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  1. Yeah, they recently removed them from "plain sight" (YES!), but the rep system is still fully functional. In order to check for rep comments on a particular post, you have to manually go to your own post and click the "rep" button...

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    You mean stuff like:

    "I wish you would die"
    "Stop posting forever"
    "Air is wasted on you"
    "I feel bad for your husband, because your such a *****"
    "hurry up and die"
    "Stop playing City of Heroes"
    "i hate you"
    "dumb *****"
    "stupid **** *****"


  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BadBad_Girl View Post
    YOU do realize there is a 'Hide' feature to not be seen in searches.. I run with 30+ people( we just had to get new vent) and all of us Hide.

    Now that is not a high number but it is a feature that I am sure quite a few people utilize.

    And past week.. You do realize as well that Nov-Jan are Holiday time... Meaning family and not gaming
    Yeah, ever since we got all those "specific" hide features available to us, I've had pretty much all my characters on "hide" from the main search function (mainly to avoid random invites and tells from spammers). However, anyone on my global list or on any of the active channels (RF2009, Freedom TF/TFs, Freedom Badge, etc., etc.) would be able to see that I was online.

  4. What I do with my Dwarf step (since I'm the same as you and prefer not to use bind loads) is bind it to a completely different key. I have my "normal" teleport bound to my tab key, while my dwarf teleport is bound to my "left control" key.

    I entered the bind as such:

    /bind lcontrol "powexec_name black dwarf step"

    (much like what Gilia has up there)

    That way, I know that my tab key is always for my Shadow Step, while my lcontrol key is always for my Dwarf teleport. That help at all?

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Interesting... I think you just summed up how I feel about my characters at level 50 with that. Good job! I wouldn't have used GTA as an example (because... Ew!), but let's say... Devil May Cry. Yeah, you can upgrade Dante's weapons and skills, but right at the start of the game, he's an absolute badass dragged out of hell to basically be awesome. Or Metal Gear Solid, where Snake is a super skilled super agent dragged out of retirement because he's the only bad enough dude to save the president, so to speak. Or Halo's Master Chief, who's a veritable one-man killing machine just stepping out of the pod.

    In probably the great majority of action games, you're put in control of a highly-skilled, very powerful, utterly competent hero who's pretty much the only one badass enough to survive the dangers and put a stop to the evil. Very rarely do you start out as the fledgling wimp who needs to train and improve unless you're in an RPG, because action games thrive on action, and depriving you of your skills for too long is counter-productive to that.

    That's essentially how I feel about my 50s. They've served their time, they've had their adventures, they've completed their training. These are now the veterans, the elite, the guys and gals who are above and beyond the day-to-day trudge of holding back the waves of crime and evil and who essentially hang back and let the younger heroes take care of things, stepping in only when the crap REALLY hits the fan. They are, if you will, the cavalry, charging in to save the day when all others have failed. Getting a hero to that point is not the end. Even if I don't go for Inventions Sets and Hamidon enhancements, this is pretty much the BEGINNING of the hero where his story truly starts now that he's done with his training.

    And I'll add this to build on your "just the beginning" point: exemping down with a "completed" level 50 to help teams on lower level content is just that much more fun to me.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Hero and villain are in the back corner of Rikti War Zone or Cimerora. No one around to see. Why can't they fight each other then?
    Because in both of those zones (according to the supposed storyline), Heroes and Villains have chosen to *reluctantly* team up to fight a common enemy?

    I thought that was obvious.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ignatz View Post
    Wait. So you're saying it's not human nature for me to have someone insult my family and for my reaction to be 'Obviously this guy isn't worth my energy, friendship, or compassion' then procede to ignore the loudmouth? We are talking about verbal insults are we not? Reacting with fists against a verbal insult isn't brave or strong or tough. It's ignorant. And beneath my energy. The same can be said of my friends and family. Unless you're a Klingon I guess. That might explain it.

    I think this may have been the point Blood Spectre has been trying to make.
    Ahhhh, ok. Thanks for clarifying.

    I guess the point was too hard to see through all the "you're so immature" statements.

    Thanks again.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
    I recall level 50 was something to look forward to. Something big. Something to get to eventually at the end of most of some level 45+ story arcs and some TFs. Something one needs to work for, and feels accomplished when one achived it.

    These days, level 50 seems to have become something that just happens. It took me one TF on minimum setting to get half the way from 49 to 50 and ding before it was over on one character. It took only very few hours of doing nothing particular but just hopping around and killing street stuff and ToT-ing a little from 49 to 50 on another.

