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  1. "aura-infused" stopped being cool well... After GeForce 2? If those things would be done at all, I'd like to see, say, DB attacks looking more like sword attacks, less like guy just spinning and waving his blades for no apparent purpose, or LESS over-the-top version of Claws' Eviscerate... Of course, these things aren't, by definition "just a bit more" animation, so it probably won't happen? unles CoX somehow gets WoW number of subscribers...

    Sorry for any typos, had to stay awake all night.
  2. My debugger sense tells me that it is nearly as bad as power customization coding-wise, (Although IANAD and my debugger sense isn't perfect.) but in one regard it might be even better than either the current system or "baseline" PC. Not only you still can readily recognize power used, you can gauge it's sterength easier.

    In other words /signed, FWIW.

    Now, when I think about it, it can be made even better in that regard, - make custom animations unlockable by slotting a power. So, basic power with 1-2 slots has default anim, and a 6-slottet power has additional visual bells and whistles... Hmm... Or it could even be "Animation time" IO. Although I suspect that this is even more peoblematic coding-wise, even if only one or two powers per set are like that.
  3. [ QUOTE ]

    Originally I thought he fit with the Xanatos Gambit but in fact he fits more in the Xanatos Roulette

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Actually, Nemesis is just a puppet of TVTropers, who secretly plot to take over the world by stopping any productive work at places with the Internet connections and making all of us speaking only in teeveetropisms. And there's nothing Xanatos about that, it's just Genre Savvines-powered Indy Ploy, - condensed pop culture is Too Awesome to Not To Work.
  4. Well...If it was up to me, I'd make auras into inventions. with aura mission converted to some kind of micro-TF or trial oe whatever offering aura recipes as rewards.

    Cape mission actually isn't THAT bad... although maybe it would be nice to have it earlier, say at Lvl 14 (of course with modifications.)
  5. Alchemist is pretty obvious, but you can't get it before LVL 30, and I can earn an accolade or two before that (My MM is mostly offline, unless I'm really-really tired of my scrapper and just want something less intense with pets gunning down things for me for a while... Happens maybe twice a month.)

    The MM is Mercs/Traps (style over substance, I know )
  6. Maybe... I actually wondered what'll happen if I disallow all the IPs other than NCsoft's, but My firewall isn't that fine-tunable
  7. My updater tries to access, which tracert shows to be Google's IPs, probably an SMTP server. Yes, I checked it with an antivirus, it appears clean...

    Is this OK or a trojan after all?

    Edit/ADD^ So does main executable although to different address ( immediately after the game is loaded and login screen appears.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Actually, you're both right and wrong; we've gone over this several times in the past few years...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, I'm not as dumb as to argue with collective wisdom of the /all... And I suspect that's about as much as they actually could/would bother to enforce in 99.999% cases anyway. But EULA itself is more broad than that, even if parts of it requiring total transfer of copyright have dubious enforceability from my lay point of view... (Not going to test that, of course, and again IANAL, do not try this, etc.)
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    As long as the rights to the character were given to me so that I could use them elsewhere, sure.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Technically, you don't have rights to your character. I checked that IRT Architect missions, - any content you upload to NC sites/create in-game IS THEIRS, unless prohibited by law, even then you automatically grant them license to do whatever they want with it (but you can do it to/// In theory, anyway.) They expressy permit fanfic/fanart as long as you don't get money from it thou.

    Of course, IANAL, and suspect that if it really went as far as the court, things could go either way... But, well, I doubt they'd do.
  10. 3dent

    Reverse invites?

    [ QUOTE ]
    None taken. The mouse-over always works for me, so I don't know why it's not working for you if not. If you still have no joy on retrying, I suggest getting in touch with Technical support. and seeing whether they can offer help.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yes, it works now. Maybe first time it was b/c of some pecularity of how chat is handled on trial acc, or /me doing something wrong and I didn't bother to re-check it. But now it works.
  11. As one of those new players for whom those changes were ostensibly made... I will try I13 PvP, although I still doubt it will fix things I really don't like about any sort of internet PvP. I wouldn't otherwise. Months of work to make PvPable toon (since those ATs/Powers I most enjopy in PvE aren't at all those that are competitive there) just to discover that I don't like PvP after all? I have other things to do. Really.

