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  1. Heh, I forgot I'd done an RSF... yeah, that was pretty fun, I'm glad we finally managed to chew through those AV's
  2. Wilfred

    no blinds

    Hey. Could I just check what you believe is flagged as 'looking for team'?

    There's essentially four different statuses in the member search window.

    Firstly, people already in a team. These appear greyed out, rather than the blue that everyone without a team is.

    Secondly, there's people without a team, but not looking for a team. They have set the flag indicating 'do not accept invites', are highlighted in red, and are probably dedicated solo'ers or people with little time to play.

    Thirdly, there's people actively looking for a team. These have set flags to say looking for any team, looking for mission team, looking for trial team, and so forth. It's good manners to send a tell; you're not necessarily doing them a massive favour by inviting them so a quick tell to say what sort of levels you're fighting and whether you're doing story missions, radio missions, hunting, or what have you is generally considered polite.

    Fourthly, people who haven't set any flags. They show as 'not seeking team', but may well be anyway. As these people might be soloing, or waiting for a TF to start, or waiting for their SG to come online, or just using the program as an expensive chat client, it is of course only manners that you establish whether they're looking before you send an invite. If I'm fighting some sort of purple boss in PI (Say, a master illusionist) and treading the very fine line between life and death that my Blaster walks in such situations, the last thing I want is an invite window popping up when I'm trying to click something and getting me killed.

    So, don't go by what may or may not happen in other MMO's. CoH has always had a more mature playerbase, and we like to see some manners, sonny jim.
  3. I levelled my level 5 scrapper up to level 12. Go me!
  4. The DPS/End on Ignite is absolutely immense. Seriously, vast. Get an Immob'd or fear-immune AV (most of them), and the damage from repeated ignites is just... well... magnificent.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    with a 1 or 2 slotting with recharge, surely its still useable?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Already had it with three recharge!
  6. Wilfred

    80.4mb Download?

    Nah. The patch was to implement a new feature which occasionally removes chat channels from tabs on zoning; this is a QoL feature designed to remind people to add channels they may have previously forgotten to add to tabs.
  7. Wilfred

    Pool Power

    Well, you can have four different pools in total, and as many powers from each as you'd like!

    I'd say superspeed was a mighty fine choice, Hasten goes brilliantly with the Brute's tendency to get a bit SMASHy. And you will definitely absolutely want Stamina too.

    The really awkward places to get around in the Rogue Isles are at the higher levels, so you could always take Flight, Superjump or Teleport later on, too!
  8. For sure, I'm not complaining about the changes to AR. They're overwhelmingly a sturdy buff. It's just a shame that a power so often overlooked is finally going the way it should have gone long ago.
  9. It's easy to play /EA badly. I should know; I do.

    Plus, tricking out the defence takes time and money, two things I'm chronically short of.
  10. Wilfred


    /targetthread next$$powexec_name Resurrect

    Heh, was looking for Spines/Fire advie and I was thinking exactly that, Nightmarer. Builds always seem to have the most optimal sets slotted - most of us don't have the gazillion inf needed for that. I might just try reposting a budget frankenslot version - much more pocketfriendly.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    You've got a ready-made theme tune, it got used at the start of Shrek. 'Allstar' by Smashmouth. Good tune.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Of all the films that song's featured in, you picked Shrek?!

    Mystery Men, dude. Mystery Men.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Disco is NOT dead!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Far be it for me to turn a very nice thread into a quotefest, but... We've got a date with destiny, and it looks like she's ordered the lobster.
  12. Well... you could go down any route. My archers would fall into several broad categories...

    The rogue. In shades of green or brown, traditionally hooded and wearing leggings so tight that everyone will know your religion.

    The techy. In armour, a powersuit, or snug-fitting reinforced spandex, the techy will carry ampoules and have some sort of assisted targeting system.

    The sportsman. Wearing casual wear or his olympics costume, the sporting archer is just very good at aiming. He needs no assistance.

    The clone. With pointy ears, long hair, and some sort of mothril vest, Legolas Clone #88752 uses his Pointy Bow Of Smiting +6 with unnatural speed and stealth. Legolas, however, has a stupid face and is only allowed to say incredibly boring things.

