Could CoH been saved if devs released stuff in market more often?




Development takes a lot of time.
But sometimes I felt like some stuff was more than ready in beta and devs took their time to give themselves some time.
Like keeping Staff fighting to give melee powersets "some break".
Wonder if the game would made more money if they followed the next monthly formula (like first Freedom months):
1 week: powerset
1 week: costume set
1 week: SSA arc
1 week: IOs, travel power, vanity pet, etc...

I've seen few weak months in the last spring/summer when it comes to market releases (IOs, dogs, tigers, lions)...
Maybe they should put all the big guns out in first place, instead holding some for a later date (that will never come, like now)?
Maybe is too late for this discussion, and my hopes of CoH keeping alive are vanishing now, I've been in denial since the sad announcement...



Until we hear directly from NC's mouth about it, COH was not cancelled because of money flow from it itself. It had nothing to do with that. If it did, they would have allowed I24 to drop and add components of that to the market to gain that last shred of money before shutting down.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



This is irrelevant , to this point , it was getting people to spent .
But it was slowly happening , even on union I saw more new people buying stuff , and enjoying the game , then the old people .

Having market more items , wasn't the point they kept to there profit margin .
Just US consumers have to be persuaded to part with money for entertainement.
Something NEXON is very good at .

You seriously think those income are made on those webbrowsing pile of junk
It is made cause of entertainment and fun value !
Something the coffee talk was working on too cautiously .

But from the business point of view again saw no flaw in how the team was going to manage CoH in the future !
The general overview was they are uptodate with the modern concept .
Just maybe the audience needed some nudges or two .