Getting the Word Out: SoCal

Golden Girl



Hey, gang-

I would absolutely love to help out with some efforts to assist in keeping the lifelines open on our beloved game, aside from the letter writing and petition signing that I've already participated in. I'm thinking something else that could be high profile, such as charity work or the like, but I have to admit, I'm a bit stumped as to what we could do.

I'm more than willing to volunteer my time, help with organization, brainstorming, attendance, etc., if there's anyone else out there in the SoCal area that wants to try and join in (and might have better ideas than I do).

We can even brainstorm here in the forums for as long as we're able.

Anyone want to try and get together and organize something, like a clothing donation drive, or the like, in the name of City of Heroes? Virtual Heroes to Real Heroes.



How about viral videos? Maybe we could try to make some movies either in- or out- of character for CoH to try and showcase the struggle while adding entertainment value?



Probably a better place. More stable, long term. I'll head over there.

Thanks, GG!