    Personally I'd go for some sort of head-based targeting system (perhaps chinguard + comm antennae + reticle, blast goggles, or monocle), a tight techy top (armoured pads or stealth would probably work well), gladiator shoulder guards, the stealth chestpiece if you have it, one of the banded or ampoule belts, maybe banded gloves (to explain away the /energy thing) and baggy or tucked-in trousers (you're going to be looking at the back of this hero most of the time - do you really want skin-tights?). But that's just me.

    By the way, you totally should have gone ice/something. Better than squirrels or marmalade, in my opinion.


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    SkinColor 239, 190, 132
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    Color1 0, 31, 0
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    CostumePart ""
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    Color1 0, 31, 19
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    CostumePart ""
    Geometry V_MALE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
    Texture1 skin_v_head_40
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    RegionName Head
    BodySetName MaskW/Hair
    Color1 0, 31, 19
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    CostumePart ""
    Geometry Robotic_02
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    CostumePart ""
    Geometry Smooth
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    CostumePart ""
    Geometry Tech_02
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    Color1 171, 171, 171
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    CostumePart ""
    Geometry V_Male_Hair.GEO/GEO_Hair_Barbaric_01
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    BodySetName MaskW/Hair
    Color1 255, 0, 0
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    CostumePart ""
    Fx none
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    CostumePart ""
    Geometry V_MALE_Eyes.GEO/GEO_Eyes_Welding_Glasses_03
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    BodySetName MaskW/Hair
    Color1 199, 199, 199
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    CostumePart ""
    Geometry V_MALE_Emblem.GEO/GEO_Emblem_Stealth_01
    Texture1 !Hair_V_Helmet_Longbow
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    Color1 212, 140, 0
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    CostumePart ""
    Geometry V_MALE_SPADR.GEO/GEO_SpadR_Longbow_Pad
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    CostumePart ""
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    CostumePart ""
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    CostumePart ""
    Geometry Chin_01
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    CostumePart ""
    Fx none
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    CostumePart ""
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    CostumePart ""
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    CostumePart ""
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    CostumePart ""
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    CostumePart ""
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    CostumePart ""
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    CostumePart ""
    Geometry none
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    Color1 0, 31, 19
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    Color4 49, 97, 49

    CostumePart ""
    Fx none
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    Color4 49, 97, 49

    CostumePart ""
    Fx WEAPONS/Custom_Bow/Male_Bow_Composite01.fx
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    RegionName Weapons
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    Color1 255, 169, 0
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    CostumePart ""
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    CostumePart ""
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    CostumePart ""
    Color1 0, 0, 0
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    Color3 0, 0, 0
    Color4 0, 0, 0

    CostumePart ""
    Color1 0, 0, 0
    Color2 0, 0, 0
    Color3 0, 0, 0
    Color4 0, 0, 0

    CostumePart ""
    Color1 0, 0, 0
    Color2 0, 0, 0
    Color3 0, 0, 0
    Color4 0, 0, 0


  13. Well, the possibility to gain it's being removed, and the progress bar for it has been removed - they haven't explicitly said characters who already possess it are going to lose it.

    Although they probably will.
  14. Wilfred

    Paragon Journal?

    [ QUOTE ]
    try to take on AVs in melee with 10-slotted brawl

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pah, been there, done that. And on an empath. Doing it on a Rad is wussy.
  15. [QR]

    Dictionary definition relates to not being subject to death. Whether that means through the ageing process or any other means isn't touched on in my copy.

    Comic universes have always been subject to a bit of poetic license, anyway, so take it to mean what you want it to mean.
  16. In a move that, while long expected, brings despair to my heart, Ignite is finally being brought into line with other, non-uber and godlike, powers.

    I've seen a lot of guides claiming that Ignite is situational at best, or hard to use, or just plain pointless. But hardened AR blasters know the truth.

    It is (was) the single most damaging power in our arsenal in terms of damage/endurance/second.

    So as an ode to Ignite, I would like to propose an ITF. Perhaps one controller, one Tanker, and a whole crowd of AR blasters. The aim?

    To take down Romulus using Ignite alone.
    To show that Ignite was once one of the best.
    To remind future generations of the place that Ignite once had.

    Any interest?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    If /Dark is that powerful... how imba must /Rad for MM's have been?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That'd be an RSF solo'er.
  18. Wilfred

    Photoshop Tennis

    I know how to deal with Zombies. Oh yes.

    Pills here!
  19. Wilfred

    Photoshop Tennis

    That, or the next entry is VERY complex.