The Backup Plan challenge to save COH's community




Don't stop trying to save Paragon City.

But accept that failure IS a possibility. Pray for success, fight for success...but have a backup plan for failure. This is my backup plan.

I offer a challenge: Write a synopsis proposal for an MMO that contains every feature of COH that we've come to love, but does not in any way infringe on the IP of City of Heroes. Here's a partial list to start with: Flying combat, travel powers, ability to make any character from any background fit into the on-going story of the MMO seamlessly, 6 basic starting villain-groups, costume generator and character creation, the 1 to 3 (or more) ratio, Giant Monsters, side-kicking, developer communication...Add things that you've always wanted to see. Write it like you're writing a Kickstarter proposal.

We have 3 months. It won't be the same...but maybe we can rebuild from the ashes if we fail.

Please post this on the forums in every server forum. Post it everywhere you can. I'll volunteer to collect the proposals at agenttempest at gmail dot com if they're mailed to me, and I'll send them to Titan Network. (I can't post to server forums, my VIP is lapsed.)

@SithRose, AKA Agent Storm, Sonja Butterfly, ShadowFlame, DJ Leshya, The Void Hunter, and many others.

@SithRose and @Sith Rose
Permanent resident of Virtue
"Mommy, I need Cthulhu. He keeps the bad dreams away."



Sith_Rose, sounds like you are very much behind the effort towards finding a solution. I strongly suggest getting in touch with Tony V. You can find a number of his topics on the first few pages of this forum. He and the team he has already assembled have already formulated both preliminary and backup plans. I'm sure he would love to have one more guy onboard.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
Sith_Rose, sounds like you are very much behind the effort towards finding a solution. I strongly suggest getting in touch with Tony V. You can find a number of his topics on the first few pages of this forum. He and the team he has already assembled have already formulated both preliminary and backup plans. I'm sure he would love to have one more guy onboard.
I already posted over there, I'm caught up. I'm just offering to collate player-generated plans to send to them, since they're already discussing all the options. I'm a great editor and a good storyteller. I'm not a game designer and I know jack about coding. I can edit everyone's general suggestions into a coherent plan and save them that much work, though. And this is very much a plan of last resort.

@SithRose and @Sith Rose
Permanent resident of Virtue
"Mommy, I need Cthulhu. He keeps the bad dreams away."