    Heck, 50 has become something that happens rather accidentally than on purpose anymore!

    Is it just me or does the game feel a lot more pointless with the current leveling speed, outleveling most contacts before you could play one arc half way through, playing each TF once making you skip everything until 45 or so, and there hardly being much content at all anymore that you play through on your way to max level?

    Yes, I know you can turn XP off now. But that' snot the default way to play nor should it be required for a decent experience of content.
    Is that just me? Is that just at higher levels? Or is there anybody else that thinks this game feels a little too fast and 'easy to beat' for someone that doesnt have altitis and hasnt played every single bit of content already?

    Strange. I seem to have completely the opposite experience...

    I have seventeen 50s (and counting), and yet I still get excited when I get a character to 50, because THEN is when the game "starts" for me. Then is when I can start mixing and matching in Mid's, testing, respec'ing (my fav part), testing some more, and then seeing how this "new" toon will play out on all my fav Task Forces--the lvl 45-50 ones...

    Next up is my lvl 25 Ice/Storm 'troller.... ABSOLUTE HORROR to play at the lower levels, due to the most extreme endurance drain you can imagine, but I'm sure she'll be great once she hits 50, as have all the rest of my 50s...

    To me, hitting 50 is like finally getting a character that can *properly* handle every situation--sort of like the characters you're given on just about any other sort of action game. Say, for example, Grand Theft Auto IV. You can immediately do pretty much whatever you want. There's consequences, and there are extreme difficulties, but once you pick up a few "enhancements" (guns) on your "already lvl 50 dude," you can handle pretty much any challenge thrown at you. And yet, that game is lauded for it's "replayability." Certainly not for the fact you have to "level up" your guy, which leads me to my next point:

    I think City of Heroes has kept all these vets around (including myself) for this long, not because "we just LOVE leveling up our 18th toon to 50," but because there are sooooo many other things that have been added (and still being added) to the game to keep our attention. It's not JUST leveling from one to fifty. It's a plethora of other things that keep people's attentions too! I'm sure I don't have to name them all off.

    I like a good challenge. And the BEST sort of challenge (IMO) is the difficult ones you have to face once you have ALL the "tools" in your arsenal...

    Fighting the *challenge* of "will my endurance last me through this fight?" isn't really much of a challenge.

    It's frustration.

    On top of that, with Ouroboros, I can now experience all the game's content AFTER I hit 50, which completely obviates everyone's comments that "rushing" to 50 makes everyone miss the "good parts."

    No, "rushing" to 50, allows you to better experience the "good parts"... A properly setted-out 50 can exemp down and solo story content, which is actually better for reading the content. If you're on a team, it's *almost* guaranteed the team leader is just going to click past everything as quickly as possible, OR you'll be kicked from the team for taking too much time to read everything yourself.

    All that said, I know it's always "to each his own." I realize that not everyone likes the part of the game I like (Task Forces after lvl 50), and I probably won't like other parts of the game the others DO like.

  9. My most disturbing character was a small boy named "Catholic Prostitute."

    Evidently it was the disturbing enough to someone to be genericized by the next morning...


  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
    Yes you are a towering momument of masculinity, fearsome and terrible, and no man would dare to speak ill of you or your kin! Better watch your step guys, Alien's in town.

    Or, you know, maybe you're just full of it. Because I can tell you this from personal experience, cultivating a reputation as a man who responds to challenges with his fists doesn't keep fights away from you. It brings them on. Until eventually you fight somewhere public enough that the police catch up to you and haul your disruptive and unruly *** out of polite society for a couple of years. Meanwhile, the grown ups have learned to handle our pride without all the chest thumping and urine measuring. Well, less of it anyway.

    Now, as for that last bit, let's just be clear as to what exact insult you are attempting to lob at me. Are you saying that my family doesn't have a good name? Or that I am too cowardly to defend it? Or are you suggesting instead that I don't love my family if I don't feel the need to punch people on their behalf?
    While I realize that people such as yourself (with proof of the above quote) try to get rises out of people like me, it truly doesn't work. Really. If someone wants to measure their muscles or their urine next to mine, that's their perrogative. If their chest is an inch thicker than mine, that's cool too. If they want to brag about it, that's also their choice.

