On alerting the media:




I don't think TonyV's posted a specific Call to Action thread for this.

I told somebody I know about the ongoing efforts to get the word out about City of Heroes' death and the player base's attempts to stop it from happening. I showed him some of the articles that have been published already.

His response was,

"So that's two articles from one site I've barely even heard of, and one I've never heard of. Where is Kotaku? Where is The Verge? Where is Ars Technica? FFS, where's Slashdot, even?"

He does have a point. It's awesome that there's blogging and journalism sites covering our fight ... but have there been any efforts to get the bigger sites covering this with the same focus that Gamenguide and Addicting Info have?



Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
I told somebody I know about the ongoing efforts to get the word out about City of Heroes' setback and the player base's attempts to stop it from happening.
Fixed that for ya.

Straff to the left!



It's been posted on those websites:


...Except for Ars Technica. Also, the content might not be what you're looking for 'cause they're just general closing news...but hm...I do support getting more news out to them ON topic

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Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
I don't think TonyV's posted a specific Call to Action thread for this.

I told somebody I know about the ongoing efforts to get the word out about City of Heroes' death and the player base's attempts to stop it from happening. I showed him some of the articles that have been published already.

His response was,

"So that's two articles from one site I've barely even heard of, and one I've never heard of. Where is Kotaku? Where is The Verge? Where is Ars Technica? FFS, where's Slashdot, even?"

He does have a point. It's awesome that there's blogging and journalism sites covering our fight ... but have there been any efforts to get the bigger sites covering this with the same focus that Gamenguide and Addicting Info have?
I can't speak with any certainty, but I suspect the amount of advertising dollars for GW2 might affect a gaming news site's willingness to report anything truly negative. I'd hope not, but I suspect it might.

It's early days. To us it feels like eternity, but the announcement was only Friday and it was a long holiday weekend. Today is the first day back for some people and they may only now be catching up on the news.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
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Originally Posted by Treees View Post
Also, the content might not be what you're looking for 'cause they're just general closing news...but hm...I do support getting more news out to them ON topic
Yeah. It's probably a given that NCSoft's announcement will not go unnoticed by major journalism sites, but they're not really covering the drive the player base has to rescue the game. If there's some way we can get those sites to write articles on that (or if we can submit articles), someone in the know oughta try.

Originally Posted by LemmingOfEvil View Post
Fixed that for ya.