My Gang (@Yeti Gone Bad)




Well everyone. I'll pen a real farewell a bit later, but for the moment I thought I'd give a roll call of my current tribe of awesomeness on Liberty. You maybe have teamed with any number of them since I2 (My oldest char and second 50 is Priss Teen). I have about 9K hours in them combined, which is hard for me to wrap my head around. Ok enough prelude.

Yeti's Crew


Priss Teen (50) - DM/Inv (conceptually modeled on Pris from Blade Runner)
2 Sweet (50) - MA/SR
Who's Your Bonedaddy (50) - DM/SD
Lil' Sizzler (50) - FM/WP
Gabby Ginsu (50) - DB/SR
Yuki the Afflicted (50) - KA/DA
Pixie Styx (50) - TW/WP
Trixie Styx (50) - Staff/Inv
Funkadelic (50) - BS/FA
Eric the Ferric (41) - KM/ElA

Scrapper Hours - 3364

Roy Battery (50) - Kin/Rad ftw! (My first defender)
Jojo Harmony (50) - DM/Son
Velmaveeta (50) - Emp/Psi
Luis the Abducted (50) - Rad/Son (the hard-target softener)
Volume-11 (50,will be tomorrow) - Son/Son
Dodge This (45) - Emp/DP (Trinity tribute)
People's Glory (42) - Kin/DB
Cosmic Gerald (41) - Rad/DB
Freddie B (31) - DM/Ice
Scout's Honor (26) - Traps/DB

Defender Hours - 1503

Pocahostess (50) - Arch/Ice
My Cold Dead Hands (50) - AR/Ice
Calliente (50) - Fire/Ice
Texas Hold-up (50) - DP/Ice
Minty (50) - Rad/En
Sound as a Pound (31) - Son/En
Zapp Hannigan (26) - Beam/Ice

Blaster Hours - 1423

Hella Hippie (50) - Earth/Rad
Gravatrix Blue (50) - Grav/Rad
Cool Logic (50) - Ice/FF
Stupid Cupid (47) - Mind/TA
Dirt Claude (43) -Earth/Storm

Controller Hours - 1031

Yeti Gone Bad (50) - Dark/Cold
Jay After (50) - Son/Rad
Uprisen (50) - DP/Pain
Cry Mia River (34) - Kin/Ice
Seltzer (31) - Water/Time

Corruptor Hours - 781

Amok Priss (50) - DM/Inv
Amethyst Parker (50) - SM/SR
Citizen's Arrest (50) - StJ/SR

Brute Hours - 382

Everything Else
Suzi the Pest (50) - Fortunata (probably my most overall high-end character, and team contributor, my "ace")
She's Got Crab Legs (50) - Crab Soldier
Jimmy Shelter (50) - Shield/Mace Tanker
Prime of Life (46) - Peacebringer
Cosmicus (28) - Grav/En Dominator

That's the crew. Lots of characters got eliminated over the years, while bowing to the brutal limit of 12 chars (I never bought two accounts). I never managed to get into Masterminds. I think I would have like Doms if I had played them more. I never got a Warshade above 24, so I know I missed out on the fun of an IO'd out WS. Too busy scrapping. Who am I kidding, no regrets. Scrappers RULE.

Honorable mention amongst deleted characters:
Toasty Tony - lvl 46 Fire/Kin troller, deleted for being too easy.
Zed's Dead - lvl 42 Kat/Reg Scrapper. Deleted for similar reason, but mainly just didn't have enough slots. Did miss him.
Beelzebooty - lvl 31 Rad/Elec. Just never had the synergy I wanted and had two other rad emission chars.



Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
Well everyone. I'll pen a real farewell a bit later, but for the moment I thought I'd give a roll call of my current tribe of awesomeness on Liberty. You maybe have teamed with any number of them since I2 (My oldest char and second 50 is Priss Teen). I have about 9K hours in them combined, which is hard for me to wrap my head around. Ok enough prelude.

Yeti's Crew

Priss Teen (50) - DM/Inv (conceptually modeled on Pris from Blade Runner)
2 Sweet (50) - MA/SR
Who's Your Bonedaddy (50) - DM/SD
Lil' Sizzler (50) - FM/WP
Gabby Ginsu (50) - DB/SR
Yuki the Afflicted (50) - KA/DA
Pixie Styx (50) - TW/WP
Trixie Styx (50) - Staff/Inv
Funkadelic (50) - BS/FA
Eric the Ferric (41) - KM/ElA

Scrapper Hours - 3364

Roy Battery (50) - Kin/Rad ftw! (My first defender)
Jojo Harmony (50) - DM/Son
Velmaveeta (50) - Emp/Psi
Luis the Abducted (50) - Rad/Son (the hard-target softener)
Volume-11 (50,will be tomorrow) - Son/Son
Dodge This (45) - Emp/DP (Trinity tribute)
People's Glory (42) - Kin/DB
Cosmic Gerald (41) - Rad/DB
Freddie B (31) - DM/Ice
Scout's Honor (26) - Traps/DB

