CoH Twitch TV announcement today at 10:30 PST
I was wondering if they'd do this, since (as far as I know) Zwill, Hit Streak, & Freitag are the only survivors left in the building.
I gotta say, Zwill, you've got a set of solid brass, brother... coming on & facing the Community in the state everyone's in. What an emotional nightmare (And when a Dark/Rad Controller who specializes in Fear & Confusion senses an "emotional nightmare" comin'... DUCK!). And yet we'll still keep it positive and have a good time. EAT IT, Alleged End of the World!
Also -- As with Posi & Co. doing their "Ask Away" session, this isn't anything you "owe" to us, and it's appreciated.
See everyone in a couple of hours. One last time -- until the next time!
- The Incomprehensible Copper Cockroach
Citizen of the VirtueVerse
It posted to the facebook feed, and might give details on either how they're going to sunset it or efforts to save it.
The lead in was pretty vague, so I guess we'll have to wait for it.