A little news to the space fans: Star Citizen
Just over $6.5 million at this point.
I signed up during the earlier part of the funding drive.
I think it was around 4 mill at that point.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
If you have not heard about this game (that now is in the works) well about time you hear about it.

If the games like Wing Commander, Freelancer or Privateer rings a bell and fond memories, do check it out. He is BACK!
It has been a campaign now of Pledges (Crowdfunding and kickstarter) to get money to start the project.
2 Million dollars was the minimum, 4 was optimum, 5 million was a hope and 6 million dollars was the dream. We reached 6,2 million and still money ticks in.
Ok the game won't be playable yet... think about 2 years, but YEAY!
A victory for gamers, since such a project would not have been backed by big game companies.
Now however it will be a reality, thanks to the gamers that pledged their money for a game they would love to play.
Its still possible to pledge.
Just thought I'd mention it to you.
Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool