A visualization of NCSoft after the decision:






Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
No they aren't. They are chickens. Did you even read the OP?

I cope with humor. Forgive me.

TW/Elec Optimization



Originally Posted by Combat View Post
No they aren't. They are chickens. Did you even read the OP?

I cope with humor. Forgive me.
Nope the image load is blocked from the original site on the forum.

So I got all interpretive dance on the theme. And yes, I'm applying an ad hominem attack vilifying this decision as one of greedy mismanagement with NCSoft lopping off a foot just so they can appear to be unloading ballast on their balance sheet.

Guess I've once again returned to the "anger" stage of the grieving cycle.

Humor is good. Forgive my general anger at NCSoft in return.



Originally Posted by Combat View Post
Did you even read the OP?
the one that's a clear replacement image to prevent hotlinking?