the minimum rank of members of your Supergroup who can use coalition chat.
    [b] coalition_mintalkran [b] - k Set the minimum rank of members of a coalition Supergroup who your Supergroup can hear.
    [b] coalition_nosend [b] - Stop your Supergroup from sending coalition chat to an ally Supergroup.
    [b] trade [b] - Invite player to trade.
    [b] costume_change [b] - Change current costume.
    [b] cc [b] - Change current costume.
    [b] hide [b] - Hide from other users.
    [b] unhide [b] - Stop hiding from other users.
    [b] search [b] - Find a player.
    [b] sea [b] - Find a player.
    [b] findmember [b] - Find a player.
    [b] get_comment [b] - Get search comment.
    [b] comment [b] - Set search comment.
    [b] arenainvite [b] - Invite player to join your arena event.
    [b] ai [b] - Invite player to join your arena event.
    [b] sgraid_invite [b] - Invite player's supergroup to an instant raid.
    [b] raid_invite [b] - Invite player's supergroup to an instant raid.
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    There are people in my house related to me?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Of course there are, if CuppaCam ( is to be belived. There's Dad Mo Jo, and Mom Flo Jo, and slacker brother PotO'Jo.

    You laugh now, but wait till its picked up to be a new sitcom on Fox, then no one will be laughing!
  7. Have server outages got you down? Don't know what to do with yourself? Here are some helpful tips from Super Happy Fun Time Labs:

    <ul type="square"> Things to do during outages[*] Go talk to those people in your house that say they are related to you.[*] Give the dog a chance to something he has been begging you do for the last 3 hours since the servers have been up[*] Build a three hour macro to take care of the things you want to do when the server comes up.[*] Try repeating yourself[*] Try repeating yourself[*] After you have finished repeating yourself, look up redundancy in the dictionary[*] Load the Server status page while humming Kool and the Gangs hit song (re)Fresh[*] Fragment and Defrag your CoH installation[*] Publish new reasons on why 06/06/06 should be feared[*] Take all your screenshots and put them in a power point slide show, it will be like playing, only easier[*] Look up redundancy in the dictionary again[*] See if you can get the perfect timing of the server status page loading, and pressing refresh.[*] Make really stupid posts on the forums.[/list]
  8. Yeah when they move things around it breaks all the links. I will have to reformat this post and put it back up since there is no edit after a certain while.
  9. Matter of fact, if you log on with the other account, it boots you off the first one (Two Accounts with Two PC's, but always screwing things up)
  10. Welcome to the Forums!

    I will see about relinking the posts, seems like the main one, the Guide to Guides ain't where it used ta be.

    The thing you mention in the options doesnt refer to an actual HTTP type page, it is more towards what others see when they select "Info" on you. You can hide certain pieces of information from that page if you would like.

    If you would like to show your friends your heroes, may I recommend taking some screen shots and posting them? There are a few image hosters out there, that way you can show off with pride
  11. Sorry about that, I had planned to add some of the ones I had seen when i wrote the post, but after a couple days of searching, I found that they fell victim to forum maintainence and there was no way for me to go back and edit. There are a couple in the guide to guides, but not much on the 24-33 respec. My best advice to you would be to get the Shield generators first and early. Since you can have instances where two or more overlap and all you can do is get hit. Watch out for the AoE as well, since you will be seeing a lot of it come your way.
  12. Sorry, didn't realize it had broke. Maybe one of those "Maintainence Periods" got to it. Let me post it again;

    The Guide to Guides a great resource for all information CoH.
  13. Mr Zapp,

    I am happy to help, but you really should try using the Guide to Guides as your first reference source. If you go there, and do a find (CTRL+F) and type in ScreenShots, about your second selection down you will find that there is a whole section on Screen Shots in the Guide to Guides Then from there you can open The Complete Idiot's Guide to Taking, Modifying and Posting Screenshots which will answer your questions.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    If you have to reinstall ALL of CoH how long would it take INCLUDING I4?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well that depends on how fast of a connection you have, and whether you are using the CD or the DVD to install. Your CD Speed and Computer speed also come into play, but the biggest element will your network speed. If you use the DVD you do not have to install Issue 1 or Issue 2, as they are on the disk. To give you an idea how long it will take to download I3 (approximately 150mb) and I4 (45mb) see the following chart:

    Issue 3 Download
    56kb (dial up) -
    349 mins
    1MB (cable or dsl) - 19mins

    Issue 4 Download
    56kb (dial up) -
    1MB (cable or dsl) - 6mins

    Then they all have to be applied in turn. So best case scenario, you are looking at 30mins, worst case 8+ hours, and that doesnt count Issue 1 or Issue 2.
  15. Well it looks like there is a free respec with this update. So for those of you who have respec questions about the free respec, the information in here about the previous respec also applies.

    Some other notes;

    If you had kept your free respec from I3, this new respec overwrote it. For more information see the official post.
  16. Update: Setting Badge Title
    Looks like the command is borked, going to PM a dev and see if I can't get some clarification.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Targeting Drone is an awful power for costume changing. All that happens is that a little floaty drone appears around you. That's it. No flashy graphic.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A wise man once said "Its not the way you hold your pencil that matters, its how you sign your name that counts" Targeting drone will work as its not a targeted power, and if you are doing it with a good costume, like say civvies to battle dress, then it may look sharp. Though this is all opinion anyway, so if you don't like it, dont use it.
  18. There have been a lot of questions about costume change binds. While the Guide to Guides has many, many, great guides for binding, I have created this guide to target this one specific area that gathers a lot of attention.

