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  1. Did you delete your original 50?

    That's very weird...

    "The One"
  2. AlienOne

    Kheld Videos

    I'm actually sitting here working on the promo video right now... I'm naming all the subclips and determining which clips go in and which don't... I'm also trying to time a lot of it to the music, and add some fast-to-slow and slow-to-fast motion effects for an even higher "cool" factor...

    From what it looks like (I take breaks to do TFs and team up with my coalition mates), I should be done with the promo video by Sunday evening, and I hope to post a link to it by Monday morning/afternoon, barring any "technical difficulties"...

    Hope everyone likes it! Ok, back to editing....

    "The One"
  3. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Hehe, good one.... Just tried it out tonight on a Sara Moore TF... Worked like a charm on Nemesis guys, but I had to start holding off on using it on the Rularu, because I kept getting hit with "only affecting self"... I guess they didn't care for the "provoking" too much... :P

    "The One"
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
    I think they just see your avatar and it drives them into a blood rage.
    Ah, ok... Well, that's a perfectly reasonable argument. You got me there.

    "The One"
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post

    "The One"
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dersk View Post
    I take it that this is how someone roleplays a spaz?
    Now THAT is some good stuff. Captured the spirit of "spazzicity" perfectly!

    "The One"
  7. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Just did a respec on him yesterday to change one "team help" power (to act more on the "pre-emptive" side)... Can you guess what it is?

    "The One"
  8. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Very informative and accurate post. I could agree with that.

    Thanks for your input.

    "The One"

    Yay! I'm back on my primary account... It had lapsed in payment for a day or two, so I wan havin' to post via my 2nd account (thus, AlienTwo..haha)
  9. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    Now those latter responses were MUCH more helpful...

    Diran, I'm in the middle of putting together a "So, you want to play an all-Human form Warshade?" guide (with videos and everything), and I'll be posting that as soon as "humanly" (har, har) possible...

    "The One"
    Just wanted to give a quick update that the guide is about 75% done now (still got to do the videos), and the Mid's build is already put together... Didn't want to create a whole new thread for it, so I figured I'd post an update here, since there has already been several requests for my human-form build on YouTube, in these forums, and in-game from people who have teamed with me while I was on him.

    Here's a pic of his set bonuses... The guide is coming soon!

    "The One"
  10. I didn't say I was.... I said I should "at the very least be on the last page" and that people were slacking with giving me bad rep.

    Does anyone ever actually read my posts before going "OMFGALIENPOSTEDKILLHIM!"?

    "The One"
  11. I'm lovin' it!

    C'mon, people, you're slackin'! I should at the very LEAST be on the last page of that "sort by rep," if not in the last position.... Let's get a move on!

    "The One"
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    Check the current forum userlist available here to make sure that your choices are available before emailing us. Names infringing Intellectual Property laws or Copyrights will not be considered valid choices.
    Avatea... You DO realize that's over a thousand pages to peruse, right?


    "The One"
  13. You're a funny guy, Obsidian. Thanks for the entertainment!

    I don't even have to think for half a second for a powerset/AT who couldn't function as well taking full aggro on an 8-man mob, if a F/K has only pulled off 2 powers, including AVOIDING Flashfire. There are others who could, so I'm not saying "no one can," but you're seriously saying that the entire "power of a f/k" lies in FS and Fire Cages? C'mon, man... You're arguments are deteriorating quickly... FS is a lot of it, yes, but there's a lot more to a f/k than just FS. Any f/k will tell you that.

    In fact, I could have stated I could accomplish the same thing without the f/k (though not nearly as fast--It'd be a few seconds slower), which I can (yes, team scaled to 8)... But, that wasn't the aim of the statement. The aim of the statement was to say that I've usually got the group down (except for the 2 bosses in an 8-man mob) before the f/k has a chance to pull off a 3rd power....which, umm...yeah.... shows off the power of a f/k...sure. I should get some of my f/k friends to post how fast they've been able to take down 8-man mobs with just FS and Fire Cages--nothing else. I'm sure you'd see some pretty laughable numbers there.

    I've gotta use that statement "you're not tanking, you're aggroing" with my friends and then clock how long the continuous stream of laughter goes, and post those "numbers".... In fact, that's pretty quote-worthy! Gratz!

