Meet Turgenev in London to toast COH. 10/2-10/4!




Convenient to the City of London area, at/near the Montcalm at the Brewery hotel?

Feel the force of history descending upon our beloved Paragon City?

Care to toast heartily to the world, its developers, and its players?


Me too.

I'll be in London for a few days on a work trip, but I should be free in the evenings. I've got a thread in the EuroLounge where I'd like to consolidate all chatter on a "come join Turg for a pint"-fest for October 2nd-3rd.

I'd very much like to meet you Brits (hear me, TsumijuZero?) and toast to 8.5 years' worth of good memories.

Hope to hear from you. Cheers!




If i had more notice, the other half was feeling healthy, and London not being a right wotsit to get around with a wheelchair, we would be down there like a flash.

However, I do hope that you have a good trip visiting London (when you are not working!).


Side note: This would have made it the 2nd meetup that we would have attended for City of Heroes in 1 month if we did attend!