1178 -
Congrats on the score, Night Hornet!
Like all of Miss Cashoo's artz, it is nomtastic! -
Quote:The 'Green Hornet' radio program actually predates the first appearance of 'Batman' in Detective Comics #27 by a few years. More properly, he belongs to the pulp-era masked vigilante set, like 'The Shadow'.When was the original Green Hornet series ever serious? It was Batman with different characters. Bruce Lee made it slightly less slapstick than it could have been, only because of how good he was. I think your rose-colored glasses need an adjustment.
The trailer didn't look bad at all. Definitely not Catwoman level.
He was also depicted in an early 1940's movie serial, where Kato was portrayed by Keye Luke, who would later portray Master Po on the TV series 'Kung Fu' some three decades later.
For the last seven decades, he has been featured in several comic book series.
While I can accept a certain level of levity between Britt Reid/The Green Hornet and Kato, I cannot help but fear that Seth Rogaine simply will not 'get' the character and this movie will make 'Dumb and Dumber' look like a production by the Royal Shakespeare Company. -
The in-game explanation of how characters gain advanced abilities is really only *one* possible explanation, and players are free to accept or renounce that explanation as most befits their own character.
The 'Many Worlds' theory and all that, dontchaknow. -
Quote:Before you kiss the babies, you *might* want to change your avatar so that you do not scare them!And I will accept the nomination and seconding, assuming that I get to kiss some babies during the campaign.
You might also want to make more public appearances cradling a purple spandex-wearing kitten in your arms. Maybe even include her as a character in one (or more) of your stories. Just sayin'! -
As Miss Golden said, it is a Nemmie plot ...!
Namely, Issue 20 is aptly named 'Moon Base Alpha'!
You heard it here first, True Believers! -
I second the nomination of Teh Catsi (I was going to suggest him, but didn't know what category he'd fit in)
I'll also second the nomination of Teh Hickman, in the feeble hope that he'll be so grateful that he'll include me as a major protagonist in a future story of his. -
Quote:A modern retelling is fine. Just make it serious. Kick Seth Rogaine to the curb and get someone who will respect the intellectual property!Personally I have seen far worse....this looks like an interesting take on the Green Hornet mythos....For the life of me I do not understand why people think that Green Hornet needs to be set in the WWII era....this is a modern telling of Green Hornet....
I do *not* want a Green Hornet movie filled with bathroom 'humor'.
Seth Rogaine is full of fail. That's why I suggested Van Williams and Jackie Chan, even though they are rather old now. -
Those Infidels who call themselves the 'Knives of Artemis' must be excised from Paragon City before their cancer grows and kills the patient!
The best way is to infiltrate them and strike from within!
Make it sho, Numba One!
((I'd like to see this, please. As far as prioritization, I would actually like to see more cat-line costume options, like cat paws (fore- and hind-), cat heads (without default Human ears), fur options, and a Height slider which goes down to 1 foot tall, please. Thanks very much!)) -
Devs: Thanks for giving us this nomtastic game, which allows me to imbue my character with the power of all the felines (big and small) who have existed since the Dawn of Creation!
Players: Thanks for giving me some really great and memorable teams!
Forumites: Thank-you for welcoming and adopting me, and making me your unofficial mascot (and art model)!
(*noms a huge serving bowl of Sage Dressing, since she doesn't eat turkey, as some of her dearest friends are turkeys*)
(*sets out a bowl of nightshade and milkweeds for her bestest buddies, the Butterflies and Fireflies*) -
Quote:Speaking only for myself, once Amerikatt becomes an Incarnate, she will have the combined power of all felines (big and small) who have ever lived!It's just that all this incarnate stuff is rubbing me a bit the wrong way, it comes out and all of a sudden everyones characer are going on simultanious uests or whatever to gain power.
Whats wrong with the IC power level we had before? I just don't get why everyones suddenly decided to make all thier characters that much more powerful... -
Quote:Miss DR: Your exquisite eye for detail has earned you +10 Interwebz *and* a Supa-Kitteh Huggle from me!She's gone to the Amerikatts, didn't you see?
I look foward to your new projects, both on YouTube and on your personal site. You are extremely talented and a vital asset to both our community and to the professional videographic community! (*ninja huggles Miss DR and squees with delight*)
Fleeting Whisper: Mom was a Russian Blue (though she was born in the USA), Dad (as near as we can tell) was an American Shorthair, and my great-, great-, great-, great-, great-, great-, great-grandsire (many, many, many generations past) was a British Shorthair (from whom I got my amber eyes) was Master Ratter aboard The Mayflower. <See? I haz a pedigree!>
The Seven Legendary Artists
I nominate the following artists:
1. Christopher Robin
2. Pirate Cashoo
3. Wassy
4. Psygon
5. Foo
6. Tiger Talez
7. Deebs
We have so many incredibly gifted artistics in our community. It is really difficult to choose only seven.
I apologize if I have not put your name on this list. -
Quote:I will second the above names and/or add my vote to the 10 they need.
The (n) denotes Nominated but not seconded.
The (s) denotes Seconded but not approved.
The 7EF:
- 4. Bill Z Bubba (s) For epic Techiness and computer skillz (nominated by Healix seconded by Golden Ace)
- 5. City_Life (n) nominated by Kheldarn
- 6. PepCat (n) BY catsi563
- 7. Sleepy Cat (n) By catsi563
- 8. Golden Girl (n) by cursedsorcerer, seconded by Golden Ace
- 9. Snow Globe (s) By Impish Kat,seconded by Golden Ace
(*ninja huggles Queen Pep, Sleepy, and Miss Golden*) - 4. Bill Z Bubba (s) For epic Techiness and computer skillz (nominated by Healix seconded by Golden Ace)
Once Amerikatt has become Incarnate Level 10, she will have realized her full potential and it will be the culmination of an epic storyline spanning over six millenia!
Sadly, Richard Chamberlain is not available for this epic mini-series!
Although her personal story has at times interwined with the backstory of City of Heroes, her tale is divergent. -
(*Princess Leia voice*) "Help us, Dark_Respite! You're our only hope!"
Drat! I have 10,000 Quaatloos *AND* a shiny button burning a hole in the secret pouch in my utility cape! What *ever* will I do with them?
(*sighs heavily*)
Sorry your thread got modded, Rosen.
(*comforts Rosen_Ice*) -
(*huggles then dances with teh Moggie!*)
I have always loved your work, Miss Cashoo. However, after watching you work last night, I've gained a greater appreciation for your creative process, which was both fascinating and captivating to behold!
(*huggles Miss Cashoo*)
Great going!
Keep 'em flying! -
There's a CoH product which has a 'Fireflies' aura, but I cannot remember which one it is.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks! -
Too bad, Jordan! Flamesong is now on my 'Naughty Spawn' list!
Lusca is my friend, and I have to watch out for her! -
Quote:I'm not a vegetarian, Caem. I simply prefer sage dressing (although I *do* love turkey with brown gravy and *real* mashed potatoes)!Ameri - Don't tell me you're a vegetarian?!? Now I have to skuttle the one idea I had for arts this month!!
Please share your yummy artz with us. If a certain 'Imp of Impervium' is in the artz, then all the better!