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  1. Yeah, screens are fine, especially if you're hitting them randomly during the fight so you can post "the progression"... An "I'm done" screen with 1 dead arachnos in the background is a lot harder to believe than a 10-screenshot progression of how the fight went... XD

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kahlan_ View Post
    So I took your challenge to heart AlienOne. Although I haven't tried it with a defender yet, here are the results with my fortunata:

    +4/x8 Arachnos with bosses
    no temps
    no inspirations
    no click accolades
    no spawn splitting

    Please note this isn't meant as a 'one-up'. I just saw the challenge you gave and it sounded like fun

    I may try on my defender later, but I suspect it will be a lot harder.
    DAMN, that was nice! Quite a bit dizzying to watch with the back and forth and back and forth, but still an awesome accomplishment!

    I assume you softcapped your ranged defenses? It seemed you were attempting to get them to *always* used their ranged attacks...

    I'd LOVE to see that with a Defender... I wish my TA/Archery could do something like that, but I don't believe that TA is strong enough to handle +4x8...

  3. Exactly. And even solo, a PB can feel pretty sub-par.

    Case in point: Bill Z Bubba is the one who had me do the +4x8 Arachnos test with VestigeOne in the first place, and he also asked that I do the same with my PB, "AlienOne."

    I just tried it tonight, and although I used the same strategy as I did with VestigeOne (accolades, full tray of insp, etc.), there were still 2 left standing in that mob when all the "uber" stuff dropped, and I was downed in basically one hit.

    Pretty frustrating, especially when your PB is purp'd out.

    I've also got that on video, but it's 3:30am at this point, so I'm going to wait to try and get it on YouTube.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Debtlover View Post
    alien, would you please critique?
    K, before I get into any critiquing, I gotta say that's a fantastic build for ANY human-former. You've got a lot of recharge (which is *almost* necessary for human-only builds), and you also have a lot of recovery built-in (also required when you have a lot of toggles running).

    That said, the only way I can really "critique" a purple'd-out human-only build is to put it side by side with my own build and see what sort of differences there are. So, here we go:

    1. Looking at defense, I find it interesting that your built-in fire/cold defense is double what mine is, which may have a significant impact on if we were to do some side-by-side +4x8 Demon tests. Other than that, our defense is almost the same across the board, with a couple exceptions: One, my psionic defense is a bit higher (yours is 9.8%, mine is 14%), and yours and my ranged and AoE defense totals seem to be "flipped." I have higher ranged defense, and you have higher AoE defense.

    Other than those exceptions, our defense levels are extremely close.

    2. Resistance-wise, you're got me beat in every category (without Eclipse), due to your choice of taking Penumbral Shield and Tough/Weave. After Eclipse vs. 4 or 5 enemies, however, we're both on the same playing field. I also find it interesting to note that (without Eclipse), your Fire/Cold resists are at 41%, while mine are at 11.7%--also a major difference between us both if we were to compare our builds vs. your enemy of choice, the Demons.

    Resistance as a whole during the Post-Eclipse levels (as long as you can get it perma--and that of course, requires some major influence investments) just about negates having to get any other shields, which is why I don't have Penumbral Shield or Tough in my current human-only build. Both your and my Eclipse are slotted almost exactly the same, with what looks like a 4 second recharge difference between us both.

    3. The largest disparity between our builds is our regeneration rates and endurance usage. This, I believe, stems from a *playstyle difference* between us both. You have slotted your Stygian Circle with a heal set, whereas I have slotted mine with an Endurance Mod set. So, you'll get a much higher heal off of fewer enemies than I will. Off of a single "arrested" enemy, you'll get almost a complete heal, while I would only get 80%. However, a mere 2 dead enemies will give me back almost all my health AND endurance, so the real difference lies in how long it takes us to down as many enemies as possible.

    Neither way is wrong, it's just a different "area" that you'd prefer to concentrate in. I concentrated in endurance recovery from stygian circle, because I have a 2.43/per-second endurance usage rate with all 8 of my toggles running, whereas you have only a 1.82/per-second endurance usage rate with all 8 of your toggles running. The big difference here is my choice to have "Super Speed" running during missions (while you teleport around), and the fact that I also have all of the Leadership toggles (which cost quite a bit of endurance to run). I would think that your build would be slightly better than mine at soloing, whereas, a team might appreciate my Leadership a bit more.

    4. Gratz on 172.5% Global Recharge (with Hasten)!!! That's awesome! That's *almost* perma-hasten... 180% is perma-hasten, so you've basically just about got it without any "outside help!" My global recharge is sitting at 160%, except when I decide to use the "increase attack speed" buff from my base, which gets me right at 180% for an hour.