    If I can see and meaningfully participate in PvP with any powerset, maybe with some respec, - that's another thing, and yes, I do understand that for the best results you will still need specialized toon. BUT there won't be that "months of work for total pig in a poke" factor.
  12. Hmm... If it works like MM pets and if I understand how MM pets slotting works, it only affects Ssingularity itself.
  13. 3dent

    Click And Run

    [ QUOTE ]
    saying that clicking and running is against the rules is crazy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe... Maybe not. EULA, 6(d)ix:
    [ QUOTE ]
    Member Conduct. You agree not to use the Service to:
    "stalk" or otherwise harass another member.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Repeated, targetted CnR undoubtedly is a "harrassment".
    You click "agree" every time you start the game.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    But walking is AWESOME! ^^

    ok, the big ones will walk a little slower, and small onces a little faster... so what ?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    As I understand it, and I'm by no means animation guru, it's bit more difficult than that, even without powers. Essentially walk/run is 2 processes running simultaneously: the model moving forward AND walkcycle playback, which is as far as code concerned, NOT the thing that moves character forward, just an animaation.

    If you don't synch them, it looks really-really weird, If you do, you get infamous AoC gender inequality bug (anim synch code caused females to do less DPS, because female anims were different.) only here it would be "size inequality". You can avoid both problems, but it isn't something easy to do. And no, only allowing walk with powers down isn't necessarily a solution.

    CoH devs and artists really made one of the best runcycles ever in MMOG, (plus, feet are obscured by particle effect when you move REAL fast for an extra bit of cleverness. ) so they MIGHT pull the trick once again... But I doubt they have the resources. Although, yes, I want a [s]pony[/s] secret identity too.
  15. 3dent

    Click And Run

    People, let's just stop it.

    But frankly... Dealing with grirfers IS something better done by game team than by players or else irt would be like early UO. To quote well-known article
    [ QUOTE ]
    The "evil player", when called on this behavior, then claims to be an integral part of the game world. Evil needs to be fought against. It makes the game interesting to have someone to hate, right? I mean, they're so altruistic! It's a public service, being an [censored]. Hard work and all that. Lost your house? Stupid newbie, everyone knows to carry 30 boxes and 20 furs to hide your key under so it takes a thief at least 10 seconds using a 3rd party macro program to steal it. Killed while hunting? Stupid newbie, suck it up and deal. Learn to fight and maybe someday you can be one of us.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    <banned topic> may or may not be solution to some playe not having enough teams, but I strongly suspect it isn't. Add in fixation on that particular solution and imagining Axis of Evil straight out of Colbert's Report opposed to it, and you've got what you got.
  16. [ QUOTE ]

    Was just thinking if people came out claiming an arc was theirs when it wasnt.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    If that would be the problem everybody would just work a (not-so) hidden signature easter egg in (in clue descriptors or dialogs) Why not if that's a "holodeck" annyway?

    For the same reason hiding names of authors might be a bit silly. The only situation where it might be useful is you made a lot of absolutely horrible missions, but now do a great ones (or so people say... All two of them. )
  17. 3dent

    Click And Run

    [ QUOTE ]
    There is a difference between clicking on doors and then running while you try to avoid harrasing others or trying to grief someone.

    I don't mind the first part much, I have had to do it on a toon as well because i found her not able to deal with the tricks properly. I only needed the salvage so i was done relatively fast. It is an anoying tactic to do, i prefer to clobber em and get some xp while I am working. The problem is, you can't guarantee that nobody is getting a victim of this tactic. Because those spawns sometimes come out a wrong door. Worse they have to return to a door.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Easy. Camp doors near hosps, zone entrances, etc, and lead mobs you can't/won't fight to the drones. You get your treats, mobs are safely melt, no one else harmed. I did it with weres/sorceresess on toons who can't fight them. Of course you should be careful, since other players CAN appear out of nowhere there, you can't warn them either. But with clever selection of drones, and staying in zones where you are relatively low-level, this is quite safe for everyone. If I'd accidentaly grief anyone with that tactics, I'd join the fight, if them still dies, I'd apologize, and If I have it already, share some treat salvage. But so far there were no issues.
  18. 3dent

    Reverse invites?