Defender Hours - 1503

Pocahostess (50) - Arch/Ice
My Cold Dead Hands (50) - AR/Ice
Calliente (50) - Fire/Ice
Texas Hold-up (50) - DP/Ice
Minty (50) - Rad/En
Sound as a Pound (31) - Son/En
Zapp Hannigan (26) - Beam/Ice

Blaster Hours - 1423

Hella Hippie (50) - Earth/Rad
Gravatrix Blue (50) - Grav/Rad
Cool Logic (50) - Ice/FF
Stupid Cupid (47) - Mind/TA
Dirt Claude (43) -Earth/Storm

Controller Hours - 1031

Yeti Gone Bad (50) - Dark/Cold
Jay After (50) - Son/Rad
Uprisen (50) - DP/Pain
Cry Mia River (34) - Kin/Ice
Seltzer (31) - Water/Time

Corruptor Hours - 781

Amok Priss (50) - DM/Inv
Amethyst Parker (50) - SM/SR
Citizen's Arrest (50) - StJ/SR

Brute Hours - 382

Everything Else
Suzi the Pest (50) - Fortunata (probably my most overall high-end character, and team contributor, my "ace")
She's Got Crab Legs (50) - Crab Soldier
Jimmy Shelter (50) - Shield/Mace Tanker
Prime of Life (46) - Peacebringer
Cosmicus (28) - Grav/En Dominator

That's the crew. Lots of characters got eliminated over the years, while bowing to the brutal limit of 12 chars (I never bought two accounts). I never managed to get into Masterminds. I think I would have like Doms if I had played them more. I never got a Warshade above 24, so I know I missed out on the fun of an IO'd out WS. Too busy scrapping. Who am I kidding, no regrets. Scrappers RULE.

Honorable mention amongst deleted characters:
Toasty Tony - lvl 46 Fire/Kin troller, deleted for being too easy.
Zed's Dead - lvl 42 Kat/Reg Scrapper. Deleted for similar reason, but mainly just didn't have enough slots. Did miss him.
Beelzebooty - lvl 31 Rad/Elec. Just never had the synergy I wanted and had two other rad emission chars.
Is it wrong that I have more hours on my ice blaster than all of your toons combined? (granted, there was a lot of afk farming for damage and healing badges)

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




You have over 9,000 on one character? That is some dedication. I have ADD. I see a cool powerset that I haven't played and I want to play it. I remember early in the game when I was on a defender tear; my leveling momentum with my Kin/Rad was totally disrupted when I saw a Rad defender sitting in the middle of Radiation Infection's cloud, surrounded by bad guys, and they were going, "whiff, whiff, whiff, whiff". I thought that was about the coolest thing ever, and made my Rad/Elec def.



I need to do the roll call.
One account since June '04, 45 slots filled on Liberty, handfull farmed out to other servers.
Another account with 3 50s and primarily my son's.
Add in my daughter's affection for creating new toons, another 50 or so toons under level 10 across many servers.
I don't know that I want to see how many hours logged in each one. Any easier way than checking with the pedestrians?

Liberty Server
Having fun everyday.



Yeti, you are one of the most competent players I have ever had the pleasure to team with, on any toon.

Thanks for the teams and all the fun!



Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
That is some dedication.
Nah, that was mostly afk farming with gladiators in the arena.

I think I had about 4500 before I went for those badges. I read Olepi's guide to ice blasting back in '05, and made not only 1, but several ice/ice blasters and leveled them to 50 because nothing really compared to bitter ice blast.

Had a brief fling with fire/fire, but the secondary was lame compared to /ice.

Now, fire/MM...that gave Ice/ice a run for the money with far better dps.

But, ice is still oh-so-nice.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post

But, ice is still oh-so-nice.
I love /Ice (see above blaster roster). Chillblain, Ice Patch, Build Up, and the broken- fast recharge, safety net and security blanket extraordinaire, SHIVER! I fully admit to abusing Shiver, and loving it. Never got a taste for Chilling Embrace.



Originally Posted by GEL_Sisterhood View Post
Yeti, you are one of the most competent players I have ever had the pleasure to team with, on any toon.

Thanks for the teams and all the fun!
Thx Gel. This was my first MMO. From the beginning though, I wanted to play all the different ATs, so that I would have a reasonable expectation of what the other players are trying to do. I was disappointed at only getting 8 slots. I spent a lot of my time, regardless of build, street sweeping. That gave me a good understanding of risk taking and running away. I never really hated being defeated, unless it was repeatedly. I think the game ultimately isn't ever really 'hard', except fleetingly, to a character who has some IOs in them. That was always fine with me. I want my recreation to be mostly low stress. Life is tough enough without being uptight. I think a lot of "teh hardcore" gamers moved on, leaving people who don't really stress out over a defeat or six. But if someone does something long enough, he's bound to hit a stride.

There are a lot of great players with big, diverse casts of characters on Liberty. Since they busted open the numbers of slots to 48, people have been creating fantastic new characters and we are seeing some great concept chars with the new sets. I don't really have more than a couple of players who I would prefer not to team with on the server, and when I do get on teams with them, everything goes fine of course. I think the Liberty players have a great attitude.