    Here is a basic template for a costume change bind set:

    [ "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 0"
    shift+[ "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 1"
    ] "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 2"
    Shift+ ] "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 3"

    Take this text and paste it into a text file or you can take each line and put a /bind command in front of it. Replace the "This is what I say when I change my costume" with text of your choice or even a $battlecry flag. After each of the powexec_names you will need to have a power

    Some Samples by AT

    [ "powexec_name Aim$$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 0"
    shift+[ "powexec_name Build Up$$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 1"
    ] "powexec_name Aim$$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 2"
    Shift+ ] "powexec_name Build Up$$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 3"

    Other good powers for costume changes*; Nova, Inferno, Targeting Drone, Lightning Field, Lightning Clap, Power Sink, Conserve Power, Power Boost, Boost Range, Combustion, Fire Sword Circle, Blazing Aura, Consume, Burn, Hot Feet, Chilling Embrace, Ice Patch, Frozen Aura

    [ "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 0"
    shift+[ "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 1"
    ] "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 2"
    Shift+ ] "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 3"

    Other good powers for costume changes*; Hot Feet, Arctic Air, Glacier, Flash, Healing Aura, Recovery Aura, Regeneration Aura, Personal Force Field, Dispersion Bubble, Repulsion Field, Force Bubble, Repel, Inertial Reduction, Radiant Aura, Accelerate Metabolism, Choking Cloud, EM Pulse, Steamy Mist, Hurricane,

    [ "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 0"
    shift+[ "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 1"
    ] "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 2"
    Shift+ ] "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 3"

    Other good powers for costume changes*; Healing Aura, Recovery Aura, Regeneration Aura, Personal Force Field, Dispersion Bubble, Repulsion Field, Force Bubble, Repel, Inertial Reduction, Radiant Aura, Accelerate Metabolism, Choking Cloud, EM Pulse, Steamy Mist, Hurricane, Shadow Fall, Blackstar, Aim, Nova, Irradiate, Atomic Blast

    [ "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 0"
    shift+[ "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 1"
    ] "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 2"
    Shift+ ] "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 3"

    Other good powers for costume changes*; Build Up, Spin, Shockwave, Dark Consumption, Soul Drain, Focus Chi, Spine Burst, Quills, Dark Embrace, Death Shroud, Murky Cloud, Obsidian Shield, Cloak of Darkness, Cloak of Fear, Temporary Invulnerability, Dull Pain, Unyielding, Invincibility, Unstoppable, Integration, Instant Healing, Moment of Glory, Focused Fighting, Focus Senses, Practiced Brawler, Evasion, Elude,

    [ "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 0"
    shift+[ "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 1"
    ] "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 2"
    Shift+ ] "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 3"

    Other good powers for costume changes*; Blazing Aura, Fire Shield, Healing Flames, Consume, Plasma Shield, Burn, Fiery Embrace, Frozen Armor, Hoarfrost, Chilling Embrace, Wet Ice, Icicles, Glacial Armor, Energy Absorption, Hibernate, Temporary Invulnerability, Dull Pain, Unyielding, Invincibility, Unstoppable, Rock Armor, Earth's Embrace, Mud Pots, Rooted, Brimstone Armor, Crystal Armor, Mineral Armor, Granite Armor, Build Up, Whirling Axe, Whirling Hands, Fire Sword Circle, Tremor, Hand Clap, Foot Stomp, Whirling Mace,

    Kheldian (Coming Soon)
    [ "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 0"
    shift+[ "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 1"
    ] "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 2"
    Shift+ ] "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 3"

    Other good powers for costume changes*;

    * I have not had a chance to test all of these powers, many of them were selected based off the fact that they are non targeted powers. If they do not work as advertised, please update this thread with your findings

    Some other tips:

    Supergroup Settings
    If you have a costume you use for Supergroup exclusively and want to change the costume and kick yourself over to supergroup mode you can do it as part of these binds

    ] "powexec_name Aim$$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 2$$sgmodeset 1"

    you can also modify the other binds to turn off SuperGroup mode

    [ "powexec_name Aim$$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 0$$sgmodeset 0"
    shift+[ "powexec_name Build Up$$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 1$$sgmodeset 0"
    Shift+ ] "powexec_name Build Up$$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 3$$sgmodeset 0"

    Setting Your Badge Title
    Sometimes you may want to tie a particular badge to a costume like if you had a Doctor/Nurse Uniform, and when you are in this costume you want your badge title to be "Medic" you can do this as well.

    [ "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 0$$set_title Medic"
    shift+[ "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 1$$set_title Isolator"
    ] "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 2$$set_title Damned"
    Shift+ ] "powexec_name $$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 3$$set_title Nimble Mynx"

    Costume Changes with Inspirations
    You don't have to use a power when you change your costume for effects, you could if you wanted use inspirations instead. an example of this would be:
    [ "inspexec_name Catch a Breath$$l This is what I say when I change my costume$$cc 0"

    If you have any examples of what you use for costume binds please post them here. If you have questions about Costume Binds for a particular power set and would like an example, you can either post here, or feel free to send me a PM.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Very nice list, but I didn't seen any epic powers for my Tanker set, can't remember what it's called but it's all invulnerability stuff. I'm gaining on lvl 33 pretty quick and want to get this stuff lined up.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There isn't a one for one equivilent Epic/Ancillary Power Pool for each Power Set in the Arch-Type. This was a complaint of many of the AT's but there has been no indication by the Dev's that more APP's are on the way. So what you see listed is what is available to you.
  20. Just FYI, for anyone else who wants to do the same; You don't have to reply to a post in order to add to favorites. There is a link in the bottom left corner that says Favorite Thread! (toggle) and if you click it, it adds to favorites that way. Just thought I would pass it along.