    5. Due to my leadership toggles, I have a higher "natural" ToHit and Damage buff than you do without Sunless Mire (Mine sits at 14.2% ToHit and 27.5% Damage, while yours is at 0% ToHit and 13% Damage). With Sunless Mire (vs 5 enemies), our totals go to 36.7% ToHit (mine) 22.5% ToHit (yours), and 83.7% Damage Buff (mine) 69.2% Damage Buff (yours).

    Not huge, but it makes a bit of a difference.

    It's also worth noting that my leadership toggles, although more expensive endurance-wise than what you have chosen to run, gives me much higher Status resistance for Confuse, Fear, Taunt, and Placate. You have a higher Immobilize protection/resistance, but I also have a 3.11 Immobilize status protection, so I don't see my dude immobilized much.

    Overall, it's a fantastic build with no real "weakness" to speak of... Anyone trying to change the build (including myself) would be just trying to "tweak" it to their own playstyle and preferred power choices... You've got more natural resists (without Eclipse), as well as the fact that you concentrated on healing with Stygian Circle (as opposed to endurance recovery), so in the end, it appears (at least to me) that you've got a "solo-centric" build, whereas I have more of a "team-centric" build.

    Good stuff!

    Here's my build, by the way, if you wanted to see a side-by-side for yourself.

  5. I'm in the middle of exporting a video to upload to YouTube where I did the same RWZ challenge without using a single inspiration or accolade.

    I died twice, but still took the mob down without going to the hospital or using any "special" powers... The video (I think) will further prove why I've made "popping" inspirations a regular part of my human-only playstyle--because it prevents death and makes taking the mob down that much faster.

    Stay tuned for the link.


    Here's the link, but again, you'll have to wait a little while for the video to process...
  6. Quick update:

    "My RWZ challenge" video is finally done processing, and viewable, although it's low-quality right now... Give it another 20 min or so, and it'll be viewable in HD. Sometimes YouTube is really slow with their video processing.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Debtlover View Post
    Anyway attempted it pre-show.
    Cant be done by myself.
    but again.
    nothing to prove
    Sure you can! ....But it requires using inspirations.

    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Take a toon that isn't mez resistant and duplicate his feat. Then go him one better.
    That's exactly what I was asking for earlier. It's one thing to do +4x8 Demons, who have nothing but fire damage at their disposal, and it's another to do +4x8 Arachnos.

    If he can do +4x8 Arachnos (using inspirations) with bosses in the mix, I'll be REALLY impressed, because I'm not sure if Vestige could handle that...


    Video's still processing.... Might have to give it about 20 min or so to view in HD...
  8. /disagreed.

    You show me "anyone" (besides the obvious scrapper) that can pop 4-6 purples with a +4x8 Arachnos mob and take the whole mob down. "Anyone" is a very broad, all-inclusive term that usually means "everyone." If you can show me any defender (with a full tray of purples) at all that can take down +4x8 Arachnos mobs without dying, then we might start discussing "anyone can do it."

    Until then, all I see is just another random person trying to pick a fight.

    On top of that, I believe that +4x8 is only reserved (usually) for either "good" teams, or "the most ultimate scrapper ever." Not many toons without mez protection can handle +4x8 Arachnos, Malta, or Carnies. Again, you show me that "any" toon without mez protection that can handle mez-heavy +4x8 mobs without using a single inspiration, THEN we'll start talking business. Since the devs have seen fit not to give mez-protection to human-form, it's a moot point to try and say a human-former can survive being mezzed without using at least a break-free.

    Soo...meh... I call BS on your part. I've already got several videos up (on the same account) with the same toon (different builds) in many different situations showing what he can do.

    Again: this test was a question of "can he survive without dying against a mez-heavy, maxxed-out mob, using any means necessary?" sort of test, not a "look what I do on a regular basis" sort of thing. I may be a glutton for punishment sometimes, but I'm not that bad.

    So how 'bout you? Haven't seen anything from your end yet... You got something without mez protection that can take down +4x8 mez-heavy mobs in short order without using a single inspiration like that? I'm willing to bet either you don't (and you're just trying to get me riled up for no apparent reason), or you'd have to bring something with perma-holds, which Vestige didn't/doesn't have.

    I've posted at least 6 or 7 videos already with VestigeOne in *overwhelming* situations where he didn't even have accolade options yet and still survived... I swear, all you people want is MOAR ENTERTAINMENT! XD're fallin' behind on YOUR "video quota!" :P

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Debtlover View Post
    Can you do it without insps?
    Not a real stress test
    I believe that answer is already pretty obvious, and not worth putting my time into... As I already stated earlier:

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    Would have probably had to use external pets or a Warburg nuke or something along those lines if bosses were involved, because it takes a long time to take them down. By "long time," I of course mean "longer time than the bodies I'll have available to heal off of..."

    The test (as stated in the description on the video) was to see if I could take down +4x8 Arachnos mobs "using all the tools the devs have given us," short of using extra pets and Warburg nukes. One such tool the Devs have given us to help us survive during a fight is called an inspiration.

    I highly recommend ANY toon to use them, and use them as often as you need to. They drop quite regularly, and skilled use of them has not been labeled an "exploit" by the devs as of yet...

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
    Overall, playstyle feels more like a tanker with scrapper level defenses. It's very meh.
    I think that's exactly why Bill Z is proposing these changes.... It's *supposed* to feel a little more like a scrapper (not a tank), but without the "crits"...

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    I have never thought there was just one way to play Kheldians but there simply is ONE most effective way to do so curently and I would not like to see this change.
    You are *almost* contradicting yourself there. While I would admit there is a *more* effective way to play Kheldians (damage-wise) by play tri-form, I would definitely NOT say there is only ONE effective way. I realize you said "ONE most effective way", but I wanted to clarify that, because that statement could be easily misunderstood that playing bi-form or human-only is "completely ineffective" because there is only "one" most effective way to play a Kheldian.

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    I do not believe everyone needs to build my way or anyway, but we do have to acknowledge for the new Khelds that the one way (with a few style choices) will on average give better results assuming a zero sum point of learning Khelds.
    Sure. And I think the entire Kheldian community has already agreed on this (you can find where I've stated as such in my human-only guide)... For a NEW Kheldian, the general consensus is ALWAYS "play tri-form first," as that provides the easiest, most complete Kheldian experience.

    What I definitely do NOT want to see is the devs concentrating so much on "YOU GOTTA PLAY THE FORMS" that it completely takes away the viability of having several different ways to play a Kheldian.

  12. Don't think I've ever posted in one of these threads before, so I'll go ahead and do it now:

    Thank you, devs, for maintaining a game that I've really grown to love over the years. You've definitely converted a "hardcore FPS, MMO-hatin'" guy into a "hardcore MMO" guy now....I don't know... Maybe it's my age and I can't keep up with the FPS youngsters anymore...haha!

    In either case, I really appreciate all the work you've put into this game...


  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
    I've always been a proponent of Kheldians having more viable build options, of being the AT that gets away from the 'cookie cutter' builds that so many other ATs and powerset combinations fall into.

    While I've no idea what the current 'vision' is for Kheldians, I think a design goal of making this AT support as many variants as possible (while still retaining reasonable balance, of course) is a laudable one.


  14. OF2, are you SURE you can find nothing wrong with this post? Even THESE statements?

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    As stated earlier, current developer statements along with some player agreement state that skipping these two powers out of the 26 available to the Peacebringer is akin to a Mastermind not taking the three powers that grant the mastermind his 6 henchmen. Such a statement implies that a Peacebringer is not only gimped without those two toggles, but that he Should be gimped without them.

    I don't share this viewpoint. I feel that given the other 24 powers accessible to the Peacebringer, skipping the two form powers is more like a claws/sr scrapper skipping Focus and Quickness. Yes, there will be lessened performance in doing so, but gimp is hardly an accurate description of what you're left with. Or at least, Should be hardly an accurate description.

    Integral? No. Can it help? Absolutely.

    Please note those words: Desirable when things get rough. Situational and supplemental. Necessary? Hardly.

    But is it necessary? No. Even as is, one can solo a Peacebringer from 1 to 50 on the lowest difficulty. Does the Nova form supplement the AT's damage output? Yes. Is it also situational?

    If form shifting was the "intended design" plan for the Peacebringer, then the forms should have been inherent and accessible at level 1. Even with vastly reduced starting values that ramped up with level. The human form itself would have been designed to be properly integrated with form usage.

    This is not the case. Rather what we have been given are forms haphazardly slapped onto a fully functional human form which was then "appropriately" nerfed in the name of "balance."
    Because this is exactly what I've been saying all along... I may not be as thorough or as much "politically correct" in my presentation, but I've always said that the forms shouldn't be considered "necessary" in order to survive with this AT. Is it preventing one from reaching their "full potential?" Yes. Just as not choosing a specific 2ndary power like "Quickness" from the SR set would be preventing you from having that 20% extra global recharge, not picking the dwarf form would be preventing you from having that extra HP buff and "emergency-oh-crap-I'm-gonna-die" toggle. But is it gimping you? Is it absolutely necessary? I think not.

