Cold pizza & Latex
Cold pizza!! Nomnomnomnom!!
*Grabs some more pizza and sits on the couch watching tv cartoons and Three Stooges all day.*
-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now

Something makes a Thhhhhh-POING! sound and flies through one door of the room and out the back door, Jet right behind the blur. Sounds of a tussle come from outside, then Jet wanders back in holding something with chrome bits and a coruscating glowey center tightly under one arm.
"Um... I think the neighbors might be calling sometime today. Oooo... pizza!"
Jet snags a couple of pieces and heads back out to the workshop.
... Hit it ...

throws the pizza away and noms this is better ...adds mushrooms and jalapenos to detra....
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
/e travels back in time and snatches a slice of cold pizza as it is tossed aside.
Wasted Pizza is an abomination!
/e noms pizza while watching puppeh/detra nommage.
Good delayed mornings Detra, Pogo, Jetboy and Puppeh!
Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall
Sounds Kinky no wonder the folks next door moved to a quieter town
Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s
It was one ferrit!?!
... Hit it ...

*Bellonda pops in with a flash of light and gives Detra and others warm greetings before she says goodbye to Earth* I will be escaping Earth today along with the rest of my sisterhood. Fare well Detra, hopefully we will meet again some day. I always enjoyed having you as one of my sisters in the Naughty Space Vixens and of course because you are my friend and my sister you are welcome to join us in leaving today to where ever you need to go.
*gives her a warm hug before departing to finish up her tasks on Paragon Earth before portal hoping away*
@Forever Zer0
Forever Zero lvl 45 Grav/Kin Controller
Bellonda lvl 50 Bots/traps MM
Mid-Night Marauder lvl 50 DM/Invuln Scrapper
*wakes up waaaaay late. Make up smeared not on the pillow, but all over my face. Hair matted, One pigtail off centered coming off the front of my head. One eye springs wide open as the other creaks opens*
Ugh.....slept in
*throws blanket off, as the empty pizza box.. game controller and various other items fall to the floor*
Uhm.. ya...
*walks into the bathroom, starts the shower, steam fills the room. Slipping into the shower the warm water brings life back into me
Emerging from the shower, drying off, starts applying the layers of make up. Sometime later, finishes off the make up and hair job by applying the shinny red lipstick and lip-gloss.
Makes smoochey faces in the mirror, and smiles. Walking to the closet picking out a shinny maids outfit, starts to wiggle stretch and slide into the fabric.
buckles the lil straps on the shoes.
snaps the metal claps garters to the latex stockings
Looks in mirror making a few adjustments here and there, then heads outta the room and downstairs.
clity clak sounds echo the room. walking over flipping on the coffee pots. bending over the open fridge looking for slices of cold pizza to set out.
Standing behind the bar, sipping coffee clearly barely awake..*
Mmmmm....good morning everyone.... wow totally LATE morning....
<-----wants a whip emote! (checks off list, thank you Going Rogue! *smooches*)
<-----wants female & customizable MM pets!
[Local] Free.Fall: Detra TF.. timed. last 30 minutes with handcuffs one has collected the badge yet..