StarStrider Forces Assemble




Anyone remember this video? (Taking out Rikti Dropships)

I never got a chance to do this. I'm fairly certain a lot of us didn't, but it would be awesome if we could organize something like it before Battalion Shuts Off the Lights on the 30th of November.

As far as I know, we need to run a LGTF at a prescheduled time, triggering a Rikti Invasion. Then, we make sure everyone knows to monitor the chat channels for the zone(s) being invaded, and form teams that can take out the drop ships. If possible, someone with group fly should be on teams lacking fliers.

I don't know if leagues can be used to help coordinate something like this or not.

But man, do I *really* want to do this. Pure AWESOMENESS.



Haven't done that. That's one event I'd be more than happy to join.