All Melee Attacks doing knockback?!?
certain attacks do .7 knockback so its knockdown unless your hitting blue con or lower baddies
other powers are defaulted to really high kb, such as crane kick or solar flare and the only way to turn it to knockdown is with the overwhelming force enhancement
Also, some enemies (mostly Clockwork and Rikti Monkeys) have negative knockback resistance, so they can be knocked back even by knockdown powers against even cons.
Which attacks specifically are causing knockback, and against which enemies?
my character has no knockback at all... He's a lvl14 Tech Tank running Shields and Axe!
Axe has Knockdown powers, which can turn into Knockback against certain enemy types, or enemies below your level, as we've described.
What necrotech said.
Battle Axe only has three powers that don't do knockdown. If you're fighting blues, that'll be knockback on six of BA's attacks. If you're fighting Clockwork, that'll be knockback on six of BA's attacks.
(One of the three that don't do knockdown does knockup instead. The other two are Build Up and Taunt. lol)
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If you're a veteran, one of the special proc IOs you get at level one (Resistance Tactics I think) also adds a chance for KD to the power it's added to, which could in turn become KB against low-con or KB-weak mobs. I know it's bit me in the rear a couple times against Clockworks.
And of course, Overwhelming Force in a non-KB power would do the same.
So am I the only one to notice that every time I use a melee atk the baddies go flying?!? What happened to knockdown?!?