Degenerative or Reactive?
Ergh. So, the succinct answer is, make both; you're likely to end up teaming with other people with Reactive as it's excellent against not-so-hard targets. In general I find myself using Reactive in solo play (I usually don't fight AVs solo) and Degenerative or Diamagnetic while teaming.
Reactive is incredibly common, so you're very unlikely to find a team it's relevant for where they can't keep up the max 4 stacks of it.
The better answer is, of course, "for whom versus what?"
Cimerorans are still the best dps pets on Live. I don't know which are on Test.

For whom versus what? Solo against hard targets like AVs and Pylons. Guess I need to start runnin I-Trials on Pinn before doomsday. I would like to see BZB fully T4ed out.
Be well, people of CoH.

That's a pretty general answer. I mean, what kind of Scrapper (what primary, particularly) and against which AVs? Unless you're stacking more -Res with Reactive, Degenerative is a clear winner up to uh... 40k hp? After that I'd have to do actual math but I'd think at (playing conservatively here) 80k+ Reactive is probably going to be consistently ahead.

You may want to get a verification on this:
The Reactive Debuff (assuming max stack) is only 10%; if you can keep it stacked... and then its subject to AV (and purple patch?) resistances. So you're only getting a very minor buff to your damage delivery (solo).
The Degenerative Debuff may give you better net results (solo); as far as I know... the HP debuff isn't resisted. If you can keep it stacked, you're effectively dropping the HP you have to work against by 4,000 (vs. AVs); 14% (vs. EB and lower). If I'm understanding the max HP mechanic correctly; this means you're also diminishing the Regen [you have to work against] and healing.
Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

It is. An unresistable -10% Resistance would be far and away better than Degenerative against high-Res enemies; it would double your dps against a 90% Res AV. But sadly, it's just a 10% damage increase (generally speaking).

AV resistances don't apply to -res. Interface debuffs aren't specifically flagged to ignore the purple patch, but since they technically grant the target a power which makes the target debuff itself, the level difference is always zero.
But yeah, assuming you can keep 4 stacks up at all times, Degenerative's -hp is better than Reactive's -res for targets with <44k health, which covers pylons and pretty much all AVs. Comparing Degenerative Core to Reactive Radial is trickier; with the 75% proc chance, the Reactive DoT is worth ~30 damage per attack, so whether that's better than Degenerative will depend on the attack chain and how much DPS you already deal. With a t4 Interface, there's also the 25% chance of the other effect to account for.
Seriously. There's no such thing as Resistance debuff resistance. It's been common knowledge for some time now. 10% resistance debuff results in 10% damage increase.
Resistance itself is Resistance debuff resistance; which actually is common knowledge (summarized neatly by Hopeling's little tongue-twister), whatever subset of that you yourself possess. Everything has a resistance, even direct heals.
(Oh hey, here's the paragonwiki entry on this exact subject : )
And think about that for a moment -- 10% resistance debuff does result in 10% damage increase, but that can only be true if the amount of actual -Res applied scaled with the target's Res. If you have a base damage of 100 and 90% of it is resisted, you deal 10 damage. If you reduce that Resistance to 80%, you deal 20 damage... a 100% increase in damage. A 10% increase in damage would come from reducing the Resistance to 89% (to deal 11 damage)... and 1% net resistance debuff is exactly the amount a 10% debuff that itself is 90% resisted would do. Similarly, if you were fighting something with 0 Resistance, a 10% Resistance debuff increases your damage to 110 -- or 10% more. And since there's no resistance to the Resistance debuff, that's exactly how much gets applied.

What are you two disagreeing on, exactly? I'm puzzled by this exchange. You're both asserting the same thing. Yogi said that Reactive is mitigated by AV debuff resistance, which it isn't (because it is mitigated by normal damage resistance), so Garent said that, and Jack said that it is (possibly losing track of what "it's not" was referring to?), then explained how -res is mitigated by normal damage resistance.
Also, the original question wasn't even asking about Reactive's -res, it was asking about Reactive's DoT. So there.
Garent is asserting several things, one of which is that Reactive's -res is unresistable. In this particular case, we're talking about the entire resistance package of any given archvillain, not merely AV mez and debuff resistances. I disregarded the purple patch bit out of hand since it was phrased as a question and I didn't understand how it was relevant, although I suppose I can understand now.

