What to Build, Archetype and Powers




I have only been playing the game for about 3 months now. I have only 1 50+ incarnate level toon. A Science Scrapper, DM/Regen can take a lot of damage and deal a lot of damage. I love this build and feel I got lucky and picked one of the best builds for me on my first try.
I would like to build another toon through to 50+, but not sure what to build.
I love my Scrapper DM/Regen and I like to solo a lot.
I have a Blaster Ice/Energy build to about lvl 23 and a Brute WarMace/ElectricArmor to lvl 23 also. I am not to happy with these builds. The Blaster is nice with the Ice to slow down and damage, but seems like running most time and blasting only when get a chance. I think the Brute might just be starting to be fun to be able to stay alive long enough for me to start doing damage.

I am asking what suggestions do you have for a build I should try as my last 50 attempt, before the COH world ends?
Or should I stay with my Blaster Ice/Energy?
Or should I stay with my Brute WM/ElectricA
I love my Scrapper DM/Regen. I like to solo, but know ultimately this is a team game. I would like to know what suggestions you all have as the build I should try to be my 2nd and last 50+ toon.
Looking for Archetype, Primary and Secondary Powers suggestions
Will answer more questions as needed to help with suggestions.

In advance thanks for all the help.



What do you think of MasterMinds?

I think the answer to the question "what offers a smooth ride to 50 on SO?" would be the answer to your question. The first thing I thought of was a MM. As for what primary/secondary, I'd say choose from among Demons, Bots, Thugs and pair with Dark, Time, Traps.

A similar experience to your scrapper would be a stalker, but it's different enough to not feel like the same thing.

A /Dark Corruptor also matures very early and is very powerful on SOs. Fire, Water and Ice would all go well with it.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



I agree that an MM is probably the easiest to solo with on SOs, though I would add that you should heavily consider Demons as well. A Demon/Dark and Demon/Time would laugh at all the game's regular content.

Also, Ninja/Time/Mace is very, very powerful and really fun. Ninjas are, most of the time, ludicrously squishy. Time is the only thing besides FF that is capable of keeping them alive (even the Genin) at higher difficulties. Mine is my main. He is built horrendously but still does 4x8 with ease. He and the Jounin are far over the soft cap, with the genin and the oni hovering right around it with Barrier. Farsight combined with Power Boost gives and absurd amount of defense, added to the -tohit in Time's Juncture and all the -recharge results in allies rarely dying. If they are hurt, you have the AoE HoT. Scorpion Shield puts you far over the soft cap with TJ taken into account.

It doesn't really mature until you get Farsight and access to Mace Mastery, and before that it can get pretty rough.



thanks for the help.
I went with a Bots/Time and at lvl 33 and very happy with it.



Make a SS/Fire Brute! You still have time to beat the game with minimal investment before it all ends.



Originally Posted by ShadowSpace View Post
thanks for the help.
I went with a Bots/Time and at lvl 33 and very happy with it.
Bots/Time I am sure you find to be very sturdy. If you like to grab attention with the mastermind and have the pets react, Time manipulation has the tools for that.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.