Costume I'm rocking.




I know I need a pic. But my game computer is not my posting computer. So, If you are familiar with the costume creator here goes:

I am using the Vampire Face, neck cover black, Bubble helmet, and the exposed brain with wires/tubes. Clockwork torso, arms, legs, Mecha Feet, robotic skeletal gloves, and cyborg general shoulders. All parts are black, skin tone on face grey. Oh, and the circular floating gothic looking back part from one of the tier 9 costumes, forget the name. The characters name is "Vampdroid".

The backstory is this vampire made a contract with a powerful entity to live forever, then got severely messed up. Top of head cut off, head chopped off, etc. For a while The head was in the alchemical/enochian/technological lab, just stabilized. Then it was fitted with the tech tubes and magic power to be animate. After complaining (a good long while) the head finally got a robotic body to cruise around with.

Brute, Dark Melee/Elec Armor.

Posting here because I never (rarely) do costume contests.

Also, I sort of wanted to start a discussion about varios tricks that are your favorites in the generator. I tend to gravitate to robots and undead (and this mish/mash lol).

What chops do you use in costume generator to refresh those same old tricks you been rocking for years?




Have you checked out the multimedia forum? There are three threads in there that you might want to check out: The cool costume tricks one, the costume (re)design thread, and the cool costumes thread that is stickied at the top.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



I'll check those out! Thanks Aett Thorn.