Just logged off for the last time I'm guessing..




I don't get the secrecy thing. Go to the Titan forums, the link Evil_Legacy just posted, and check out the spiritual successor ideas being put up.

Originally Posted by Dethos_Zahrim View Post
I think the two of you are really just in love with a cause here, and are talking about creative ideas, which are fine and all. All BS aside, unless someone shows me a way a 'Spiritual Successor' would be monetized, what sort of profit potential it could possibly have, I don't care to hear more or wait for any 'secrets' to be revealed. Everyone has awesome ideas for things, that isn't the same as having a legit plan for attracting capital from VC's to develop a product that is worth a damn.
That is one of the things being discussed there. It hasn't been discussed in great depth, because of (I guess secret?) meetings that people are having trying to get NCSoft to sell the game to someone else so it can keep going (which would be awesome) but it is being discussed, and is a large concern.