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  1. How can you keep doing this to me?! My favorites list cannot take it any more Captain! She's going to blow!
  2. I thought you had to pay for Open Canvas? There's a free version?
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I just thought I'd share with everyone my favorites list. I've found a lot of really nice artists and maybe there might be something amongst the many images I have set as favorites a little something you may not have seen before. I hope that by sorting through my favorites you can find something new and something you like.

    Personamorpher's favorites on deviantART

    It's going to be a real pain when I create a new dA account to go with my new identity (when I finally discover what it's going to be) to have to copy all of my favorites over again, and add people to my watch list. I guess that's what I get for being messed in the head.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've added more favorites. More, much more. I have to be careful and not break deviantART with my favorites list.

  4. Ack! dA is in maintenance mode.
  5. _Story_

    Newish Shia art

    My favorites list will soon encompass all of the world!
  6. What is with you people?! It's not all about the boobs! Women have many other wonderful qualities as well.
  7. Dangit! Now I'm going to have to go through all of these favorite lists and +favorite and +watch all the ones I like. I haven't even done that with all of the artists I've already +favorite and +watch. If I ever attempt that I think I'll have over half of deviantART on my lists!

  8. My watch list is getting so big it's kind of scary!

  9. I figure that it's the least that I can do since I haven't been very active in the community lately. Too much real life stuff going on to really be involved. I hope to get things going again, but between the game and real life I nearly burned myself out on this game for good so I'm going to be taking a bit of a break. I'll be back though, so no worries. My account will remain active as well, even if I won't be. I also plan on checking in on the forums as well every now and again, but I don't know if I'll be posting much. I want to have something positive to contribute to this community, so until I have something good to contribute I don't want to waste anyone's time with trivial things, or even worse bring people into my negative space.
  10. I just thought I'd share with everyone my favorites list. I've found a lot of really nice artists and maybe there might be something amongst the many images I have set as favorites a little something you may not have seen before. I hope that by sorting through my favorites you can find something new and something you like.

    Personamorpher's favorites on deviantART

    It's going to be a real pain when I create a new dA account to go with my new identity (when I finally discover what it's going to be) to have to copy all of my favorites over again, and add people to my watch list. I guess that's what I get for being messed in the head.
  11. I see I'm not the only one who needs to take a break right now.
  12. No. I didn't know there was a Less Than Human on dA. I may want to change my name again because of that. While Personamorpher was unique (I was the only one on the internet with the name, do a search and see) the name felt more like an insult or a negative label of sorts the way many people used it and I couldn't stand using it anymore because of that. Everyone is okay with my behavior when my mood is good, but when I become stressed out or depressed it seems that the majority of people do not want anything to do with me and I end up being treated as if I was less than human or as if I was a monster of sorts.

    My behavior can be very erratic and unpredictable in these situations, especially when I'm feeling like I am being ignored or abandoned. I try my best to curb my negative behaviors in these situations but it seems next to impossible. I've decided that it may be best to avoid any social contact during these times, if not altogether. I hate being lonely but I dislike making others uncomfortable and even more so I dislike being abandoned by people I thought were my friends when things get rough for me because my behavior becomes a bit strange.

    This is probably more of an explanation than anyone wants or cares for, but one of my biggest irritants is being misunderstood. Anyway, now that all of this has been said, I may have to check out the Less Than Human that resides on deviantART as my curiousity has been piqued. I also just wanted to know if anyone was still interested in this thread. I want to start up a new dA account under a different name and get a paid subscription so that I can use all of these cool features.
  13. Has this thread been updated recently?
  14. Okay, I didn't have a chance to try this out yet because I was called in to work over the weekend. I'm updating this thread to keep it past the forum maintenance. This way when I get around to testing out the above suggestions I can post feedback with regards to my success or failure and any further help I may need.
  15. I got caught up with a ton of real life stuff for a while and only started recently to begin playing regularly again with my main group of in-game friends. I'm working myself back into playing more with the art crowd here again as things permit. I did get to play with Alex a while ago, so that was good.
  16. I have to be very careful with dA. I can get lost in dA and forget things like eating, sleeping and so on. It's even worse since I switched from Internet Explorer to Firefox (although much less frustrating) as Firefox doesn't crash on me all the time while I'm on dA like IE does and I can keep browsing for hours.
  17. I'll have to give this a try and see how well this works. The hard part is going to be getting all the costumes from my 126 characters, plus previous costumes recorded on old demorecords. Some of these don't seem to have any costume info which is odd. I'm not sure how to extract costumes using Zloth's demoedit program either. Anyway, I'll be back with some updates after I try this out.
  18. Thanks for the help. Now all I need are the rotating camera (or character) and how I can extract character costume information (and where to find that information if I have to do it manually).
  19. There's something I've wanted to do for a while now and that is to create a gallery of images of all of my characters and all their costumes. I've wanted to use my demorecords to create some simple demoedits that I can use to create demodumps from. They would basically show one character in a well lit area and then have them rotate (or the camera rotates around them). I could take the screenshots created from the demodumps and use them to create animated GIFs of every character in each of their costumes. I could also create a static image that shows the character from the front, back and both sides.

    So how far have I gotten in this endeavor? Not very far at all. I'm still stuck with a ton of demorecords and no clue how to extract the costumes and no clue as to how to create the simple demo with which to insert them into. I've sent some PMs to a few people with requests for help, but without any success. I was wondering if someone from the forums here might be able to provide me with some help.
  20. I gave up after the program couldn't find any of the images I set into all of the panels the second time I loaded it up. The font selection in the program is pretty poor as well. I think the only real thing I liked about the program is setting up the chat bubbles was relatively easy. In the end I decided that working with the program wasn't worth the frustration. I wasn't likely to win the contest anyway, so why bother?

    I haven't even been playing the game all that much anymore and have been spending my time instead watching anime. So if anyone in the Envisionaries is wondering where Personamorphess has gone off to, now you know. I haven't been able to enjoy the game for a while. It's probably from all the stress I've been under lately. It seems like it will never end.

    Anyway, hopefully I can get back into the swing of things. Maybe with Issue 9s release things might get interesting again. If not then I'll have to start taking demorecords and screenshots of all my characters before I leave the game. I'm hoping that things get intereseting again. I want to stay. In the meantime I'm just trying to hang in there.

    Ah well, it's too bad about this contest. I'm a no show yet again. I feel so unproductive.
  21. Nice. Too bad I've sort of dropped off the face of the earth.
  22. I feel sorry for anything that was ranked under Auto Assault.