Why Do People Spam Incandescence?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
In other games I would covet a power like Incandescence; in City of Heroes things are straight forward enough that it usually just complicates things. Outside of Avoiding the Green stuff there isn't anything where the benefit is obvious.
I've been on leagues where people tried to use it for AtGS badge attempts, and, frankly, I think it was worse by far than having people just move.

Its activation isn't fast enough to reactively save someone who's going to get whacked due to power activation, and it's slow enough that anyone who's on the ball is out of the green stuff anyway. Meanwhile, the "OK, WTF am I now" pause disrupts the ebb and flow of the fight for the people who were on the ball.

I hated it. I only have the Green Stuff badge on one character, and we got it without Incandescence. Notably, the person leading the (repeated) attempts did try using Incandescence for a while and gave up on it.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by catwhowalksbyhimself View Post
This is one of my pet peaves as well. Incan can be situationally useful, but spammed every time it comes up, it is just plain annoying. It's even worse if you're playing a Mastermind, since your pets get tp'd even if you have the prompt on and even if you turn the tp down. I have died to tp spam as a result. Even worse was that this happened on an all MM trial.
I have never had this happen on my MM. Are you positive you had the prompt on and refused timely? Anyone else have this issue? If it is a bug it needs to be squashed.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
As pointed out, its a complaint with an easy solution. Turn on the TP prompt.
I am on Freedom and recall many people warning prior to the trial starting to turn off the prompt if they did not want to make use of incandescence.

What becomes interesting is that some that start to complain about the person being a noob etc.. don't even know how to turn off the prompt and these are multi-year vets. Irony.

Some people take the game way too seriously and don't even know the basic general information, functions and mechanics. Kinda crazy how they are the first to call people noob, strange or some other stupid label to make themselves feel better.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
I am on Freedom and recall many people warning prior to the trial starting to turn off the prompt if they did not want to make use of incandescence.

What becomes interesting is that some that start to complain about the person being a noob etc.. don't even know how to turn off the prompt and these are multi-year vets. Irony.

Some people take the game way too seriously and don't even know the basic general information, functions and mechanics. Kinda crazy how they are the first to call people noob, strange or some other stupid label to make themselves feel better.
I am also on Freedom, and I am beginning to think people troll trials to troll trials. I breathe a sigh of relief when a trial goes off without any name-calling or arguing. And if the leader is proactive, positive and reasonable I make a point to personally thank them for their patience.

But ah, 'tis off topic.

Incan spamming is incredibly annoying... Incan is usually what makes me remember to switch my TP prompt on for a 'new' character. Even with the prompt on, I get a little annoyed that I have to either stare at it for x seconds or click no. My mouse pointer gets lost in the incarnate carnage. Certain trials, like TPN, do have use for Incan. But... teleporting my Defender into sequestration and subsequent death because you want to boost my healing received or attempt to stun Nightstar/Siege is silly. Then I great to read the ensuing flame war about 'WATCH YOUR F'ING RINGS NOOBZ". Obviously, that is a bit of hyperbole... But intelligent, even harmless, use of Incan is easy. I don't want to ask people to not use it, but just to exercise some common sense.



Originally Posted by electric_emu View Post
I am also on Freedom, and I am beginning to think people troll trials to troll trials. I breathe a sigh of relief when a trial goes off without any name-calling or arguing. And if the leader is proactive, positive and reasonable I make a point to personally thank them for their patience.

But ah, 'tis off topic.

Incan spamming is incredibly annoying... Incan is usually what makes me remember to switch my TP prompt on for a 'new' character. Even with the prompt on, I get a little annoyed that I have to either stare at it for x seconds or click no. My mouse pointer gets lost in the incarnate carnage. Certain trials, like TPN, do have use for Incan. But... teleporting my Defender into sequestration and subsequent death because you want to boost my healing received or attempt to stun Nightstar/Siege is silly. Then I great to read the ensuing flame war about 'WATCH YOUR F'ING RINGS NOOBZ". Obviously, that is a bit of hyperbole... But intelligent, even harmless, use of Incan is easy. I don't want to ask people to not use it, but just to exercise some common sense.
Yes, I have to agree wholeheartedly that there ARE people that troll the I trials just to be trolls no doubt. I have seen people just let prisoners go, speed burst them, bubble them etc....What can I say, people are not always on their best behavior as witnessed here with the post stalking, post griefing and general attempts to start fights out of nowhere we see here almost daily.