    You do? First thing I tried... Didn't work. Maybe I did something wrong like mouseovered 10 pixels left of the needed place... Ok, I'll retry next login.
    Sorry, that internet thing makes you sound hostile when you really don't feel anything like it. No any kind of offence meant to anyone.
  19. 3dent

    Reverse invites?

    Valid points, and I definitely plan to try this, but, there's one problem here, - No place left to tell what exactly we're planning to do without some cryptic code no one would understand. Not even with it maybe... <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>LF3M Fltln Lvl 18 can sk 2.</pre><hr /> Definitely won't fit...

    As for using our brains, - I wasn't asking for rideable ponies exactly, and current search comment ISn't usable for anything but "no blinds, plz." Its length isn't limited by backend either, bur solely by search window being non-resizeable. Ok, I understand that devs aren't morons and there is a reason it isn't resizeable, but it isn't THAT difficult to work around that reason somehow, whatever that reason is.

    Edit/ADD Other 2 items might be more tricky to estimate without knowing details, but probably neither is a pony either.
  20. Why, If I understand correctly arenas work kind of like that... The problem is in combining mission objectives of both teams, handling possibility of mission failure where previousle weren't any and other devilish details... But... But there are Safeguard/Mayhem missions! it's guaranteed that both teams would have matching objectives, there's already possibility of failure on both sides.

    Then there's a human factor... Randomly deciding whether it would be PvP or PvE safeguard simply would annoy everybody, letting them by mutual agreement only would turn them in yet another PvP, mode, Uba-700N required. And forcing PvP won't work, as low-level toons lose their precious jetpacks.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I think to make it truly epic I would like to see the battling factions be Midnighters and Menders and with them battling for the whole of existence in a war waged throughout time.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, too much time travel to my taste, but yes, that kind of Awesomely Epic. Bonus points for threat being so Awesomely Epic, that we get allied Rikti.

    And, BTW, it should be cooperative... Heroes and villains work together against Rikti, so anything even more threatening than them almost has to be co-op too. (and it's even logical since Midnighters are involved.)
  22. 3dent

    Reverse invites?

    Well, in a few games where I saw it it worked, although there were other factors at work too, no not the banned topics, but the fact that you pretty much HAD to team to get anything worthwhile.
  23. 3dent

    Reverse invites?

    [ QUOTE ]
    I understand why you want all this, but sending a tell asking for invite works a charm. I like option A tho.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It doesn't.
    1) You see who's in a team, but you don't see leaders, nor you can tell if team is full. (So, /tell often goes to the wrong member. If that member is me it's as good as lost in most cases, since while I would spell Ask OurLeadersLongName, well, lots of things will happen.)
    2) Without some bind-fu ur tying up your clipboard any way to send multiple tells with the same text is painful. So messages normally don't contain any info beyond "J. Random Hiro LFT." (I know bind-fu. More or less. But I also don't send those /tells.)

    And no on spams nobody in this scheme.
  24. 3dent

    Reverse invites?

    WI search functionality would work both ways, that is, not only allowing leaders to see potential teammates, but advetise themselves? Something like that:
    A. "Recruiting for X " options are added to current "looking for X/not looking/autodeclining" combobox. Option auto-resets once team is full or leader enters instanced map, and can be reset manually.

    B. It is possible to send an "application" to those who set "recruiting" option on themselves (and only to them). Application will contain name, AT, level, and maybe primary/secondary (not sure this is a good idea though), and if leader accepts it, applicant joins the team.
    C. Longrer and fully-visible search comment, pretty please.