979 -
I plan on being there so I hope so OW.
AV -
Well done, well done. A great time was had by all. Excellent job American Legion and Awesome job by DJ Angel, Great event and fun was had by all. Thanks for the warm welcome looking foward to teaming with you all again. And great music by the Cape.
American Valor
aka Liberty Express, who came away with more then winnings, I made a few friends -
If I am able would love to join. I like to solo this one that way I can do my own fashion show, on the catwalk
. Currently out of game, my hope is to be back sometime this upcomming weekend.
AV -
I offer to you the hugest Conga RATZS to your Evilness at becoming the Threat lvl Villain of your dreams. Yea
Star Vengence Overlord of the Dark Desires -
no worrys Bud. Take it easy we'll keep you in our prayers.
AV -
Quote:Cool and Thank you TsumijuZero for sharing the link. I think the idea holds lots of merit and I would be very interested in seeing how this could be done. As I mentioned prieviously Both me and my SG mate who regulary run standard MSR are currently on hiatuis due to RL commitments. I would hopefully like to see something like this attempted just for the sheer novelity of the idea, and I can see where time would be the factor. Thank you again for the link.It always amuses me it how it was "mentioned" on another server yet you devised the strategy...
anyways, here are my notes on Union's attempt at this, we wish you good luck in achieving this, although time becomes the deciding factor in the attempt as we discovered.
On a different note:
I can understand the fustration that the server hasn't gotten behind the idea, personally I don't believe it had anything to do with the status of being a Vet or Not, but more the fact that this month has been the 6th annv release of the game and others are doing things to celebrate the game here on Liberty or elsewhere. Then it is also the end of the school year and plenty of our forumites are dealing with that from both sides. I would recommend take a step back, lighten up, relax and lets see how things turn out. I would like to see this attempted as I stated above.
Valor -
Quote:Did you bother to read my post before you posted. You assume I would be willing to join in your raid with No pm, or tells and then you act the jerk in this post and expect me and my sg mate to consider helping you.This is nice. People want to amass enough players to "work together" to destroy a Hami Raid, but they can't come together for something as simple as this. Is it because you guys would prefer Matt, Valor, Steele, or someone who you people are more familiar with? After all, who am I? I am that tick in your mind slowly sipping out brain fluid but at the same time leaving my mark - an idea that this may actually be fun. When this event goes off eventually, I won't be there to lead it because "hey, who is Desum? She's probably like Cold Eng or Dragynmaster who has never lead anything successfully." I am a 3 month noob who doesn't know the goings of this game and will assume the position to the veterans of this game because they are sooooo good.
Bad form. I have a life, a RL, so does Steele. Heaven forbid we don't drop everything to pimp your idea. I don't care if you're the leader of the number one sg on the server which you're not. You should learn basic manners imo if you expect my help. Yea like my message to you, bad form. Maybe at some future date you might present this idea again and if people are interested and your mature enough people will help. There are plenty of helpful people on this server and I am at the bottom of that list, the very bottom.
Either way good luck.
AV -
I would suggest instead of a channel maybe see if Channel Ops can change the MotD on the already existing channels. I am at full channels at the moment and probably won't be able to make room to add a new channel. But Iknow the Sentinel's would be highly interested in assisting with Mo missions. Keep us in mind and I will do the same.
Valor -
Quote:It's been out for a while, we just haven't done a public one in a very long time. My understanding is several SG have done it since but that is far and few inbetween. The new Social event for the server became the RWZ Mothership Raids where half the teams follow the leader the other half doesn't, everyone basicly chats, but carefully because the Magus can cause team wipes if your not paying attention. It's a new Hami only Vanguard merits instead of random Hami drops.I look at Hamidon Raids as church fellowship for my character. It's a social time, while blasting, or holding or dropping pets. Without Hamidon Raids on a regular basis, the folks that have only recently gotten to 50 may never know what it's like. Nor will they know what we are about.
The zone cap at 50 is definitely new, and disappointing. But, not insurmountable. It's a challenge. We'll adapt and try to overcome.
In the meantime, let's set a time - once a week or everynight - just so long as we have a time set. Let's be regular and consistent. No one time is going to be good for everyone.
I've still got my ill/rad troller on the rock in position. (plus other alts that could contribute in smaller ways. )
Of late haven't lead any MSR's as some began to grief it in a fashion. If the server wants to raid we raid if they don't, we don't. Plenty of Good players have stepped up to run raids, (Hami and MSR) I say awesome. Sometimes it gets tiring herding cats.
AV -
Quote:He's confused, ask GEL she was there.
I'm not trying to single anybody out, other than that jab at Valor, but that's because he tried to set me up with some villainesses.
Say what? Villainesses? When? Are we talking about the same Valor? *shocked*Valor had Left and Star Vengence Overlord of the Dark Desires had been the one who was inspired by Soldier boy G69 good nature and offered the villainess a chance to have some RWZ fun with a real american hero. To his dismay none of the villainess took him up on his offer. sigh. Thats my story and I'm stickin to it.
This message is approved by an AV who would never consider throwing a fellow hero to the wolves.
Valor -
Quote:Your right I shouldn't take it personal, but I would if it was my SG mate and friend who got locked out because of a poacher. I could petition but that would only annoy me more because I've been here long enough to know how the system works. Or I could not ever lead another Hami raid again since I don't like the new format and quite simply not have to deal with that problem which was created by the new system to begin with. As you said but as long as it's public, then that is the fact of life.Yes. Especially if you start to have successful regular raids. It's the reality of the situation and people shouldn't take it personal - petition for instanced hamis if that'd make you feel better, but as long as it's public, then that will be a fact of life.