While I agree Incan "spamming" can be annoying, the compromise cure is too change the TP prompt setting. The actual remedy would be another setting for ALWAYS that does NOT bring up the prompt. Dev get to work on it please.

"Not" changing the setting then complaining about it and starting a fight...well to me that is a form of I trial trolling as well considering the fact that changing it would have eliminated the problem they are fighting about in the first place.

Common sense use of the power might be a stretch for a world where common sense is not so common anymore.....

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I don't form a lot of trials lately, but when I do it's usually MO runs for hardest badges and I always say that I do not want incandescence. I've been told that I'm an a$$ when it comes to forming MO trials, and I agree to that assumption. If its the ONLY T3 or T4 destiny you have, then keep it equipped, but don't use it unless told to. And if you spam it I will kick you from my league, 1 star you and possibly global ignore you. And that's for a few reasons. most probably have already been said.

1) Even if you say yes/no it teleports all pets.

I have failed regular BAFs on Freedom cause people spam it and we lose pets, and prisoners escape. I have failed MO Lam's cause people spam Incan and pets get sent to the warehouse leaving MM's trollers without them. I've failed MO Keyes because people spam it right into the green beam. I've failed Mo TPN because people tp us and pets from the terms.

2) Rebirth Radial is a much better buff. +healing and +regen is awesome. I've never seen a time in a trial where Incan would be better than rebirth Radial. The healing received is only good if you are being healed. The stun and the knockback are both pretty minor, and can be accomplished by any troller/dom's stun and the knockback can be done by many toons with a knockback power. The stealth is kinda a waste since on most trials you are constantly fighting so it is a waste. The movement speed bonus I guess would be good if you have a stone tank, but any stone tank worth anything has already mitigated his horrible speed with teleport, and the mvoement speed bonus can also be done by any Kin or Time.

3) As a teleport power, its useless in trials. It can't TP des in UG trial. people say 'well it tp's people who cna't get over the wall in Slams' or 'it tp's people who can't make it in UG. Well first of all, temp travel powers are allowed in itrials so if you can't afford a jet pack, or if you can't wall jump over (which everyone should be able to since Hurdle is now a gimmie), and if you can't make it through a tunnel without dying, it's your fault for gimping yourself and not preparing for a trial. its no one's responsibility to assist you in getting places.

4) Its not a team buff. its a self buff. Bar none, the user of Incan benefits from it more than everyone else. I feel this makes the users a lot more selfish that others when it comes to buffs. If you are on an 8 man team and use Incan and all 7 teammates decline, you still get the buff. Granted, you can do that with any destiny and pop it when no one is around but this buff requires others to come to you, disrupting their rhythm for the privilege of being buffed.

Now I do have a T3 incan made. and it's only for MO task forces. Which I
think its awesome for. You stealth in and TP your entire team. It means you can eliminate TP powers from your moveset if you are focusing on end game content, and allows you more powers.

In my opinion the only time Incan is good for trials is when there are teamwipes. But you should never build for the chance that you all die. Thats why I never take rez powers. I will take vengeance, and buff the team before I take a power just to bring one person back to life.

All in all, its just a disruptive power. It effects everyone with pets, gets their pets killed while running back to them, and when people complain all you get back it 'well just put on prompt.' or 'hurr durr'



[QUOTE=Yat Man;4362312]

2) Rebirth Radial is a much better buff. +healing and +regen is awesome. I've never seen a time in a trial where Incan would be better than rebirth Radial. The healing received is only good if you are being healed. The stun and the knockback are both pretty minor, and can be accomplished by any troller/dom's stun and the knockback can be done by many toons with a knockback power. The stealth is kinda a waste since on most trials you are constantly fighting so it is a waste. The movement speed bonus I guess would be good if you have a stone tank, but any stone tank worth anything has already mitigated his horrible speed with teleport, and the mvoement speed bonus can also be done by any Kin or Time.