I may have misphrased but end result (as I understood Hopeling's? angle) is that -res can be resisted by Resistance (as stated by Jack) which just happens to be fairly high on AVs (which is typically associated with the purple patch (and lower damage; possibly even a debuff to the effect itself (assuming lack of level shifting))).
(I think the convo came up while discussing the mechanics of -dmg and how it synced with -res).
If I did misread the intent of the OP in comparing Reactive's damage component vs the HP debuff of Degenerative; I'm not sure how that would pan out (except to say that the damage portion might still be resisted by resistance; verify please?).
It would help if we knew what Scrapper set(s) you were considering this for. (If you can get the -res and/or proccing from other sources then I would suggest Degenerative)
Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

I'm going the easy route by testing tonight. Hopefully I'll get the rare drop I need to craft my T3 Reactive.
If I do, I'll be comparing these two against 4 pylons, 2 pylons per test and taking the average.
Degenerative T3 75% Chance for Max HP debuff (10sec)
Reactive T3 75% Chance for moderate fire damage-over-time
I ran a BAF and a Lambda last night and plan to bite the bullet and keep running i-trials until I get BZB fully T4ed. Happily, my first drop lasts night was a very rare.
I'm trying to figure out (and my apologies for not stating this up front) which of the two T4s will be better for effective DPS against pylons and lvl 54 AVs (in general on the AVs.)
Reactive Radial Flawless Interface for the 75% Fire / 25% DRD
Degenerative Core Flawless Interface for the 75% -MaxHP / 25% Toxic
Be well, people of CoH.

I'm going the easy route by testing tonight. Hopefully I'll get the rare drop I need to craft my T3 Reactive.
If I do, I'll be comparing these two against 4 pylons, 2 pylons per test and taking the average. Degenerative T3 75% Chance for Max HP debuff (10sec) Reactive T3 75% Chance for moderate fire damage-over-time I ran a BAF and a Lambda last night and plan to bite the bullet and keep running i-trials until I get BZB fully T4ed. Happily, my first drop lasts night was a very rare. I'm trying to figure out (and my apologies for not stating this up front) which of the two T4s will be better for effective DPS against pylons and lvl 54 AVs (in general on the AVs.) Reactive Radial Flawless Interface for the 75% Fire / 25% DRD vs Degenerative Core Flawless Interface for the 75% -MaxHP / 25% Toxic |
The -Resis will directly affect your DPS (even at marginal benefit); the -Max HP won't. If I were to try to convert the -Max HP into DPS, I could only speculate that it would scale down as the length of the battle increased. (Assuming sustainable max stacking on either)
Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

And the marginal -res from the Reactive should stack with the -res in the Achilles' Heel proc. That's the route I took on BZB v1. Just wanted to make sure there wasn't something I was missing about the nature of -MaxHP that would provide more benefit overall.
Be well, people of CoH.