    Even a tri-former would have to start in human-form with a fully-slotted Gravity Well and Unchain Essence to match the numbers for the seconds it took to take thoses minions/LTs down. Heck, if you started your attacks in nova form (after an eclipse) and stayed in the middle of the group for a full FS hit, and then flew back for nova attacks, that'd still take you longer to take the mob down time-wise, even though nova's damage is *superior*... My statement wasn't on "damage numbers"... It was on "time," which, I guess does say a little bit about how much damage you can do in human-form before even switching to any other form.

    But, you're exactly right... Totally unfounded statements FTW! haha!

    Lovin' it.

    "The One"
  14. As far as I know... I keep checking every day... :P And, I'm still workin' on the video... I'm hoping to have some sort of a "semblance" of a completed video by the end of this weekend.

    "The One"
  15. Just checked it out.... Some excellent stuff in there, and would make amazing additions to what we already have, and allow for even more customization... Love it! I especially liked the "energy body" stuff.... Reminds me of TRON.

    "The One"
  16. There's so far no expected release date for DCUO, because they're still in alpha testing. There's no "beta." I played it at Comic-Con, and even there, it was freezing up for some people during the 1-level demos and PvP... They're not even CLOSE to thinking about a beta right now. They just wanted to create a buzz for the game early on, while there was a buzz already going on about "comic book MMOs."

    Expect some major changes in that game before it ever hits beta. In fact, I fully expect it to make another appearance at next year's Comic-Con without having been released yet.

    "The One"
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rainbow_Avenger View Post
    Then I mutter about the trouble with in-laws.

    "The One"
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
    Well, while I look for Mezzers (and more avidly when soloing), I don't really play that cautiously, esp. on teams. In fact, I play my Human Only almost exactly like I would a Scrapper. I charge in with them, right on the tank's A$$. I'll take Alphas if there's no tank. A High level Kheld on a large team; we're too powerful to lay back haha.

    Not to say I don't use *any* strategy on large teams. I do try to position to avoid too much KB grief, and I consider it my job to take out the Kheldian foes (Vs,Qs, and Cysts...esp. Cysts) and if I don't warn the team of a cyst before we bump into it, I feel a keen since of failure. Other than that, I run around bashing and blasting things (although I will try to get large groups in AoE positioning). I've gotten into PB-Lock more than once
    That is AWESOME. Almost exactly to a "t" how I play... I have a bind that warns the team there's a cyst/quant/void in the mob even before they know there's a mob there (yeah, I'm an aggresive player)... Most of the time, I'll have my "nemesis" taken down before any other team member can even target them, which has caused some teammates to type "Are you SURE there was a void? 'Cause I don't see one..." However, I still think it's a good thing to warn them, if for unforseen reason I'm not able to get to the enemy, then my teammates are warned ahead of time.

    A lot of times, my good friends who enjoy their tanking get a bit frustrated that I'm continually "leading the charge," as it were (I'm not afraid of dying, even when running into a full 8-man mob of all 54 bosses--yeah, I've even tested that before with my Human-form WS)--they've admitted later, however, that they liked the "ballz to the wall" pace I set, especially when it comes to task forces... No tank I've ever teamed with has ever complained about KB, because my friends are 'trollers, and we've played together so long that we actually time our attack chains with the other to compliment eachother. For example, if my friend's on a f/k, their "usual" attack sequence is to Flashfire for the stun, hit Fire Cages, then run in and pop a Fulcrum Shift, possibly Fire Cage again, and then wear the mob down with the rest of their attack chains... When I'm on the team with either of my human-form WSs, they switch up their attack chain. It usually starts out with me rushing in for an Eclipse... As I'm pulling an Eclipse, they're hitting Fulcrum Shift, quickly followed by Fire Cages. They no longer worry about Flashfire, as I can pretty much stun most of them with Inky Aspect coupled with Unchain Essence, and I've got the one's who aren't stunned aggro'd already (how's that for "tanking?" hehe--hey, now, try not to get all "offended" by that statement)... They can usually pull off just FS and Fire Cages and *possibly* one other power (depending on the situation) before I have all but the 2 bosses down already.

    Yeah... Human form doesn't do well, I know.