    What I was referring to (in case you may have mis-read) is if or when someone is attacking your family or your reputation (in real life) in any way. Any "normal" or "sane" person would race to protect that which is important to them. It's human nature. If your family is important to you, then you will protect them and what they stand for. By doing so, you will be not only showing what YOU stand for, but what is important to you in life.

    Understand? Or do I need to explain it further to you and the rest of the "grown ups?"

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
    Wolverine Codfish?

  12. Seriously... Animals?

    Who would name their "person" an animal name like "Codfish?"

    Anyone else not getting this?


  13. I just checked...

    Celestial Damz isn't taken yet!

    Better hurry!

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    I am THE damz, the ONE damz
    Try DamzOne....

    That may work.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    Hmmm... let's see what names are available on FREEDOM based on that EXACT naming scheme no leetspeak required... as of right now, I just checked:
    • Celestial Duke
    • Celestial Count
    • Celestial Queen
    • Celestial Emperor
    • Celestial Empress
    • Celestial Prince
    • Celestial Princess
    • Celestial Baron
    • Celestial Baroness
    And it goes on and on... and that's not even using synonyms for Celestial...

    ...yeah, no decent names at ALL! You have no chance at getting anything even remotely CLOSE to what you want! It's impossible!
    Hey, easy, Westley! I didn't say I was having a prob personally... Anyone who knows me could tell you I name 95% of my toons with the word "One" in it, so I basically have no problem whatsoever naming toons.

    I DID say I agreed with him, because if I entered any "one-word" versions of what I want to name my toons (say, "Alien" for instance), it would be absolutely impossible.

    Maybe 4L13N would work though...

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
    You go through life decking out everyone who insults you, and let me know how that works out for you. Just make sure you behave in prison, so that you're allowed to have visitors, and I will come see you and you can tell me all about how that played out.

    Now, Goat aside, I have personally been attacked with things worse than "jerk", (because I am a raging rectum of a man) both anonymously and directly. Or, I assume, directly. I suppose it's possible that someone could have lied and signed someone else's name to their comments. It's not as if I would be able to tell the difference. Even so, I still like the system. I got far more affirmations than I did insults, and I would very much like it if it were easy for people to pat me on the back once again.
    So far, so good.

    It's called "developing a reputation" in real life as well, in case you missed it.

    Once you get one, people pretty much leave you alone, if they've got nothing constructive to say to you.

    Some people have their mothers teach them "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all."

    Others.... Well, they have to learn the hard way.


    As a side note, I've never personally met someone that wasn't loyal enough to their immediate family to protect their mother, father, brother, and sister's good name.

    Then again, I suppose there's a first time for everything.... Nice to meet you, Blood Spectre!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    Really, it's gotten pretty difficult to come up with a character name that doesn't use leetspeak like C3lesti@l, or throw random letters and / or numbers in like Celestial A 3, or use a foreign language like Latin. Perhaps I'm uncreative.
    I'd have to actually agree with this...

    ...And yet there are still threads that complain about the people who make names using numbers or "leetspeak"... Good for them! XD

    On another note though, I did create a toon about a month or so ago called "Shock Collision," and was extremely suprised that name had not already been taken...

    So, you never know.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I think the whole "omg awful, terrible things in my rep comments nobody would ever say in public!" hysteria is comically inflated.

    I'm as polarizing a figure as you're likely to find, and the most insulting rep comment I got was my stalker who commented "jerk" as often as they could for a few weeks.

    I'm sure some over the line things were said. But that happens 'out here' too. And they don't shut the forums down over it, they police the offenders and move on.
    Over the line things were and ARE said. And you're exactly right. It does happen 'out here' too. Except that, 'out here' in real life, I can plant my fist firmly in someone's face who--say for instance--insults my family.

    When someone can do that while hiding behind anonymity (because they're obviously the type of person who can't handle the "reprocussions" of saying it to your face), I don't have that 'luxury.'

    On another note, I daresay you haven't received anything worse than "jerk" in your rep comments, because people who don't like you (such as myself) would rather say it to your face or just straight up ignore you. I don't personally feel a need to use some sort of 'smoke screen' to anonymously put you down or insult you, when I can just as easily say it straight to your face.

    Then again, I haven't insulted you or put you down. I may completely disagree with your approach to other players when posting (whether you're factually correct or not) or just plain out not like you, but that doesn't give me a "right" to insult you, your family, your intelligence, or anything else I don't know anything about.

  19. Negative Rep Comment:
    Bad player in general, uses no real information, guess work does not equal accuracy.
    Dangit... Someone found me out.

