Hey Liberty!
Hello and welcome back.
I lead/run the Magisterium iTrials on Monday night. The Mag. itrial is the newest trial and requires you to have the Destiny and Lore slots unlocked (but not slotted).
For badge runs in the Mag. itrial I require +2s and/or +3s (+3s if going for RHW badge which is defeating Tyrant without using the temps that you get during the itrial to sever the connections to the well).
Other than that, you may need to do the Dilemma Diabolique iTrial...it's "easy" as long as all are +3 (a good portion +3 or +2 at least).
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Hi Matt,
Welcome back.
I lead the Hamidon Raids on Saturday nights.
I co-lead with @Energy Aura the Wacky Wednesdays on well most likely Wednesday nights, but the odd change up to keep it wacky.
Not sure when you left, but as Ion said there are some new iTrials you'll want to get in on. Monday's for sure.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Thank you.
I'll transfer Sick Minded back, my badger. I have completed DDT for all the badges before I went on a hiatus. I found it to be the easiest trial to grind for the rewards.
WHAT THE NYERK is water blast, staff fighting, and all these animal powers... It's like an animal control powersets to tame them!![]()
Let me guess, water blast does smashing/lethal damage right?
Ops does a weekly team on mondays, but I think I can tell them to join me with you guys for the trials and the raids.

Hey ya'll! Checkin' in on CoH! Decided to stop by and say hello! Miss you all, hope everythings goin' super!
Took a few months off to catch up with RL. All done with skewl, culinary degree yah! I've missed a lot ingame it seems. I managed to pop on once or twice for my Weekly teams in the past 4-5months.
Bygones be bygones. Mad dash with character x-fers. I stockpiled quite a bit of points and x-fers while I was gone.
Anyone willing to lead me through some of the newer trial(s) task forces?