Paragon Market




There are a lot of people with locked characters because of the inability to become VIP again.

With today's news, is it possible to flip a switch and give us character unlocks and masterminds for free on the live servers?





I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.



Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post


The question is directed at the rednames. They had said that they weren't going to "just in case" but today's announcement could be the final nail. I'm hoping its not but if it is...

Please let the non-VIPs see their locked characters one last time, please.



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post


The question is directed at the rednames. They had said that they weren't going to "just in case" but today's announcement could be the final nail. I'm hoping its not but if it is...

Please let the non-VIPs see their locked characters one last time, please.
There are no developers left to fix this.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
There are no developers left to fix this.
One thing that might be possible is for them to set the price of everything in the market to zero though. That one doesn't require dev work.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
One thing that might be possible is for them to set the price of everything in the market to zero though. That one doesn't require dev work.
What it requires is a Paragon Studios employee to do it, and all of them have been laid off.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
What it requires is a Paragon Studios employee to do it, and all of them have been laid off.
Is Hit Streak not a Paragon Studios employee?



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Is Hit Streak not a Paragon Studios employee?
Community reps generally don't get access to the inner workings of the product, yo.

And honestly, at this point I'm guessing he's no longer technically a Paragon Studios employee. If anything, I imagine he's considered a temporary NCSoft employee... or worse, he may just be doing this out of the goodness of his heart and a lack of other things to do while he looks for another job.

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Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Community reps generally don't get access to the inner workings of the product, yo.

And honestly, at this point I'm guessing he's no longer technically a Paragon Studios employee. If anything, I imagine he's considered a temporary NCSoft employee... or worse, he may just be doing this out of the goodness of his heart and a lack of other things to do while he looks for another job.
All I know is that prices in the market have been changed without a release, which means that there's some sort of tool to do so. Hell, there's probably a web UI. It's not like he's going to have to release I24.

As for HitStreak's status, I really don't think he's volunteering. Because he still has a redname, I think he probably has some official NCSoft status still. Maybe they've put him on contract for a certain number of hours a week.



I'm thinking the staff got to keep their rednames regardless of their status. If you check the list of people online, there's several of them on as I am posting, Zwill included.



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
There are a lot of people with locked characters because of the inability to become VIP again.

With today's news, is it possible to flip a switch and give us character unlocks and masterminds for free on the live servers?
It's not something I have any power or control over, I'm afraid.

Jessie Lawrence
Assistant Community Manager
Paragon Studios

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Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
It's not something I have any power or control over, I'm afraid.
Thank you for letting us know.

Was it something only a dev could turn on?



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
Thank you for letting us know.

Was it something only a dev could turn on?
TBH, I'm not certain what group took care of that. I believe it was a customer service responsibility (not handled by Paragon) but don't hold me to that.

Jessie Lawrence
Assistant Community Manager
Paragon Studios

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Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
There are a lot of people with locked characters because of the inability to become VIP again.
For those people trying to get character downloads and screenshots of locked characters, you CAN use the character transfer service to Beta, even for locked characters. It's slower, but it's available.

That might open up the locked classes, too.

It's not ideal, but for those people who just want to be able to get their character info, it's an opportunity.

(Edit: I'm pretty sure this isn't my FPARN, but I think it's the first time I've ever acknowledged it!)

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Thanks, Cende. I might end up installing the beta server and transfer characters to it if the character capture tool works with that. It would be a way to preserve them.




Because I was never a premium player and didn't know about unlocking your IO's, I bought Performance Shifters and unlockers on the market instead of buying an invention licence. If I had know it before I was able to play with IO's on my great main caracter.

There for I copy this from Paragon Wiki

Invention License (to buy on the market for 160 points)

An Invention License allows the ability to access the Invention System, including salvage and recipe drops, crafting and slotting Invention Origin Enhancements, utilizing the enhancement portion of already-slotted Invention Origin Enhancements, utilizing Set Bonuses, and crafting Invention Temporary Powers. Without this license, none of the above points are available. Invention powers already crafted will continue to be usable until all charges are expended. Likewise, invention costume pieces already crafted will continue to be available to the crafter, but further pieces cannot be crafted.

This item can be purchased at the Paragon Market for 160 Paragon Points and lasts for 30 days. Purchasing this license will allow all characters on your account access to crafting Inventions from a recipe at any crafting table for 30 days from time of purchase. Without a valid Invention License, all IOs are "greyed out" and provide no enhancement value or set bonuses.
NOTE: A character's already-slotted IOs are not deleted or otherwise "lost" if Invention System access is restricted. They are simply disabled. They may be removed via Power Respecification, or kept until earning the appropriate Paragon Reward, or to use while subscribing. It is commonly suggested to keep one character build with only Single-Origin Enhancements if planning on alternating between accessing and being restricted from the Invention System.

I hope this information is usefull for some of you...




Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
I'm thinking the staff got to keep their rednames regardless of their status. If you check the list of people online, there's several of them on as I am posting, Zwill included.
You're right. Massive DUH on my part.