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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Akar View Post
    I was just thinking about the lotter a few minutes ago, and how awsome it would be if I won it.

    TPBM is thinking about the "never gonna give you up" song
    Ya. Matter of fact, I *was* thinking about the Lady Grey version of that song!

    TPBM is thinking about how much fun it would be to get dipped in chocolate and sunbathe on an anthill!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Akar View Post

    TPBM is fat
    Nopers! I have a *very* high metabolism!

    TPBM likes wearing neon green and hot pink paisley blouses!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Teeki View Post
    Hehehehe. Is funny. Just, on a whim, took a look at an episode of He-man, on Youtube, and found something, that I never remembered seeing, back when the show was first running. "Viewer Discretion Advised. (Contains: V). This show is not considered proper viewing material for viewers under the age of 14, as material contains scenes of animated violence."
    No more so than you'd see in Catsi's courtroom or on a typical day on CSPAN.
  4. ... that Carnies are better dressers than Nemmies!
  5. (*huggles Ocho, Caem, Sapph, Miss Golden, and Blue Rabbit*)

    Ocho, m'dear: My Location used to read "Gone to the Amerikatts", but I am *NOT* going to put "Gone to the North American Pigdogs"! Not even for YOU!

    I *do* have a reputation to uphold, y'know!

    (*noms Carnifax's Lucky Charms*)

    They *are* magically delicious!
  6. Good luck (and belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!), my little Tiggeroo!

    This sounds the best kind of real-life adventure!

    Treat your lovely lady with dignity and respect, and let her know that *she* (not some silly bunch of floating pixels) is the center of your Omniverse!

    She sounds *REALLY* nomworthy, sweetie! Give her a HUGE huggle from Aunt Amy ... okay?!


    (*sits down on the naughty step and keeps Miss Days_ company for a bit*)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draggynn View Post
    OOOO!!! YAY! Thanks a million Caemgen! And congrats to Ebon and Amerikatt as well! I thought everyone had great character concepts and I look forward to seeing more art of all of them! I will be in touch with Wassy right away.

    And on a side note, I hope Wassy isn't too upset that it's two male characters
    Thanks, Draggynn!

    And don't worry! There may be two males, but there *is* one Amerikatt! RAWR!
  8. YAY! Congrats, Ebon3 & Draggynn!!!

    (*huggles the winners of the model sheets*)

    That's awesome! I know that you can't help but love what Miss Wassy is going to do for your characters! I hope that you'll post the finished sheets here so we can all enjoy more of her nomtastic work!

    Originally Posted by Caemgen
    Oh... And, if she wants it, I did decide to give away one consolation prize...

    ZOMG! Seriously?! I'm Miss Congeniality?!

    (*jumps straight into the air, squeeing with delight! SPROING! SPROING! SPROING!*)

    That's incredibly generous of you, Caem! I gladly accept the sketch! Thank-you, wholeheartedly!

  9. Strongmen say the darnedest things!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Akar View Post

    TPBM is a tiny four legged creature
    Ya. But I have a big ... RAWR!!!

    TPBM has arched eyebrows, like Mr. Spot! Um ... Spock!
  11. Nope. I'm a shorthair!

    TPBM has a butterfly on their nose!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Early Girl View Post
    There are Cat Girls?! hehee j/k Amerikatt
    (*huggles Miss Early*)

    It's okay, Miss Early. It's best to repress the memory of Atlas Catgirls -- especially the ones who congregate at Pocket D, which is CoH's answer to Mos Eisley! (*nod nod*)
  13. Naughty Furless peeps will gang up on my friends Lusca and Sally for no particularly good reason and will beat them into unconsciousness if I don't spam heal those two sweeties.

    (*huggles Lusca and Sally*)

    [True story about Lusca, btw]
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
    Thanks for saying so, but I've got a new avatar coming, and it's not Statesman. Something cool and GR-related.
    I take it that means you'll swap out States for Emperor Cole ... right?!
  15. I would *never* scratch *you*, Miss Early. Even when I nibble, I *never* bear down on you (or I'd have bitten off your fingers, toes, and the tip of your nose by now).


    Not a hot tub so much as a spa ... or just a refreshingly cool bath.

    TPBM is thinking of all the good they could do in helping other people if only they could win the Lottery!
  16. Sadly, this is true!

    TPBM has lotsa freckles!
  17. No extensions! It's *all* me, bay-bay! RAWR!

    TPBM likes to wear jewelry with pretty stones (like silver bracelets with turquoise)
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Akar View Post
    I despise chocolate, so no.

    TPBM is thinking about why I always put a in my posts

    No. Not really. I'm more concerned with you despising chocolate.

    TPBM is thinking how nice it would be to scratch my ears and chin and pet my back.
  19. HEY! I resemble that remark! And the term is "Super-Petite", thank-you very much!

    TPBM wears spectacles (or contact lenses).
  20. (*does a flying huggle pounce which engulfs Queen Pep, Miss Early, Miss Healix, and Teeki!*)

    Now THAT is something to remember!

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Healix View Post
    No! I don't want to kill any birds!

    TPBM is regretting something they recently did.
    (*nod nod*) I've been regretting things since Roosevelt (Teddy, not Franky) was in office!

    TPBM is contemplating Death ... by Chocolate!

    ((+5 Interwebz for Miss Early for getting To have and Have Not))
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Early Girl View Post
    Going to the beach nearly everyday all summer, packed coolers of food, friends, family, different beaches , parks, running after the Dickie Dees...begging your parents for change at the sound of a dickie dee approaching... not wearing sunscreen and being okay, getting an allowance spending it all with my best friend at the corner store on 1 cent candies, and endless sleepovers, secrets, and conversation.

    +5 Interwebz for ya, Miss Early! That sure brought back memories!

    (*huggles Miss Early*)

    [I'm assuming that Dickie Dee was an ice cream vendor, like Good Humor. Penny candy? YAY! I used to buy some penny candy on my walk to school, then sell them for a nickle each to the other kids. 3 candies bought me a 12 cent comic and paid for my initial investment, too! Good times, good times! RAWR!]
  23. I think it's rather stylish, actually!

    TPBM is wearing a necklace or medallion.
  24. Ya. I'm going to order a Supreme pizza and then watch some old movies. I love Bacall/Bogie and Hepburn/Tracy movies especially!

    TPBM suddenly wants to get stung by a dead bee! ((If you don't get the reference, then go to the back of the class, put on a DUNCE cap, and sit facing the wall!))
  25. You know you've been playing CoH too long if ...!

    You've ever used the word "nomtastic" when describing a tasty food ; or

    You've ever referred to someone as being "nomworthy" if they've caught your fancy.

    For that matter, if you've ever gotten between an unfamiliar cat and a pack of dogs and said, "I'll help you arrest those naughty spawns," you have DEFINITELY spent too much time playing CoH!