Tony V Oct. 2 Response




Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
In short, we've lost. That's the reality of the situation. Accept it or not, but that's the fact.
I've disagreed with you a lot... but this isn't really one of those times, sad to say.

I hold out hope that at the VERY least a character creator based on CoH can be given out to folks... which is less messy and harder to track down even if NC tries to C&D it.

But, outside of that... well... that's why I bought The Secret World.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
As I noted, it's against the EULA. Whether it's legally enforceable or not is another matter, but as a matter of integrity, I like to try to abide by my agreements.

People who are loudly proclaiming to be heroes might want to do the same.
After Nov 30 the EULA won't matter - the contract will have been completed. Prior to that it still is in effect although for those with accounts which were paid beyond that date NCSoft is in breach. There are clauses present which will mitigate that to a certain extent and so the contract is unlikely to be void although it probably is voidable. If a player exercised their rights in such a case they would not be able to access the game but the contract would be classed as completed and as such the EULA would no longer apply.
Even at that point whilst reverse engineering the game would not be illegal (in most jurisdictions) - the use of any details discovered would need to consider whether any IP would be breached - particularly copyrites, trademarks or patents.
i.e. it would probably not be possible to use names of NPCs, Zones, Areas of Zones, Enemy groups, the game itself etc. You cannot copyrite a name but you can trademark it. You would not be able to use the zone maps, costume parts, powersets or animations because of copyrite and possibly patents. The mechanics of other actions such as how zone transitions are performed, how additional instances are spawned etc within the game may also be subject to patents.
In short there would be a *LOT* of work for lawyers.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



I am with Tony V on this one.