Chat logs!




So, as part of settling in after a move, I'm going through... stuff. Lots of stuff. Including CDs with old data.

... such as old COH screenshots.

And chat logs. (Yes, I do tend to log stuff... habit since in game stuff leads to writing.)

I find some of my newb comments to (and from!) friends at the time rather amusing after all these years... ahh, the awe the Zig inspired...

Here's a system exchange that should bring back memories... or maybe shudders:

04-15-2005 22:19:42 [Team]Kamre: <color #010101>sk therra for most happy time
04-15-2005 22:19:55 <bgcolor red><color white>I'm too far away for my mentor to help me!
04-15-2005 22:20:42 My mentor is assisting me again.
04-15-2005 22:20:44 <bgcolor red><color white>I'm too far away for my mentor to help me!
04-15-2005 22:21:21 My mentor is assisting me again.
04-15-2005 22:21:27 <bgcolor yellow>I'm getting a little too far from my mentor.
04-15-2005 22:21:28 <bgcolor red><color white>I'm too far away for my mentor to help me!
04-15-2005 22:21:40 My mentor is assisting me again.
04-15-2005 22:21:42 <bgcolor yellow>I'm getting a little too far from my mentor.
04-15-2005 22:21:43 <bgcolor red><color white>I'm too far away for my mentor to help me!
04-15-2005 22:21:45 My mentor is assisting me again.
04-15-2005 22:21:48 [NPC]Chief Smasher: You're a waste of a life.

04-15-2005 22:28:50 <bgcolor yellow>I'm getting a little too far from my mentor.
04-15-2005 22:28:51 <bgcolor red><color white>I'm too far away for my mentor to help me!
04-15-2005 22:28:55 [Team]Therra Arcson: <color #ff9b6b><bgcolor #01541f>Main problem being that one of Snow's jumps takes her out of SK range.
04-15-2005 22:29:27 My mentor is assisting me again.

Important stuff to know:

04-15-2005 02:40:28 [Broadcast]Song: <color #010101><bgcolor #0101ff>anyone know the location of science SO's?

Old suggestions... and complaints:

04-15-2005 02:41:30 [Local]Rocuryu: <color #ffff01><bgcolor #0101ff>my only thing is they should have random events, like evasions and bank robbers to keep the game spontaneous
04-15-2005 02:41:48 [Local]Rocuryu: <color #ffff01><bgcolor #0101ff>but its just an idea ^_^
04-15-2005 02:41:51 [Local]Therra Arcson: <color #ff9b6b><bgcolor #01541f>Yeah, that'd be nice... something besides "dodge someone else's ambush."
04-15-2005 02:41:59 [Local]Rocuryu: <color #ffff01><bgcolor #0101ff>lol
04-15-2005 02:42:08 [Local]Agent Snow: <color #ffffff><bgcolor #010101>yeah, i haven't seen any bank robberies
04-15-2005 02:42:11 [Local]Therra Arcson: <color #ff9b6b><bgcolor #01541f>Since they tend to be 10-20 levels higher than me, so far!
04-15-2005 02:42:23 [Local]Rocuryu: <color #ffff01><bgcolor #0101ff>tell me about it. i have a blaste alt and she has nothing but debt because of those

Obviously Issue 4:

04-15-2005 02:54:14 [Local]Nanomi Flux: <color #ffffff><bgcolor #ff0101>can't wait to se you at the arena
04-15-2005 02:54:24 [Local]Therra Arcson: <color #ff9b6b><bgcolor #01541f>She does great. I die and watch.

Fascinating things coming up a few levels away:

04-15-2005 18:53:26 [Tell]Kamre: you're gonna love getting to level 25, you get to do your title again and you get a new row of inspirations

... and stuff to avoid for now:

04-15-2005 18:55:45 [Tell]Kamre: have you been to brickstown before?
04-15-2005 18:56:19 [Tell]-->Kamre: Yeah. As I recall, poked in to look around, and ran right back out. Little too big for me.
04-15-2005 18:56:56 [Tell]Kamre: i ended up on a team that took me there today, there's a huge prison there where you fight inmates

.... ok, I could be whiny.

04-15-2005 22:00:46 [Tell]-->Agent Snow: Which badge?
04-15-2005 22:01:13 [Tell]Agent Snow: Keeper of Secrets
04-15-2005 22:01:21 [Tell]-->Agent Snow: What's that one for?
04-15-2005 22:01:28 [Tell]Kamre: hehe did snow tell you what you JUST missed?
04-15-2005 22:01:31 [Tell]Agent Snow: We killed Adamastor
04-15-2005 22:01:42 [Tell]Agent Snow: a twenty foot zombie
04-15-2005 22:01:58 [Tell]-->Agent Snow: *whine* Right in line with my character, too.....

Debt actually mattering and being a topic of conversation:

04-15-2005 22:08:37 [Team]Kamre: <color #010101>i was kidding about the totems lol
04-15-2005 22:08:42 [Team]Agent Snow: <color #ffffff><bgcolor #010101>only if they hit you...
04-15-2005 22:08:56 [Team]Kamre: <color #010101>i'd rather do something easy i'm already in debt through my next level
04-15-2005 22:09:20 [Team]Therra Arcson: <color #ff9b6b><bgcolor #01541f>I've only got two bubbbles worth to work through

Mah Noobiness again, heh:

04-15-2005 22:11:53 [Team]Therra Arcson: <color #ff9b6b><bgcolor #01541f>Saw my first warwolf today

And some things just don't change:

04-15-2005 23:12:34 [Team]Agent Snow: <color #ffffff><bgcolor #010101>at least we aren't wasting infl on our costume colors today... yet