Crafting Incarnate Powers : Putting the uncommon in its place

Adeon Hawkwood



I would like to suggest a new progression path for crafting Incarnate Powers.

Let's review the current state :

T1) To craft a tier 1 Incarnate Power, we need three common components.
T2) To craft a tier 2 Incarnate Power, we need a tier 1 power, two common components and one uncommon component.
T3) To craft a tier 3 Incarnate Power, we need a tier 2 power, two common components and one rare component.
T4) To craft a tier 4 Incarnate Power, we need two tier 3 powers, two common components and one very rare component.

Total number of components required to craft one tier 4 Incarnate Power :

16 common components
2 uncommon components
2 rare components
1 very rare component

The problem I see with this is the lack of distinction between uncommon and rare components.

The system I suggest requires more uncommon components than rare components, but requires more recipes for tier 4 powers, which might be bad for clarity.

Suggestion :

T1) To craft a tier 1 Incarnate Power, we need three common components.
T2) To craft a tier 2 Incarnate Power, we need a tier 1 power, two common components and one uncommon component.
T3) To craft a tier 3 Incarnate Power, we need a tier 2 power, two common components, one uncommon component and one rare component.
T4.1) To craft a tier 4 Incarnate Power, we need a tier 3 power, two common components, one uncommon component, one rare component and one very rare component.
T4.2) To craft a tier 4 Incarnate Power, we need two tier 3 powers and one very rare component.

Total number of components required to craft one tier 4 Incarnate Power (using 4.1) :

9 common components
3 uncommon components
2 rare components
1 very rare component

(Edit : at first I miscalculated the number for common components to be 11, and now I realize that requiring only 9 common components is probably too low)

When starting from scratch, a player would actually need more uncommon components than rare components and this would hopefully reduce the surplus of uncommon components.

You will ask "what's the point of 4.2 ?".

That option is for players who already have crafted two tier 3 powers either for the purpose of evaluating the differences between core and radial or who have been unlucky and haven't seen a very rare for weeks
4.2 would allow them to upgrade without leaving an "useless" tier 3 power behind.



Honestly I don't really see the problem. Ever since the devs added the downgrade option I just downgrade all of my extra uncommons to commons.



You can also burn 1 of each uncommon and 100 threads to make a rare, which is extremely handy.