Favorite In-Game Moments/Most Unusual Events




---I realize this thread has been done before, but I wanted to check and see one last time just what people will remember from this game---

What are some of the most memorable moments/most unusual events you experienced in City, regardless of whether they were exciting or somber moments? For me one of my favorite moments is when I soloed the Mender Silos Task Force on my Earth/Thermal Controller at level 38. I was overflowing with a sense of accomplishment, coupled with an air of confidence in my build that I could solo just about anything.

When I ran a shard TF weekend on my Soldiers/Traps Mastermind and fell in love with the zone, lore and all.

Hitting 50 on my EM/WP Brute, my first 50 that I ever acquired doing almost entirely solo content (and the first legitimate 50, the others I usually had farmed in Peregrine by a friend). I'll never forget that character

My first sighting of the Hamidon on my D3 Controller and the realization that no-one wanted me to take up a slot for the raid, hah. Such an awkward moment and awe-inspiring moment at the same time.

The LRSF on my EM/WP Brute. Nothing like that last level where your team is brimming with confidence and gloriously wipes attempting to overpower the phalanx Such a perfect moment when we came back and downed all but Statesman.

Leaving Sharkhead for St. Martial for the first time and seeing the massive Casino district on the horizon. Nothing like seeing the Giza in the distance magnetically stealing my gaze and curiosity for the next few hours!

The first time I found the Storm Palace admist the chaos of purple lightning and floating wisps. Its size always gave me a sense of authority and mystery.

Being invited to the Arena thinking we'd face off against waves of enemies...Yeah, that was such a long day of low-level chaos I'll never forget that session, especially all of the holding patterns I put people in with my D3.

The return of the Rikti was such an exhilarating event for me that I flew up to one of the ships with my Brute and attempted to kill it. Needless to say I was tasting dirt in a matter of seconds.

My first LGTF after watching a music video of it on youtube--my hype was indeed quite strong. Getting to the Honoree, facing the weakened Hamidon, hordes of Rikti--this TF had it all.

There's so much more I could post but I don't have the time to do it. So how about you? What things do you remember as being almost unforgettable?



I made it into late beta. I remember two things from there.

First, flight. I trained Sword of Justice for flight in Steel Canyon and took off. I think I spent an hour just flying through the buildings. Amazing. (Though I remembered being a touch disappointed that loops and barrel rolls weren't available.)

Second, I was invited to join a team in Boomtown. Remember, this was before the outdoors missions were added, and the old tutorial took place in a normal city neighborhood area. The lore on the website had talked about the devastating Rikti War, but all over, everything nice and shiny. Whoa. Damn, there WAS a war fought here.

I did a lot of Hami raids, I remember this one insane fast raid we did in 9 minutes. Everyone had warburg nukes, Shivans and other pets.

I remember the first time finishing the Statesman's Task Force. Others had tried and failed on Virtue, we were among the first to complete it.

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I remember taking my shiny new concept toon to my very first Costume Contest - he was very plain (Link) and I didn't expect to win anything, but I was positively irate that the Winner was some naked chick named 'Backdoor Girl'. Then two high-level heroine strolled by and started stuffing Influence into my pants - maybe a 100K total, while laughing and saying I looked like a Solid Gold dancer... Then they apologized, saying I wouldn't get the reference... Surprise! I'm an 'old' guy and have vivid memories...

It was just... such an 'experience' - boredom and excitement in my first CC, disgust and ire over how the 'judging' went, surprise and gratefulness at the free influence, laughter and nostalgia at the reference to 'ancient' history trivia. A day to remember.

Be Well!