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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ElectroHawk View Post
    I don't know PvP...
    Come on, Hawk. You know you want to.

    Seriously though, you should try the lowbie stuff. No experience is required, just the expectation to kill lots and be killed lots.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    There is a simpler, though admittedly more set-intensive, way around the Capture the Flag issue:

    Capture the Flag - Brainstorm

    Two teams of 8 players.
    Travel Suppression off
    Diminishing Returns on
    Heal Decay off

    Have a bubbler (stop looking at me like that ) or Sonic be the flag. Why? Their AoE bubbles make them easier to spot. FFers also have PFF for whatever good that would do. Once they are captured, have them 'drop' their Sonic/Forcefield toggle to indicate capture. Have the capturing player announced in broadcast in the Arena and the hunt is on!

    Assign points for:
    i)X Points for capturing the original flag.
    ii)Bonus points for the flag NOT being captured
    iii)Points for returning the flag to your base

    Or don't assign points at all and go with it!

    Suggest map for this:

    Cargo Ship
    Perez Park

    Map you shouldn't use:


    Option II


    Why Warburg? Cos no one ever goes there except to farm...

    How do you get it done?

    Have a person from each side head toward the globe. Give general hints as to location and see if the other team can 'capture' them. Additionally, you can turn this into a King of the Mountain thing for who can hold the globe the longest.

    I think the key here should be fun and seeing how long your flag can be kept alive.
    Some great ideas in there! I've been thinking of other themed nights, e.g. all Defenders, where the bubble idea would really work nicely. Warburg would be nice, except for the level range. I want to try to keep it low level as an equalizer between players, since there are already more dedicated PvP events out there. Something to think about though.
  3. I think for starters I'll stick with Shinobi's idea, since the rules are simpler. If it works out, we can think of alternate versions to try.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dread_Shinobi View Post
    Like... for example random player starts with the flag, opposing team kills the flag, whoever killed the flag becomes the flag, the other team must then kill that player to get the flag back, whoever has flag at the end of the match wins? if i understand that right....

    Did you ever try this out? That sounds really /really/ fun.
    No I haven't tried it yet. It was just an idea that was rolling around in my head for a while, but couldn't settle on the rules mostly because I was trying to adapt the classic version of it (where you would have to get the flag from the opposing side and bring it back to your side) to a PvP match. I thought of using a map like the Cargo Ship map, and one player from each team stays at spawn point while the the other team tries to reach the other side and kill them. Once killed, the 'flag' would have to put the person that killed them on follow until they reached the other side.

    Though I thought all that to be slightly too complicated. Your idea would be much simpler, if we could have whoever defeats the flag to announce it in Broadcast, then the other team knows who to target to get it back.

    Maybe we could give it a try this week with melee ATs, because I think it would work well with them, as you would have to sprint and tackle people type thing.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    I was serious. He is the only leader who had enough sense to know hami needed to be immobilized. The rest of us idiots just let hami wander around, roaming the Hive jeopardizing the lives of many heroes.


    Hi Marut!
    I knew I forgot something...

  6. When

    Sunday, July 25th @ 7:30pm EST in Pocket D


    Three 10 minute matches minimum set up between melee ATs! This includes Scrappers, Tankers, Stalkers, and Brutes. (Yes I know other ATs have melee powers, but we're looking for classic melee ATs). Matches will be set to the usual level range of 6 to 11 (Flyweight) and include the following settings:

    - No Travel Suppression
    - No Heal Decay
    - No Travel Powers
    - Small Inspirations Only

    As always, you don't actually have to be level 6 to 11. Level 50 characters are more than welcome, since the event will exemplar you.

    Admission to the event will be on an invite only basis, as we don't want non-melee sneaking in! To join, simply show up and request an invite on your character by sending a tell to @Amygdala.

