Beta for Marvel Heroes begins October 1st





I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Originally Posted by Aisynia View Post
Yep, purely coincidental in my mind. The decision for the date of beta would have been finalized a couple of weeks ago

*edit* This is because i now view beta's as a purely advertising with minimal bug fixing (to be honest, the bugs that they would fix are the ones that generally only pop up when large number of player appear. And fine tuning the balancing of powers etc).

It is now *very* rare to actually do a proper open beta of an online game, where it is still raw in feel, where things can do a 180 spin at the drop of a hat due to how the playerbase feels about it.

((Champions Online patch from beta to retail being a notable exception to this one...))



Coincidence? I certainly hope so.

Because if NCsoft thought an MMO-in-name-only where you can't even create your own character would rival CoH, then they're even more out of touch than I thought.