As for the EOE's they can be gathered in the zone or on PI monster islands. It's nice to know that we wouldn't have to kill a billion of the GM's to spawn Hami in the zone.
Have a great day and thanks for answering my questions.
AV -
Quote:Hey Old Man a Welcome back is in order. How have you been? The pup's here have only heard the legend of the Hami and have only seen a weaken Hami while fighting in Lady Grey Task Force. They have never had the pleasure of earning a Hami o. I wasn't insulted and I don't think any of the other raid leaders were, and we (the Liberty Server) have never turned away any player who wanted to come here, and I know cause I have poached several of Liberty's best from other servers. I do think one of Liberty's own should lead the raid but if no one steps up which is exactly what has been happening and that includes me. I believe they should have the right to have an experienced leader assit them, don't you Cold. Anyway good to see you back on the forums and maybe I will catch you in game.You guys act like it has never been done on liberty and it is an insult to those of us that lead several completed raids on this server. Thats ok we never had help from other servers and if you looked hard enough out of your own little click of players you would find ppl on the server that know how to do this and how to lead it.
Valor -
Steele is currently out of game effectively for the month of May, I may or maynot be available as 'Peter Pan' has a princess who is graduating. Thus making May a hit and miss month for me why I bowed out of forming up the Liberty Hami Raid that is in the works.
Sounds interesting enough.
Valor -
Thanks Pete. The GM griefing wasn't cool but unless time perfectly rarly was anything more than annoying. Now Leaching I just didn't like and thats was susposed to be taken care of via the lower zone cap, which I never liked that solution.
Its good to know that simple spawn clearing will generate enough EOE's to basicly complete the raid. I Strongly dislike farming of every type. Nuff said on that count. My role as a Hami Raid leader / Hami taunt tank has completely changed from everything I've read.
Simply put if farming of the EOE's isn't required it is just a matter of selecting a date once we have a patch for Hami live for the Mitos problem and we clear zone gather at the rock and have some Jello shooterslike the old days. Plus some of our new pup's can earn some badges.
Valor -
Reality of the server is how our server is. In reply to weather we are self defeating or not. On the other servers are there spot highjackers waiting for someone to dc so they can jump the spot? preventing your Team member from getting back in zone or has that stopped?
I think seriously that Hazy and GEL should take point on this. I would suggest any June date except Fathers day. I will be unavailable for Memorial Day weekend. Remember that EOE farming maybe required.
Valor -
As pointed out there are several threads about Hami raids if there is an interest etc...
I don't know if he's broken, I do know the Hive Zone caps at 50 not at 100 like it used to and it became a bit more ( Farming EOE's) then simply show up at cowards rock and running it.
Maybe it wouldn't be as bad now with the possible grifing and possible spot hijacking as much since time has passed. It is probably time that we (Liberty) really discuss forming up Hami teams and determine what day we would like to run the event.
There are a couple Hami guides posted and if we really want to start it begins with EOE farming and GM clearing to spawn him.
Valor -
Quote:Is there such a thing as a good archer build?
Yah yah yah I know people going to tell me this should be posted in the Blaster Forum. If a blaster person from another server wants a good arch/em build... he'll have to search for it. ;-) From a Tank grins
AV -
As I mentioned to DW the other night, The LIberty Round table is for everyone. You want in, you're in, there is no chairman to vote who's in no quota of events. Want to host an event, set it up. Not sure where to begin, or just need a hand, just ask. We are here to help bring life back to Liberty through events, task forces, and just good old general fun.
That said, This is a great month to get things started guys just check the calendars of events to make sure we can avoid as much event conflict as possible.
- Calendar INFO
- COH Calendar
- Everyone that is registered at sisterhoodcoh.com has access to the Sisterhood Calendar.
- Beep! Beep! Central has events listed as well.
American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty -
Virtue has a name thread that they do this continuosly with, Thanks again Lyc.
But it was a homage DW!
I am not -DR_Seuss_47, I did not name my character so, I would not could not, no no no, I do not like copyright infringements or spam...
AV in a humerous mood today -
Now Doc in defense of Statesman, He did take the killing shot which would have taken me out and would have prevented me from getting the:
Quote:The most fitting kill for earning my Security Level 50, making me a Hero of the City. Yea Team!05-07-2010 01:11:20 You have defeated Jade Spider -
Ok Heroes the task is complete The Villains defeated and the doomday machine destroyed.
Thanks in no short supply to those heroes of the:
Global Response Team!
- Global Response Team Roster
- @ American_Valor as Global Shield
- @ Dead_West as Dead West
- @ Flagrant_Fowl as Flagrant Fowl
- @ DocMidknight as Dr Midknight
- @ Mystic_Fortune as Justice Forge
- @ Doc_Hornet as Doc Hornet
As we freeded the captured heroes Lord Recluse tried a desperate gambit and launched a suprise attack on us which was met with exuberance force. He and his minions were defeated soundly and Statesman was freed. For our valiant efforts I was awarded with my new Security level 50 id. Before continuing to free the rest of the heroes. Shortly there after we found ourselves in a pitched battle with Lord Recluse's doomday device the Jade Spider. The city was saved thanks to the combined might of the Global Response Team, Freedom Phalanx and the Vindicators. To my fellow heroes a warm thank you on a job well done. -
Thank you: General Devastation shall soon be ready to cause mayhem. Thanks
Valor -
Good Luck and Safe travels Hero.