    As Bill Z Bubba noted, the devs have chosen to make these form changes as toggles you pick as you level up. If they were supposed to be considered "completely integrated" into the *Kheldian experience*, they would have been something you got at level 1 to use as you leveled up.

    I believe because of the aforementioned *fact*, that is why having different forms on a Kheldian (tri, bi, human) is considered "optional" and ultimately a "playstyle choice."

    Is having a human-form Kheldian "not reaching your full potential?" Sure. Anyone I think could admit to that.

    But, is nerfing it OR speaking out against a buff for it just because one might think that "if you don't play tri-form you're WRONG" the right way to go about things?

    I would say the answer for that would be a "hell no."

    Obviously, I'm not saying anyone is speaking out against it, so I'm not attacking anyone (and also think the fact that I have to state something like this in my posts because of the thin-skinned people out there is laughable)... I just feel that a point needs to be made (if or when Devs read this thread) that there ARE those of us out here who LIKE to play human-only builds, and actually quite enjoy them. I think voting for a "nerf" or changes to human-only builds just because you may think that playing a tri-former is the ONLY way to play is just BS.

    Again, I'm not advocating changes to tri-formers. I'm not saying human-form Warshades should ALSO get buffed with this proposed change. I'm not saying that "the Dev's shouldn't change anything" or "leave it as is!"

    What I AM doing is merely making a point (specifically to the Devs that may read this) that if there are considerations for changes to Khelds, that there needs to be a complete consideration given for ALL the Kheldian players out there, and how making any changes would affect them--not JUST the tri-former Kheldians out there.

    Now, all that said, I will also say that I can't find anything wrong with what Bill Z stated in the OP... There IS a huge difference between PB and WS gameplay, and I don't think buffing the human-form damage would really negatively affect our tri's, bi's, OR human-only Kheldian communities.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I'll be covering exactly that in a new thread later tonight. It is an opinion that the PB human form benefits the nova and dwarf forms enough to consider the forms anything more than situational and supplemental.

    If tri-forming is the intended design then the PB human form powers are badly designed for EVERYONE attempting to play the archetype as per the "intended" design especially when placed in comparison to its cousin the warshade where its human form has several powers that directly and for large portions of time benefit the forms.
    Again, QFT.

    In fact, I would go as far to say that if "tri-forming" WAS the intent of the developers (and no other way to play for Kheldians, thus reducing options for ways to viably play), then there would be absolutely no reason for any of the toggle-type powers in the secondaries of both the WS and the PB. The fact that there ARE so many powers, both toggle AND activate-able that do NOT directly support the forms (nor make them more viable), suggests that the original intent of the design was, in fact, to allow for more build options--which supports both my previous points and the Geko interview, which you seem to so hastily throw out. I find it interesting that if people didn't like a developer or a particular design or interview BY that developer, they immediately throw out anything they say or do as "oh, that doesn't count."

    Reminds me of several debates on these forums... "We'll dismiss his opinion because we don't like him" or "because his area of expertise doesn't match ours." Absolutely juvenile.

    To me, it makes no sense at all (both game-play AND business-wise) to go BACKWARDS in design to reduce playstyle options for gamers.

    That's just bad business. no matter WHAT game you play.

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
    Yes, the Kheldian AT was designed to be a shapeshifter, but I fail to see how that was meant to be the only path intended. A Kheldian has 24 (that's Twenty-Four!) other powers in their primary/secondary beyond the shapeshift toggles. The VAST Majority of these will not work when Shapeshifted, noR can these be slotted to a good level of effectiveness if one chooses to go the Tri-Form route. There won't be enough slots left over.

    So many Powers and Slots that are mutually exclusive to shapeshifting... In light of this, *IF* Shapeshifting is intended to be the path Kheldians should take (and it's considered gimping if you don't), then as Billz says, it's Bad Design... Very Bad.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    I was waiting for this to happen
    Yeah, but you were expecting me to be the first "scrapperlock" WS to pop in this thread, weren't 'ya?

    Originally Posted by Negate View Post
    they think their sets is Godly and then they Bonsai Jump in a group of Malta/Nemesis/COT and looked so shocked when they diez.
    Scrapperlock vs. Malta!

    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    This time, however, I was blueside. *gasp* With a warshade. *double gasp*

    ...I forgot for a moment that when I drop to human for sunless mire, I retain the bullet stopping power of a blueberry pie.

