Base Upkeep?




Is the option to pay Base Upkeep already gone? I have the permission to on the character that I am on but the registrar wont let me pay it.

Any ideas?



Only VIP's can pay base upkeep.



Gotcha, Thanks



Anyone know if you can register two copies of the same edition? I am trying to reinstate my VIP status to get into my base to take screenshots before it all goes poof (which hopefully will not happen). As far as I know I have bought every single edition and registered on this account. However I am willing to spend the money to re-buy, but I would rather not pay for Going Rogue and be unable to activate it.

Part two of this question. Can a non-VIP invite/promote to SG? If I can't activate two copies of GR on the same account, perhaps I can find an extra free account that my son had and activate GR there, then promote and open up the base.

I am also open to other suggestions if anyone has any.



Can a non-VIP invite/promote to SG?
Yes. I've actually already helped a Preem pay their Upkeep on (IIRC) Justice a week+ ago. You could try asking in AP (or somewhere on red if you're of that persuasion) if a VIP would lend you a hand. Failing that, someone here would likely be more than willing to help.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!