4) Its not a team buff. its a self buff. Bar none, the user of Incan benefits from it more than everyone else. I feel this makes the users a lot more selfish that others when it comes to buffs. If you are on an 8 man team and use Incan and all 7 teammates decline, you still get the buff. Granted, you can do that with any destiny and pop it when no one is around but this buff requires others to come to you, disrupting their rhythm for the privilege of being buffed. /[Quote]

I agree with most you said but..

2. Yes, Rebirth is better.for right away, want it now healing. Again, Incan is NOT healing. If you think it is..your wrong. It makes you take more, from healing. Sure, spamming Rebirth in a group is handy, but can only be done every 2 mins, and the regen really isnt that great one a squishy, unless there is like 4 people using it.
Not to mention, rebirth is little help AFTER the burst heal, if people spread out and are taking more damage than they can handle. Sure, the regen will help..but see point above. Whereas the Incan will stay on them, as boost all THEIR healing powers, so they dont need to rely on others. It makes popping one green way better!

4. It IS a team Buff. If it wasn't..it would have no aoe or max targets. Be serious. I have seen ALL the destiny powers constantly used when solo, as some fool runs of to try show how awesome they are, starts dying, and fires of their destiny..with no one else around.

I do agree most users of Incan should be, at best, shot.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Yes, I have to agree wholeheartedly that there ARE people that troll the I trials just to be trolls no doubt. I have seen people just let prisoners go, speed burst them, bubble them etc....What can I say, people are not always on their best behavior as witnessed here with the post stalking, post griefing and general attempts to start fights out of nowhere we see here almost daily.

While I agree Incan "spamming" can be annoying, the compromise cure is too change the TP prompt setting. The actual remedy would be another setting for ALWAYS that does NOT bring up the prompt. Dev get to work on it please.

"Not" changing the setting then complaining about it and starting a fight...well to me that is a form of I trial trolling as well considering the fact that changing it would have eliminated the problem they are fighting about in the first place.

Common sense use of the power might be a stretch for a world where common sense is not so common anymore.....
Ah, yes. Always no to TP would be wonderful. Null the Gull anyone? I suppose that is rather annoying to have march all the way to PD just to change it if you're on a normal team. But hey, maybe we can have the option to have Null as a contact and call him one day? Or implement his powers into the UI. I don't know what kind of coding hell that might be, so I understand if it's not possible. But it's an idea.



Originally Posted by electric_emu View Post
Ah, yes. Always no to TP would be wonderful. Null the Gull anyone? I suppose that is rather annoying to have march all the way to PD just to change it if you're on a normal team. But hey, maybe we can have the option to have Null as a contact and call him one day? Or implement his powers into the UI. I don't know what kind of coding hell that might be, so I understand if it's not possible. But it's an idea.
Who is Null the Gull?

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post

I do agree most users of Incan should be, at best, shot.
Oh Mister D, always so dramatic!

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Who is Null the Gull?
The seagull in Pocket D. He is located on top of the truck just off the main dance floor on the villain side. The devs implemented him so you can change whether or not you always accept/deny Mystic Fortune, alter whether or not Speed Boost gives you a movement speed bonus and even check progress on the Dimensional Warder badge. He has a few other uses too, I think.

You can always except/deny TEAM Teleport, but not Recall/Incan I don't think.

Further info:




Originally Posted by electric_emu View Post
The seagull in Pocket D. He is located on top of the truck just off the main dance floor on the villain side. The devs implemented him so you can change whether or not you always accept/deny Mystic Fortune, alter whether or not Speed Boost gives you a movement speed bonus and even check progress on the Dimensional Warder badge. He has a few other uses too, I think.

You can always except/deny TEAM Teleport, but not Recall/Incan I don't think.

Further info:

Thank you.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.