    Originally Posted by perwira View Post
    Team bar shows two scrappers standing, one barely alive, mine at 2/3 with the blue bar at 1/3. Inspiration tray is all but empty except for 2 breakfrees and an unused wakie.

    ...Then I finally survey the scene, viewing largest pile of freakshow I ever expect to see in one place, so dense the floor was hardly visible.
    Scrapperlock vs. "Numberless" Freaks!

    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    I'm thinking to myself... did I seriously just do this? Did I destroy 4 shadow cysts and ambushes in the time it took seven other people to do the same thing?
    I've thought that many times while playing on several of my toons, but I tend to keep it as a "thought" rather than something "voiced," as it usually offends someone on the team when I make a comment like

    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    I know I keep saying "scrapperlock," but I realize any AT can go off soloing on a team.
    Scrapperlock! (Yes, listening to calming music like OceanLab while in "scrapperlock" IS a bit weird...haha!)

    Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
    Final room of the Lady Grey TF.

    I believe my last words before I leapt into the huge spawn of Rikti while my team was still discussing pulling were 'YEEHAW.'
    Some of the most fun I've had recently in-game was on a "completed" LGTF where all but me and 1 other dude had quit, and we say, "What the heck? Why don't we just clear this mish ourselves?"

    Fun times.

  18. AlienOne

    Hami Raid

    Hey, Tammy, I have a friend coming that wants to be a sniper on "Blue Mito Distraction Team 2"... He'll be bringing his Nova-form PB named "Secret Agent E", and he'll have some range IOs in his build to fire from sniper distances.

    Let me know if you have any questions...

  19. Because it buffs AlienOne.

    And what Alien is for, OF2 is against.



    (Joke, by the way)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    You should see some of the festive rep hits I'm receiving for this push for change.
    Well, any sort of change which may affect current playstyles will most assuredly upset some people just thinking about it, as that may be (as in my case) the main character they prefer to play on... So, anything majorly "gimping" it further would be most unwelcome--people would prefer to continue "as is" than *possibly* getting hit with the "nerf bat."

    That said, forum rep is way, way, way, way, waaaaaaaay overrated. The ones who give negative/positive rep obviously think it has some bearing, or they wouldn't do it. But, for the most part, it shouldn't affect you at all. Hell, if you think your rep comments are bad, we should compare sometime. Some of the ones sent to me would be most unwelcome in any sort of civilized, mature adult setting... However, this is the "interwebz." People can say anything or be whoever they want to on here. Therefore, their opinion on me, my life, my viewpoints, my playstyle, or my spelling means jack %$#^ to me.

    If they want to have a civilized debate on any in-game issue with me without resorting to verbally dissing my military service, my relatives, where I was born, my education, or anything else of that nature, I'll be more than willing to discuss it with them. In public. On the forums.

    The rest of the cowards can hide behind the rep system if it makes them feel better about themselves.

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alef_infinity View Post
    Is a rickrolling really the best you can do for an argument?

    I'd like to see an actual discussion (thus my reading this thread), not petty gestures like that.
    Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today...

    If you'd actually READ the thread (as you claim), you'd see that I A.G.R.E.E. with his proposed changes. Therefore, I have NO REASON WHATSOEVER to "argue." Period.

    The only thing I wanted to point out was that it's not a "correct view" to try and compare Kheldians to other archetypes in a "are they as good" point of view, when in fact, they are not comparable.

    Which Bill Z Bubba already noted.

    Sooo.... Is there anything constructive you can add to this thread? At all?

    "Constructive" can also include something that "lightens the mood" (so to speak), so that widens your options a bit.




  22. Actually, according to my numbers, Everything you just said is wrong...

  23. Except there is a major difference between what I believe to be "intended design" (based on interviews from Devs when they were first interviewed) and what you think the Devs NOW think is "intended design" (based on what your friends say the Devs say now).

    If Geko's interview (way back when they first introduced them) is ANY indication as to what the ORIGINAL intended design is... We're doing it EXACTLY like they originally intended us to: which is, to pick and choose (whether it be tri, bi, or human-only) how to play our Khelds, WITHOUT pigeon-holing us into HAVING to play with the other forms in order to "be effective."

    If this is the case, then I truly hope the Devs stick to the ORIGINAL DESIGN, which (I think) lends itself to more options.

    The day they decide to nerf human-only players like myself in order to make tri-formers "more viable" or pigeon-hole Kheldian players into playing tri-form is the day I quietly leave the game for good.