    Hope to see you then.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    I have very recently become invigorated by the game again and have 2 toons I am currently working on. I haven't actually played on a daily basis in about a year now so I am glad my interest has been piqued again.
    I hear that. I've definitely found some new interests and projects due to the raid break, namely PvP. (Woot!) Now that I have a couple toons properly set up for it, it's a lot more fun. Hope to see more people get involved in this aspect of the game as well.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    Now if raids were not actually stopped due to a few hecklers then my post is totally wrong and I apologize. I however am not the only person who is under the impression that is why they were stopped. (or at least a contributing factor). Dozens of people have mentioned it over the last few months that they felt they were being punished based on the actions of a few. If I had the time or desire to run raids again I probably would have felt bad and did so for the people that want them. That is not the case so I was just offering my advice or thoughts on the situation.
    It was due to a variety of reasons. For one, it was the same group running them weekly or twice a week for over a year. That's a rather large commitment and a cause for burn out. Some of us had RL things come up that took priority. Part of it was that drama in general seemed to increase near the end and it was wearing on everyone, raid leaders and raiders alike. All things considered, it seemed like a good time to take a break and see if others might be interested in leading.

    Originally Posted by CriticalKat
    Obviously being this thread is here though and the discussion is even happening tells me that people want raids, the people that used to run them didn't really want to stop. So in the future rather than let a few people ruin your good time, or ruin the good time of the entire server, take it with a grain of salt and just realize everyone cannot be controlled in an uncontrollable environment.
    To say people are being punished though, that we're intentionally 'ruining the good time of the entire server', is a bit much. None of us are obligated to keep running them, as it's not a job. Anyone who has participated in raid leadership has done so because he or she volunteered. As ElectroHawk said, anyone is able to raid Hami. Having left the schedule open provides a great opportunity for that.

    No one really intended for them to stop completely. That's why we took a hiatus, and instead of a regular schedule, had a few raids here and there to help lessen the burn out. It's been about 2 months, and lately some people have voiced interest. So I figured it would be a good time to find out what people liked about the old raids, what they didn't like, if they're even interested in them, and if others would be interested in leading them. For some people, Hami isn't their cup of tea, and that's cool. I'm just trying to spark some discussion so we can learn from the pros and cons of our past raid experience and move forward with it.

    Personally, I'd love to see raids lead by the Champion server, and not just the same people every week. It might not happen, but so far a few people have voiced interest in this thread and in tells.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    From what I have seen and heard the problem is more about community raids being canceled or put on hold due to a couple of people not following instructions. IMHO the show must go on regardless if there is a few hecklers in the audience or not. With 40+ people actually contributing and doing things right the few that are not shouldn't be allowed to ruin the good times for everyone else. A good leader should be able to work around the few people not following the format. You are a good leader so I am sure we are in agreement on that point.
    This is a good point and you're right, several raids have gone on regardless of a few hecklers, precisely because 40+ people were contributing. The only raid that was ever put on hold was one I lead, and I did so because at the time there were approximately 34 people in zone, 8 of which were on a mixed team and had ATs that were needed on other teams. At the time I was also getting tells from people on that team saying they were new and didn't know what was going on. That left only 26 people potentially supporting the raid. So the logical choice at the time given the circumstances was to get those people on proper teams and have the teams properly supported. I wouldn't have gone ahead with a raid when the important teams weren't filled up anyways, because I think doing that would ruin the fun times for everyone else who was there to give it an honest effort. That was the only instance a raid was put on hold, and every other raid has gone ahead as planned when there were enough people in the important raid positions.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    The raids are way simple and don't require the coordination that people try to pretend like they do. I mean 10-15 person raids have been done by multiple groups on multiple servers.
    I did talk to one raid leader who said his SG raids privately with 25 people, but these people have toons IOd specifically for this purpose, something you wouldn't necessarily get at any given raid. Otherwise, I haven't heard of other servers completing small raids of 10-15 people or how long it took them, but when we did it it took us an hour and 42 minutes. I've been operating under the assumption that the majority of raiders would rather not spend that much time at a raid if it can be done faster. I'll use Neuronia as an example of this:

    Originally Posted by Neuronia
    Edit:A reason I haven't been to a lot of raids, outside the above, was because of the perceived time commitment (one hour or so)
    Some folks simply do not want to spend that much time or can't. This is why we try to get them done fast.

    Originally Posted by CriticalKat
    Pretty safe to say several people in any given raid could be doing their own thing or on their own teams and not impact anything.
    It's possible the raid might not fail completely due to a few rogues, but there's no arguing that when people work together and are on the same page, things get done faster. Also, I don't think the 16 or so people carrying the raid would appreciate the rest of the raiders doing whatever they wanted.

    Originally Posted by CriticalKat
    To be blunt raids are not even griefable any more. The good old days, people could impact the success or failure of a raid. Now, not so much.
    Why is it then, that I've heard from people recently that some servers still cannot complete raids, or their raids take them 3-4 hours on top of taking an hour to form up? Again, there's a big difference between success/failure and an efficient raid.

    Originally Posted by CriticalKat
    If leaders make that big of a deal of it they need to wake up to reality that its impossible to control that many people in an MMO and really get over themselves for thinking they should be able to.
    It seems that the people who take issue with how the raids are done take issue with the fact that they are structured. At least, this is what I am getting from this thread and conversations I've had. The structure is simply in place with the intention of helping people and helping the raid go smoothly. For example, I once went to a raid on another server and asked the team leader what was going on and some basic questions. Their response was to ask the raid leader, and they were unwilling to help me out. This was the type of situation I wanted to avoid for new raiders.

    When I first started leading raids, I took a look at how previous raid leaders had done them. I saw that Kat's raids were very organized and considered this a strength to the raid. In pre i9 raids, it was also quite common to have AT themed teams, such as the Blaster team. This is not unlike how we have it set up now.

    Ultimately, I think structure, while not needed is extremely valuable. However, the goal behind the raids is to make them enjoyable for people. If folks believe we are at the point where structure is no longer desired, perhaps I will take the initiative and look into strategies involving free form teams.
  11. Thanks for the replies so far, and for the honesty. Much appreciated.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
    from spawn to merits we're sitting between the high teens and mid 20's in completetion time. This is another benefit of having team leaders and an organized raid.
    18 minute Hami Raid April 18th, 2010 Champion Server
  13. Tonight there will be no Pee Wee PvP. Stay tuned for next week's theme.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by iBuds View Post
    Also, if I could make a suggestion?
    If this does take off, which is likely, could we move the days from Sundays to Saturdays?
    Reason bein' is that Red Side Hami Raids have been lackin' bodies these past coupler runs.
    The other issue with Saturdays would be the weekly PvP matches hosted by PVPEC. However, you make a good point about raiding on other days of the week.

    Although, as i already mentioned, i also don't see the need for designated leaders for most teams.
    Technically speaking, the raid doesn't necessarily need designated team leaders for it to be successful. However, there's a big difference between a successful raid and an efficient raid, which is why I've used team leaders for each team. Some of the benefits of having people do this are as follows:

    - minimizes start up time because invites are sent as soon as people arrive or shortly thereafter. Team leaders know exactly what ATs to invite and how many, so that shuffling people after teams are formed is minimized. For important support ATs like Emps, it's easier to keep track of how many are on each team.

    - keeps the actual number of teams to a minimum. Less teams means easier recovery if something were to cause us to retreat. It's also important if we decide we don't have the yellow taunt strength to do an evac-less raid and will have to TP out. The more packed the team is, the higher chances of someone with TP or vet TP. In the case of an evac-less raid, it allows people to exchange EoEs amongst their team mates quickly. It also speeds up communication if something needs to be passed down from the raid leader.

    - targets damage to appropriate targets. The way we have the raid set up is that there is a Scrapper team for the yellow mitos (+/- support), a Blaster team for the blue mitos (+/- support), and 2 teams for the green mitos, one filled with Controllers and one with mixed damage types. Although it is possible to add a targetter to your Friends list and target through them from a mixed team, it is much easier to be able to target through your team leader. Also, having the second green team of mixed damage allows us to take down the greens almost as fast as the other mitos during most raids so that we can take one sweep around the bowl and nearly all the mitos are down, if not all. It would be difficult during a mixed team raid to tell some of the Blasters to shoot the blues while some to help with the greens.

    - designates a person on team to answer questions from new raiders. I know a lot of us know what we're doing, but I think a raid format that's new raider friendly is beneficial for the several people that show up for their first raid and have questions. Having team leaders willing to do this also keeps the tells off the raid leader.

    Those are just some of the reasons why I think the set up we've used has been useful and efficient. It's supposed to be geared towards the raiders' convenience, so they can just come and join the raid and know we'll be in and out of there quickly.