    Sorry, guys... I've been lying all along!

    I really don't have any Kheldians, nor have I spent thousands of hours leveling them up, creating builds for them, writing guides, helping other people build theirs, answering questions about them, or posting 80% of my posts in this section of the forums.

    I apologize... Can you all find it in your hearts to forgive me?

    .....Naw, screw that coward.

    You guys get to keep me, whether you like it or not!

    Sorry, dude!

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
    I would like the option to see my rep comments.
    But they could be left as optional, so as not to bother trolls who post garbage by letting them see criticism of thier rants.

    I wouldn't mind if they were anonymous or tagged with the writer's name.

    As it is, I can put in a rep comment to praise a post, but the poster will probably never see it. Or I can derail a thread's main topic by posting a fluff post like "/signed!" or "Awesome idea!", wich detracts from the conversation.
    Or you could be happy like me that they're gone, so you don't have to see comments that have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL to do with your post, like comments about your military service, your family, or your intelligence/education level.

    I for one am EXTREMELY happy about the change.

    Go Devs!

  21. AlienOne

    Hami Raid

    That was a FUN raid, Tammy.... Glad I could actually make it to tonight's raid...

    Blue (Sniper) Team 2 RULED! :P

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    One more random idea... I think that if they made human form powers workable in the other forms (the heals, etc., not the attacks), Dwarf would still be usable if you gave human form a little bit of mez protection. Probably a tech problem, but it's something to think about. Could toss some higher melee damage to Human form, too (scale 1, rather than .85).
    I've always thought that there could be several different workarounds similar to what you suggested, Grey Pilgrim, to address Castle's worry that "Dwarf would become obviated," but evidently it's either not workable for them, or they just simply don't want to implement changes like that to Dwarf form.

    Maybe not even something as difficult as giving access to human form powers while in dwarf form--could be just adding a specific "aura" for going into dwarf form that benefits the team, much like leadership. If this were the case, teammates would begin to look at all the different playstyle forms people choose when they play Khelds the same way they do other ATs.

    "This person's a tri-former. Ok, cool... They're all-around. They can fill in the gaps, dish out the damage, and protect the team when they switch to Dwarf."

    "This person's a bi-former (human/nova). Ok, cool.... They're a massive damage dealer. Good we needed a blaster-type on the team."

    "This person's a human-former. Ok, cool.... They're pretty much like a scrapper. He'll be in melee range most of the time...asking for CM."

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Realize you may be up a creek with that attitude. I could see more damage happening for melee attacks or something like that than keeping Eclipse as is as well as mez protection. If you allow Eclipse to stay, plus mez protection (even a minor amount), you really are looking at a Tank mage. I could easily make an IO build for that which would give me a lot of recharge and defense, making most mezzes miss (while I get to mezz enemies back), and then the resists to make what damage hits me laughable.
    Let me repeat myself. I'd rather keep Eclipse "as is" then have any nerfs to it for sake of "mez protection." I'll keep hitting Break Frees before I agree to an Eclipse nerf.

    Nerfing Eclipse would be probably the biggest nerf in the history of Kheldians (and one that in my opinion would take the "epic" of HEATs Warshade-wise), and not one I would EVER like to see put into action.

    Again, just so we're clear: I didn't just ask for mez protection in that previous post. I said it'd be NICE (look at what the VEATs can do!), but before I'd agree to a nerf to Eclipse, I'd just rather go without mez protection.

    That's what break frees are for, right?

    Are we clear?

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    One note for people proposing ideas. Kheldians are not VEATs. Nor are they Kins. The devs aren't ever going to make them that way (cottage rule again), and it would be a terrible idea if they did do it. If you like VEATs, play a VEAT: making every other class into one is not a good thing, it makes the game bland and play the same.
    I believe this same thought process also could apply to making Khelds *ONLY* act as tri-formers.

    Fewer choices is a bad direction to go.

    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    I also wonder if some more things could happen if caps were instituted. If Human form had a lower resistance cap than Dwarf, could you give it some mez resistance and health? etc. Same thing for the cosmic balance modifiers, etc. No time to think about it more while at work, but just throwing it out there.
    I would be against this. As much as I'd like to see mezz resistance in human form (look what the VEATs can do!), I wouldn't want to give up the power of Eclipse for it. Screw that.

    I'll keep hitting break frees.

  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I'm only egotistical because I'm better than you at everything.


    I got one problem with that attitude, though... It's MINE, and you can't have it!!!
