Magical Shadows..with NO source?




Actually you do get rather sharp shadows from planes and helicopters when they pass in front of the sun, as long as they block a reasonably large fraction of it. Of course that means they are only above you by several hundred feet or less when then pass. You just need to be really close to where the shadow passes or caught in it to notice because it is moving at the same speed as the plane or helicopter.

Saw one a few days ago when a small plane overflew near my condo complex on a nice sunny day. It can really startle you. We aren't programmed to expect flying predators.

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Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
So, funny story with that helicopter. I was assigned as the everything designer for the neutral tutorial, which meant designing the zone, missions, layout, powers, etc. World design wise, I wanted to get a sense of danger in the area and that a lot of things were going on. The first thing I thought of was, wouldn't it be cool if there were helicopters and jets flying around?

I talked to one of our animators, and this was on a Friday when no producers were around (<_< >_>). He grabbed the helicopter geometry we already had and animated the blades to spin. I spent a while trying to figure out how to get the thing to patrol on a regular path. I used all the new techniques we had developed - patrol routes, unique behaviors, etc. But in the end, the helicopter patrol just wasn't smooth enough; it was jerky and would stop at each patrol point for 1/10th of a second, but that was long enough to bug me. I was banging my head against my desk trying to figure out HOW to get a smooth patrol path. Then, it hit me. Not the desk, but a realization.

The blimp in Atlas Park.

I did some archaeological digging and found out how that blimp worked, and discovered it was a simple but robust system. Soon enough, I had helicopters and jets flying around in the tutorial. And then, just to help add to the idea that things are going down, I added the helicopter into Atlas. To keep it consistent, I also added (I'm pretty sure) another one in Perez Park, since it's supposed to be flying over to Galaxy City.

It's a small thing, but it was something that I was really excited when I found out how it worked and that it could be used in a lot of different ways to help worlds feel more alive.
I KNEW IT! I knew I wasnt crazy!!!

I was running around AP yesterday taking snapshots and happen to see a helicopter in the sky while trying to take pics of the Blimp. I thought that was so cool!

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