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  1. Angryellow


    Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
    Well... I did Officially Declare it the 80s in another thread...
    That was THIS thread, but the 80's party is over.
  2. Angryellow


    Who the hell has a waterbed anymore? Go back to the 80's
  3. I REALLY needed a reminder? It's all they've been talking about on the news here in Detroit
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Healix View Post
    (Angry, I swoon when a man wears British Sterling....)
    *splashes British Sterling all over the body*
  5. Angryellow


    A-when a somethin's goin' wrong, you must whip it! 80's party, yeah! Fellas, put your Member's Only jackets on! Ladies, put on your fingerless lace gloves and tie the hair up in scrunchies!
  6. I don't wear cologne, but if I did it would be Old Spice. I love how that smells.

    KFC or Church's
  7. Angryellow


    Everybody Wang-Chung tonight!
  8. Angryellow


    How do you know she wants Maybeline? Maybe she wants Avon, or Cover Girl. This is a multiple choice test after all.
  9. Not big on ice cream, but I'll take Haagen Daas

    WWE or TNA?
  10. Subway, and eff that Subway by my house that closed down. Now I can't get my meatball marinara sub fix

    Wal-Mart or K-Mart
  11. Angryellow


    I'm gonna get out of here before two rednecks try to make me squeal like a pig.
  12. Pshaw. I'm Michigan born and raised. I give a damn about Winter weather?
  13. Angryellow


    It's POP dammit. You come around here and ask for a soda you'll get looked at funny.
  14. Angryellow


    *channels the spirit of Ray Charles*

    You got the right one babay, uh-huh! It's Pepsi Mama!
  15. Angryellow


    Did someone say there was a cattle test? Are we gonna have steaks and burgers? I make a mean potato salad, and I'll bring the pop.
  16. Angryellow


    I...*sniffle* I never got a "win" on my report card. Take THAT, everybody who said I wouldn't amount to anything! I'm going to college!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Early Girl View Post
    isn`t that three


    Dempster`s or Wonderbread
    No, it's two. M&M/Mars is a company

    Dempster's, because I HATE Wonder Bread

    Microsoft or Apple?
  18. Angryellow


    This test is too hard. I'm dropping out and getting my GED...Oh wait, I already have my GED. Well, I'm dropping out anyway.
  19. Angryellow


    I thought I was done with taking tests. I didn't even study man, this isn't fair
  20. It takes as long as you make it take. If you play with that toon frequently they'll get there pretty fast, especially if you team a lot. If you don't, they won't get there quick. It's really that simple.
  21. *Wheels in a giant birthday cake with AngryCatSharkGurl lurking inside*

    Happy birthday to the woman with the golden smile
  22. I favor defense, recovery, and regeneration above everything. I love defense sets, and I love to tack on as much rec and reg as I can to it. Rarely get hit, and when you do, recuperate fast before you get hit again, all the while attacking without fear of running out of blue.
  23. *wheels in a giant bucket of The Colonel's Original Recipe*

    Happy birthday my friend
  24. I'm thankful for finding a game that is more than just a game, but a strong community as well. I could never have said that about any other MMO I've played. I love how our community is so tight-knit and so down for each other. You got a few rotten apples, but for the most part this is a family, a family I'm proud to have been a part of for over two years, and will be a part of as long as I have anything to say about it.