If you're just going for DPS, IMO, the 75% Fire proc chance > 25% Toxic proc chance; so we're back to comparing the Max HP debuff vs the Resistance debuff:
The -Resis will directly affect your DPS (even at marginal benefit); the -Max HP won't. If I were to try to convert the -Max HP into DPS, I could only speculate that it would scale down as the length of the battle increased. (Assuming sustainable max stacking on either) |
But a Reactive radial won't be reaching 4 stacks with any consistency anyway, so we need to worry more about comparing the total benefit of (-hp and a little bit of toxic damage) versus (fire damage and a little bit of -res). There's no single analytical answer to which of those is better; a character dealing 100000 DPS would be clearly better off with +15% than with a flat +30 DPS or whatever Reactive is worth, while a character dealing 3 DPS would clearly prefer the flat bonus.
I'm going the easy route by testing tonight. Hopefully I'll get the rare drop I need to craft my T3 Reactive.
If I do, I'll be comparing these two against 4 pylons, 2 pylons per test and taking the average. Degenerative T3 75% Chance for Max HP debuff (10sec) Reactive T3 75% Chance for moderate fire damage-over-time I ran a BAF and a Lambda last night and plan to bite the bullet and keep running i-trials until I get BZB fully T4ed. Happily, my first drop lasts night was a very rare. I'm trying to figure out (and my apologies for not stating this up front) which of the two T4s will be better for effective DPS against pylons and lvl 54 AVs (in general on the AVs.) Reactive Radial Flawless Interface for the 75% Fire / 25% DRD vs Degenerative Core Flawless Interface for the 75% -MaxHP / 25% Toxic |
But, TL;DR: On anything of AV Status or greater (basically anything that's an absurd bag of HP), Degenerative Core (75% -MaxHP) is superior so long as your attack chain can support it. IE: You have to be fast enough to maintain the debuff. A chain utilizing 1-1.32/s attacks will fair better in using it than a chain to primarily focuses on 1.5/s+ attacks. While any chain may see similar results, the longer activating chain will likely see better functionality out of Reactive Radial in some cases because of debuff duration, consistency, and the fact that Reactive just focuses more on pouring damage into your attacks more than anything else.
One of the key notes about Degenerative Core is that by lowering the targets HP, it is directly impacting its regen rate. Given this, remember that Degenerative is not impacting Damage Per Second, but Time Per Kill. What may take one person 3:00 to accomplish, Degenerative, using the same set and slotting, will turn that into 2:45 (figuratively speaking). It isn't creating a DPS increase, so much as reducing the effort/time required to kill that target based on your available abilities. Compared to Reactive, which is literally creating +Damage in the primary aspect that it has the highest DoT damage component and is the leading factor in why people take it, and why it does so well.
Hopefully that makes sense. And, TL;DR of ^ is: Degenerative Core = Good, Reactive Radial = Good. If Most Attacks in Chain >1.3/s = Degen Core, if Most Attacks in Chain <1.5/s = Reactive Radial.
Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again. |
Another consideration is whether or not you normally have enough DPS to overcome the targets HPS (regen rate + healing).
You'll also have to weigh how much the consistent additional DPS of Reactive adds to the the speed of your specific build's kill time vs. how much the consistent suppression of the target's HPS affects the same.
I guess what you're ultimately trying to math is comparative [speed of] median DPS vs. HPS:
Does Reactive's median Fire damage (?*.75)+(3.90% buff) median Reactive debuff percentage allow you to match the 13% faster kill speed of Degenerative (sans its Toxic damage component)?
I would also suggest Ageless Core (assuming you have enough mitigation from other sources) and Assault Radial (assuming you're near your damage cap).
Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

I was just infomed that you can get emp merits on beta...
So, here we go:
T4 degenerative 75% -MaxHP / 25% Toxic
Pylon 1: 296 sec
Pylon 2: 272 sec
Average: 284 sec
T4 Reactive 75% Fire / 25% DRD
Pylon 1: 315 sec
Pylon 2: 257 sec
Average: 286 sec
Interesting. Appears to be a wash.
Claws/SR Brute, nowhere near the damage cap.
Attack chain is Followup, Focus, Slash, Swipe, repeat. Yes, it would be better with Strike on the end, but I always hated that animation.
I'll add Assault Hybrid after dinner and test again.
Be well, people of CoH.

I was just infomed that you can get emp merits on beta...
So, here we go: T4 degenerative 75% -MaxHP / 25% Toxic Pylon 1: 296 sec Pylon 2: 272 sec Average: 284 sec T4 Reactive 75% Fire / 25% DRD Pylon 1: 315 sec Pylon 2: 257 sec Average: 286 sec Interesting. Appears to be a wash. Claws/SR Brute, nowhere near the damage cap. Attack chain is Followup, Focus, Slash, Swipe, repeat. Yes, it would be better with Strike on the end, but I always hated that animation. I'll add Assault Hybrid after dinner and test again. |
Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

Isn't there a cap to the maximum absolute value of the hp debuff on degenerative? Or am I mixing up my vivid dreams and reality again?
Cim pet damage is reduced on Beta; I would go for something with an assault pet that can stack -res, -max hp or -regen and a support pet that can buff your damage.
EDIT: Is there some way to convert anything to Hybrid Experience?
Be well, people of CoH.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
For hard targets, what's better? The -MaxHP Degenerative or the +Fire Reactive?
Also, Cimerorans still the best damage dealing pets?
Thanks, yall. If you'd like to show your work, you know I'll read it.
Be well, people of CoH.