Tw/Elec & Incarnates. Help :D

Agent White




I was wondering a good general direction for my tw/elec. I love her to death and is amazingly fun to play. I currently have Cardiac but unsure about the rest of the incarnates. Any help? Thanks (:



For the most part, go with whatever sounds good to you.

Interface - Reactive is the MOAR DAMAGE one and most common. But they all have some kind of damage proc and a secondary effect, so go with whatever you feel is the most useful.

Judgement - They're all good. Void is probably best for Melee range as the only PBAoE.

Lore - Cimerorans do lots of damage. Longbow do -regen. For the most part, pick your fav of the bunch. Most of them hit like trucks regardless.

Destiny - Ageless or Rebirth is probably going to be what you want.

Hybrid - Assault.



Well here are my thoughts and experiences of them.

: my alpha was resilience to boost tankness, but I've been looking at getting musculature.

Tankness isn't needed everywhere, so musculature would probably be more helpful.

Because of elec, you don't really need Cardiac, but you can stick with that if you like it.

Destiny: I took Barrier mainly for a quick and easy way to res my team, but also to help in those situations that for me into using my god mode. Barrier right before the god mode ends will be like an extended god mode while you eat blues, greens, and turn back on your toggles. C

larion is a must for some teams due to it's useful status protection, but I haven't gotten around to building mine up tbh.

If you really want endurance, Ageless is amazing, when someone on my team uses it I get around 20 regen to endand never need to steal end.

PS: If you get any of the 120 second Destinies, you should be able to use them again immediately after they end(I think they all have a 2min cooldown), but they gradually grow weaker over time.

Judgement: I think Ion is the most effective. It jumps and has more targets it can hit, so more targets, and it won't be limited to a set radius.

Interface: It looks like Degenerative would be the most useful for GMs and AVs, I haven't used it yet, but reducing their HP makes their regen less of a problem.

For some reason I picked Gravitic, and right now I'm working towards Cognitive to have fun with a 20% confusion proc. I imagine a lot of them won't be useful against bosses, AVs and GMs. In teams, only so many of the same proc can stack on the enemy.

Hybrid: To be a team player, I picked up Support. It's cool when lots of people use it at once, but it's pretty meh on it's own. It's like getting a slightly weaker version of all 3 leadership toggles for 2 minutes without end cost. The passive minor endurance reduction is barely noticable and says -52% end cost if you right click it under your active effects. Obviously not -52%.

I often wish I'd gone with Assault when I solo and having more damage is self explanatory. When I get it, I'll probably go for 75% more damage instead of chance for double damage.

Control looks pretty good on it's right branch. It gives upto 40% resistances to some statuses, and toggling it gives damage powers(not all) a chance to give enemies some status effects. The other tree is useless to most classes. I'm still deciding between Control or Assault for my next one since the status protection would be handy.

I usually just eat greens when I need to heal, so I haven't considered getting Melee at all.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
For the most part, go with whatever sounds good to you.

Interface - Reactive is the MOAR DAMAGE one and most common. But they all have some kind of damage proc and a secondary effect, so go with whatever you feel is the most useful.

Judgement - They're all good. Void is probably best for Melee range as the only PBAoE.

Lore - Cimerorans do lots of damage. Longbow do -regen. For the most part, pick your fav of the bunch. Most of them hit like trucks regardless.

Destiny - Ageless or Rebirth is probably going to be what you want.

Hybrid - Assault.
Thanks! This is what I had in mind. Reactive, Void (Good to choose something different other than Ion (; , Longbow, I'm torn between Ageless and Rebirth but I'm leaning more towards Rebirth & assault is always nice for the extra damage (:



Yeah there's very few 'bad' choices, just go for what you feel boosts you the most or works best with your playstyle.

And the wonderful thing is: if you're not happy with your choice, you can just build up other options and switch out.



Originally Posted by Surging_Starfall View Post
I often wish I'd gone with Assault when I solo and having more damage is self explanatory. When I get it, I'll probably go for 75% more damage instead of chance for double damage.
Not to derail the thread, but it's worth noting that Doublehit (despite the name) isn't double damage. It's a damage proc that scales with the power's recharge. The spreadsheet linked in my signature can give exact numbers.



Those values are based on scrapper? brute? My thought was the current idea was radial is better for brutes, and core better for scrappers. That, or on scrappers the difference is negligible, but on brutes substantial.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



The numbers I plugged into the spreadsheet are just examples, but yeah, they're Scrapper numbers. If you want Brute numbers, or any powerset other than the two I put in, you can download a copy and put in whatever you want.

Broadly speaking, yes, Scrappers are more likely to prefer Core and Brutes are more likely to prefer Radial. But it depends heavily on the specific powers in question, and also how much you value doing full damage up front vs having to build stacks.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Broadly speaking, yes, Scrappers are more likely to prefer Core and Brutes are more likely to prefer Radial. But it depends heavily on the specific powers in question, and also how much you value doing full damage up front vs having to build stacks.
With that being said, which do you think would be better on a TW Brute?



Between the two, definitely Radial. For Brute TW numbers specifically, Doublehit wins even if we pretend Core doesn't have to build stacks.

Personally, I'm also fond of Melee Core Hybrid, especially since you also have Cardiac to make its resist bonus stronger. It can nearly cap your S/L resist for two minutes at a time, not to mention the regeneration bonus and status protection against confuse/fear.



So I followed everyone's advice and I'm pretty happy with how shes going. I'm still torn between Degenerative and Reactive.