Co / STO Global Channel for everyone moving over
i just reinstalled CO last nite so im gonna probably gonna be there when in not playing WoW, Rift, SWTOR, D3.
@Eternal Twilight
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Petition to end shutting down CoH:
Just to let everyone know. The biggest CoH channel to join in either CO or STO is the CoX channel. It has the most CoH players. It was created right at launch of the games.
And... in case you didn't know, that global allows a person to talk to people in both STO and CO.
There are a few other channels started, but CoX is the largest. That is where you'll be able to get the most help.
I know there is a CORP channel, and sounds like a good one, but that is not a channel of CoX past and present players.
So if you are moving make sure to say hello. There are a lot of people of the CoX channel waiting to help out in which ever game you pick.