    "The One"
  19. You know... I just thought of something... The "numbers guys" might be a little more helpful at this, but I would think that building for some set bonus defenses would be quite helpful for getting somewhat "protected" from getting held. If their powers are missing you, then you're not getting held! I'm not sure which defense you'd have to build for though, as some enemies have different types of holds... For example, a CoT Death Mage might have a single-target ranged hold, whereas a Rikti might have some sort of cone-shaped or AoE mez.... I'm not an expert on every enemy power in the game, so definitely don't take my word on this... I'm just saying that maybe you should look into building for defense as well, because that may help your "overal" human-form build playstyle that you choose to play.

    "The One"
  20. Your first option, according to any tri-former, will be to just take Dwarf form. So, I'll go ahead and be the first to put that out there. Dwarf will protect you from pretty much any immob, hold, stun, confuse, fear, ect.

    However, if you're trying to remain a human-form PB (I have one myself), then I would suggest two things: First, bring plenty of break-frees. Normally on my Khelds, I have about 3 on me at all times... However, if you know you're going to be fighting some mez-heavy foes (i.e. CoT or Rikti), then pack more... Hit a break free BEFORE you run into a mob for the alpha strike, and you won't have any problems pulling off a full attack chain. I don't have to pop them often, but again, I'm not constantly fighting CoT or Rikti, either. IMO, you're just asking for aggravation if you're soloing those guys--On a team with any sort of 'troller, you're likely to be in a much better situation.

    Secondly, I'm not sure if you have Light Form built into your Human Form... If you don't, I'd highly suggest not only getting it, but building your human form with as many recharge set bonuses/global recharges as you can to get Light Form up and ready to use as often as possible. Light Form gives you both protection AND resistances against Hold, Stun, Sleep, Immobilize, Knockback, and Repel for its entire duration--You're basically in "god mode" when it's activated, much like a "fully tapped" Eclipse--so, definitely build for that thing to recharge as fast as possible, and fight around that.

    On the question of Acrobatics, yes, it has good resistances to holds... Remember, this isn't "protection" from holds, it's just reducing the duration of it--meaning, you'll still get held... just for roughly half as long. Now, if they'd offer any pool power that had that kind of resistance to stuns, I'd be on top of that in a heartbeat...

    Hope this helps!

    "The One"
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    I never did understand why the PB rez didn't get those 10 seconds.

    "The One"
  22. I've been in that situation, and take great joy in rushing right in to start chopping one down while the team is sitting at the room opening deciding what the strategy should be to take them down... I'll usually hit my bind that says "CYSTSNOMNOMNOM!"

    I still have yet to encounter a situation where a cyst has overwhelmed my human-form WS... I enjoy soloing them.

    "The One"
  23. It is pretty situational, but it's something I've found myself in time and time again, due to the fact that whenever I'm on my Khelds, I'm never solo... I always teaming, and in most situations where I've died, it was due to either being overwhelmed by an AV+mob, or by light form crashing before I realized it was going down... In both of those situations, there is still usually a pretty large mob. If I tried my self rez, I would usually (depending on the enemy) be taken right back down if I didn't have some sort of phase protection.

    I've also found myself using that strategy on both the Lady Grey and iTF speed runs, as in those situations, it's an "every man fend for himself" situation, as everyone speeds around getting all the objectives done as fast as possible. I find this to be more true in the iTF mission where an ambush is attached to every crystal taken down.

    "The One"
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    If I understand it correctly, Quantum Flight is supposed to be used to help you protect yourself after Lightform crashes.
    It can also be used directly after you rez yourself in the middle of a huge mob, to work in much the same way as the WS'd rez works... So, you're untouchable while you re-toggle or whatever else you need to do to prep yourself to rejoin the battle.

    "The One"
  25. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    I'm sorry I don't do that anymore, I have recently discovered that number crunching is meaningless compaired to nearly everything else in the game especialy fun and play style.

    From now on my motto is do whatever, it wont matter. It's all a style preferance thing.
    Although I realize this is a very sarcastic post (and I love me some sarcastic humor!) , I'm hoping that half of it at least is true--the half where I hope we could get you to lighten up just a bit and stop taking everything so seriously... The other half, the part where you like to show why something is good via numbers, I hope remains...

    Let's just hope it doesn't come in the form of an extremely argumentative presentation.

    "The One"