Well... you could go down any route. My archers would fall into several broad categories...
The rogue. In shades of green or brown, traditionally hooded and wearing leggings so tight that everyone will know your religion.
The techy. In armour, a powersuit, or snug-fitting reinforced spandex, the techy will carry ampoules and have some sort of assisted targeting system.
The sportsman. Wearing casual wear or his olympics costume, the sporting archer is just very good at aiming. He needs no assistance.
The clone. With pointy ears, long hair, and some sort of mothril vest, Legolas Clone #88752 uses his Pointy Bow Of Smiting +6 with unnatural speed and stealth. Legolas, however, has a stupid face and is only allowed to say incredibly boring things.
Personally I'd go for some sort of head-based targeting system (perhaps chinguard + comm antennae + reticle, blast goggles, or monocle), a tight techy top (armoured pads or stealth would probably work well), gladiator shoulder guards, the stealth chestpiece if you have it, one of the banded or ampoule belts, maybe banded gloves (to explain away the /energy thing) and baggy or tucked-in trousers (you're going to be looking at the back of this hero most of the time - do you really want skin-tights?). But that's just me.
By the way, you totally should have gone ice/something. Better than squirrels or marmalade, in my opinion.
CostumeFilePrefix male
Scale -8.162
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CheekScales 0, 0, 0
ChinScales 0, 0, 0
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NoseScales 0, 0, 0
SkinColor 239, 190, 132
NumParts 27
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Geometry Pants_Student
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Geometry Tight
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DisplayName P687117166
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Color4 49, 97, 49
CostumePart ""
Geometry Robotic_02
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DisplayName P3937616722
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Color1 171, 171, 171
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DisplayName P177456852
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CostumePart ""
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DisplayName P2681220175
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DisplayName P2793026233
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CostumePart ""
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DisplayName P2281134661
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Color1 212, 140, 0
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CostumePart ""
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DisplayName P772741860
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DisplayName P974978278
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