Goodbye CoX

Golden Girl



Since I can't reply the thread int he News and Events forum, I'll put this here. I felt like I needed to say goodbye before the game shuts down for good. And knowing me, I'd probably forget to do it if I don't go ahead and do it now. lol
I was introduced to City of Heroes back in 2006. A friend invited me to a LAN party and we all created trial accounts. It was an interesting experience. They'd all had a chance to try it before, but I was completely new to the game. It was then I created my first ever character, Whitey the Clown. He was an Elec Empath Defender. I created him purely as a joke, since I really didn't think I would be playing the game after the LAN was done.

Boy was I wrong about that.

As soon as we started our first mission together, I was hooked. Even just playing something as seemingly mundane as the healer role, I knew this was something special. And so, after the LAN, I kept playing and I eventually created my main Rock Crag, an Earth/FF troller. This is when I realized the games full potential. Above all else, I am an artist and a story teller. This game offered me something.. that no other game could: An interesting outlet for my imagination.

I've never been one for role playing. I play RPGs, sure, but the escapism offered by pretending to be something else... never really appealed to me. This was more about creating a world. Playing with my imagination, making original character costumes and stories. This wasn't just a game... this was a living comic book world, where I could create anything I wanted.

As I played and appreciated all the various aspects of the game, I was introduced to the community. And what a community it was. Infinity Badges was the first channel I ever joined. These people welcomed me and offered help. Before CoH, I had really only played Guild Wars. Sure it was an MMO, but I wasn't connected with other players like this. I'd go online, progress through the story, hire AI to help and really only talk to others when I wanted to sell some rare item. CoH was different. Better. People teamed, not because they had to... but because they wanted to help. I can still remember how blown away I felt when I was approached by a random person and given an unusually large amount of influence. Of course, 2 million isn't really all that much now... but it certainly seemed like it. I had no idea that kind of selfless attitude even existed online.

After 6 years, 12 level 50's, hundreds of characters and probably thousands of hours played (1063 on my main alone)... I really appreciate just how incredible this entire experience has been. It's true, you never really know what you have until it's gone... and in a few months... it will be. Infinity was my one and only server... and I can honestly say that I'll miss seeing all the regulars there. Hopefully we'll be able to meet up and find another game to enjoy together... but it certainly won't be the same.

Okay, that was like the longest goodbye ever.

So... for one last time... /jranger, FPARN, Freem and Soon™

~Rock Crag



Must be a forum glitch. The name shows gold but my sub ran out a few weeks ago.

Woah, okay, now it's showing white. Weird.