    Only if you replace the entire "Hami-Lead" crew with brand new people.
    Ultimately, I am asking these questions because I'd like to get people other than the "Hami-Lead" crew involved. They've been doing raids for a long time and overall, have done a great job. But if there are people interested and willing to help out in this regard, I think it would benefit the server and build a stronger knowledge base when it comes to raiding.
  15. Fun times. Congrats to the winners.
  16. Hey folks, I'm interested in what everyone has to say in response to the following 2 questions. Don't worry about responding if you've already sent me a tell in game. Please answer honestly, and if you don't want to post a response, feel free to send me a PM.

    1) Are you interested in seeing regularly scheduled blueside Hami raids come back? Why/why not?

    2) Are you interested in leading Hami raids/a raid team? Why/why not?

    Thanks much.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    Hmmm perhaps they changed the arena since the last time I did a large scaled event. Ok well if that works it would certainly be easier than rolling dice so perhaps we will try it this sat and see how it goes.
    Since this Saturday is an off week for redside Hami raids, I'd be willing to come early and help do a trial run to confirm it will work. I'm sure some others might be willing to as well. If not, we can always try the dice.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    Great idea except for the terminals do not quite work that way. When people join it automatically puts them on the first team until the maximum amount for that team is filled which is 8 regardless of the settings.
    I did a small scale test this afternoon, and it doesn't seem that it will overfill a colour past the team number set. I filled the red team deliberately to see if it would add people past 3, but it didn't. Instead, it just filled the other teams. It also doesn't appear that it will allow people in the event past the max number you set per team times the number of teams. I had 2 teams of 2 full, and my 5th person could not get in the match once those teams were full.

    Anyways, food for thought. Admittedly my experience in large scale Arena events is lacking, but I thought it was worth exploring a little. I think it's great you have some other ideas in the works for random team generation in game, where people can verify the process. Hopefully this will keep some of the drama down.
  19. As much as I think the idea of rigging teams is silly, I think more transparency in the way teams are chosen may help put this issue to rest and help curb the drama.

    I had an idea that I think might help the situation...

    Teams are chosen right in the Battle Terminal screen so that everyone can see how they are generated. Here is how it would work:

    Step 1: Registration

    Participants register with the event host during a certain time frame via tells. This gives the event host an idea of how many teams there will be total. Ie, total number of people divided by 3.

    Step 2: Create Match

    The event host creates a match at the terminal, and sets it to 'Open Teams', max 3 players on each team, and the number of teams anticipated from the head count during registration. (Note: the arena will allow a max of 8 teams.)

    Step 3: Setting Up Pairs

    The event host sets the match to 'Invite Only' and invites the pairs that registered and places them on the same team (since this part is not random.)

    Step 4: Free Agents

    The event host opens and lists the event. All free agents join the event at this time. The Arena should more or less randomly assign these free agents to teams. Once you join the event, you are not allowed to leave if you do not like your team. The Arena Chat will show players who left the event, so an objective log of this can be monitored.

    Step 5: Recording Teams

    After everyone is on a team, team composition can then be recorded (easily done by a screen shot). The colours of teams are Red, Blue, Green, Black, White, Yellow, Orange, and Purple. You can use the colours or number off the teams. Eg, Red team = team 1, Blue team = team 2, and so forth. Everyone has now seen the generation of the teams and knows their team mates.

    Potential Issues

    Because the Arena only allows 8 teams max, the rules would have to be changed so that only 24 people would be able to register. I don't think this is necessarily a bad idea, since at the last event we had 8 teams IIRC, and it took several hours to complete. In the interest of time, I think 8 teams is reasonable.

    In the event that more than 8 pairs register, the event host will only count the first 8. Pairs registered after the first 8 will be converted to free agents.

    I'm not certain how exactly the Arena decides where to place people. Clearly it goes by the order in which they join, but beyond that appears to be pretty random. Regardless, I think if a bunch of free agents joined at the same time, it would be very difficult to control where people land on teams. I'm going to try to test this out a few times and see how it goes.

    If this isn't palatable to people, I'm sure there are websites with random team generation PVPEC could look into using, but I thought it would be nice to have an in game way of doing it.

    Anyways, there's my suggestion.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Star_Fire View Post
    (/e cues up "Blue" for Cobalt)
    I bet he thinks that song is about him.
  21. Thanks everyone who came tonight! Here are some screen shots I took of our air combat.

  22. Done in 30 minutes and 38 people evac-less style. Thanks raiders!
  23. Forming now on blueside!