Why does a game mean so much to me?




I am at a loss. I really would love to write out a long thought out post, but to be honest I am slightly drunk and extremely sad. I got my friend (@Lacutus) into this game over four years ago, and he is the one who broke the news to me via text message today. Tonight we shared a few brews, chatted over mids (repeatedly saying how it didn't matter, no matter how much we disagreed on how to make our characters), and reminisced about the good times. I will forever miss this game, and the people who I have met throughout the years. I thank all of you forum regulars, GG, Sam, Bill, Venture, Samuraiko, EvilGeko, Arcanaville, Dechs, Agent White, Marcian, and countless others for hours and hours and hours of countless reading and entertainment while at work and at home. I think I have spent as much time on the forums in the past 5 years as I have on the game in the past 8. I feel like a part of me is gone, as lame as that is. Goodbye everyone I have met, and I wish I had a chance to meet the rest of you!


Aaron Snyder

P.S. To Delaware Destroyer and Wolfechylde, I wish you two the best in your battles with cancer, I hope we find a way to keep in touch.



All those countless speed runs, on pretty much all TFs, will definitely be missed, not to mention the hours of conversation spawned from Mids... lol. was always good teaming with you, I gave Lacutus my email, if you lost it, but hopefully we can at least keep in touch.



It means so much to you - and so many others - because it's an MMO, and after a certain period of time, an MMO becomes more than just a game.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork