CoH to Champions: Character proportion slider templates and visual guides





This is ENTIRELY meant as a "Utility" thread to help anyone who is already interested in trying out Champions Online. It is NOT meant as a thread for people to opine about the relative merits of either CoH or CO.

If you have an OPINION about Champions versus City of Heroes - take it to the other thread talking about that! Here you go and have fun yelling at each other:

On the other hand, if you want to show off a picture of a character that you made in CO that these templates helped you with, by all means! I'd love to see it! If you want to show how a particular translation of a character that was originally a COH character went when ported to CO, that's also welcome.

So - the actual article in question:

This is an attempt to be helpful for those trying to get a handle on the CO character builder, I've been over in the CO forums encouraging people to help put together some guides and templates that will allow you a better "starting point" for building characters with proportions and faces more familiar to those we have here in CoH/CoV.

I've gotten some very good and helpful responses. This is a consolidated listing of stuff that's come through. There are links to pictures and templates that will help.

IMPORTANT TECHNICAL NOTE: Most of these pictures are actually "Character Costume Files" as you knew them in CoH. They are small jpegs with the costume info embedded into them. They are the ones that look like "Comic Book Covers" when you click on the link for them. Just port them over into your Champions Online Screenshot folder and the game will read them and allow you to access them from the costume creator. Then you can build on top of them.

Originally Posted by bluhman View Post

A few comparisons/observations made between CoX and CO characters (as explained from the perspective of CoX):
  • CO characters have comparatively much longer arms compared to CoX. Whereas a CO character's closed fist will likely reach about halfway down the thigh, CoX only reaches around the top of the leg/lower groin area.
  • CO Characters also have very large hands and feet. Especially with feet, which have to be driven entirely down the slider to resemble anything from CoX.
  • Related to that, CoX legs are more evenly sized as they go down the leg. In comparison, CO legs are much more curved. The same probably applies for arms, but if it does, it's not nearly as noticeable.
  • The one thing that is completely unchangeable between the two games: The neck area of CO characters is much more curved. CoX characters (particularly males) have a much flatter shoulder line in comparison. There pretty much is nothing I can do about that.
Some further posts have come in and added to the above possibilities - here are some further templates that are not specifically CoH related, but could be useful:

Originally Posted by bluhman View Post

[*]Young Adult/Average - For the hero with a less-than-stellar physique. Good for agile heroes, young heroes, and citizen forms.

Child - Adapted from Smackwell's child templates from like 2 years back. Slight tweaks included, such as more realistic waist-hip ratios and whatnot.

Fatty - For the hero with a much less-than-stellar physique. Note that the female version of this one is highly experimental and I don't find it satisfactory.

Paragon - Tall, well-muscled, but still of a fairly balanced proportion. Good for the archtypical hero with super strength.

Androgynous - Female skeleton, more masculine proportions. Use it to create... Something.

Strongman - Kind of like the paragon, but with arms like hams.

Dwarf - If you want to play a comparatively short person from a fantasy realm, this should provide a worthy starting spot.

And here are some face proportion slider guides.
IMPORTANT NOTE: These are not the same as the templates above. It's not practical to have body templates and face templates. The below are merely pictures of where the sliders are actually positioned in the creator.

This way - you can use one of the above templates, then go below and compare the face to one of the following guides. Then tweak to taste.

Originally Posted by spacedazee View Post
Face Shapes are done. I did my best. Some of the faces feel like they have minor differences, but the differences are there. There are some shapes to the face that just couldn't be done exactly, so I hope you all are happy with what IS there. I will be trying my hand at the overlays/skins at some point, but there are so many.

I'm posting pictures that show the sliders so that way these can be used with body templates. I used the aggressive Eyebrows on the men. I also didn't adjust the head size to any given body shape/size so those will need to be adjusted accordingly. The pictures are on the large size.


Average 1
Average 2
Average 3


Average 1
Average 2
Average 3
Average 4

If for any reason the above links are broken. Check out the original thread here:



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
IMPORTANT TECHNICAL NOTE: Most of these pictures are actually "Character Costume Files" as you knew them in CoH. They are small jpegs with the costume info embedded into them. They are the ones that look like "Comic Book Covers" when you click on the link for them. Just port them over into your Champions Online Screenshot folder and the game will read them and allow you to access them from the costume creator. Then you can build on top of them.
I saw the comic covers in the screenshot folder, I didn't know they embedded the costume data in there! That's pretty neat, actually.

I don't have Foxfire's costume file handy, but for the fairy look I went full minimum on height and mass sliders, 3/4ths or something on ear point slider, and then the butterfly wings. Tack on clothing to taste and voila:

At some point, I'll figure out sparkles.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



That looks great! Got a pic of her COH version for comparison?