The moral of the story of my life in the City...




Feel free to chime in with your own morals/stories/whatever. Personally, mine isn't even going to really involve gameplay but what the game's meant to me and my life.

I'm not very well known since beyond my group of friends I tend to keep fairly to myself. That's not to say I haven't had my moments of brief infamy or at least being known. But hey, since for now things seem to be on the brink, I figured I might as well stop keeping to myself even if no one cares or this post might not exist before the Mayan Apocalypse wipes everything out.

I started out playing City of Heroes because I needed something to keep my mind off the fact that a long-term relationship had ended spectacularly in flames, somewhere between Issue 5 and Issue 6. I remember that specifically because shortly after I started I was doing the CoV beta because I'd bought CoV.

Over the years I've drifted away and back to CoH, but the entire time I played almost solely on the Liberty server as @Hellcat 3.7, @Mr. Kitteh, and finally @The Hellcat now. I've been many things during that time: friend, teammate, confidant, cohort, manwh***, etc, but it was all part of the process.

I can't even remember how it happened, but I got invited to a supergroup on Liberty, MDK, and during it's time before people drifted away we did some pretty cool things. I remember driving from Minnesota to Chicago for a get together and going bowling and drinking with friends. A later get together involved a friend of one of the MDK leaders, @Skystrike I think it was, introducing us all to the horribleness that is Tobasco sauce in mixed drinks.

Inbetween those two though, we as MDK did something pretty epic, to me at least. See, one of MDK's affiliated group's leaders lived in the DC metro region as did one of the MDK leaders, so we had a get together in the DC area and a bunch of us met in Chicago and road tripped it there with like 6-8 people in a truck non-stop. When we got there, we of course proceeded to sight see and, being MDK, had a night of drinking and fun before road tripping it back.

Alas though, not all things are meant to last and people started to drift from the game and MDK ceased to exist as it once was while I drifted away from the game for who knows how long. I can't even remember why I started playing again, but eventually I did.

When I got back I'd been gone for awhile and the people I knew weren't around so I looked for acquaintances, people I teamed with a little bit, pretty much anyone that knew me enough to want to talk to me and I ended up wrangled into one of one of my now best friends @Camo Fire's rooms.

After being there for a week or two, I teamed with a friend of his @Secret Lover and randomly started talking to her. She was upset one day so I randomly offered to talk to her on the phone if she gave me her number and she needed someone to talk to. To this day, neither of us has any clue why she did since I was basically a stranger. So I called her to see if there was anything I could help with since she was upset and we hit it off.

I mean really hit it off. By chance I called her after midnight so we started talking on Valentine's Day, 2010. After a few visits to each other, it became evident the whole "visiting" thing wasn't working out, so I moved down to Florida in November, 2010 and proposed the night I got into town right when I saw her for the first time since driving down, even though we were moving in together literally the next day. Then this past February 11, 2012, we got married.

My name is Mark and I've been playing since 2005. I only have about 4-5 level 50's, I've only done a few of the endgame trials and I get more excited about making an awesome concept character than actually getting it to 50.

But the moral of my story in City of Heroes? Quite literally, I wouldn't be where I am, nor would I be who I am, without City of Heroes. This' cheesy, but while I may barely have any 50's in the game, BECAUSE of the game, I've been able to become a level 50 in life.



And how lucky I am that you happened to be friends with my Camo None of this should have been as easy as it was, but I'll say it's all thanks to this game that we're here now. We started playing together in City of Heroes, and are now enjoying playing the game of life together.



You two are going to make me cry! I'm so happy this game brought us all together; we have some amazing friends. I was fortunate enough to end up going to Florida in January of last year, and got to meet up with Hellcat and SecretLover, the only two CoH friends I ever got to meet. I think I have a pretty adorable picture somewhere (with Mark sticking his tongue out, of course).

Love you guys! No matter what happens to City of Heroes, we'll still all be best friends