Silly mace question




Hey y'alls. Silly Bane (heck...spiders in general) question: Have the devs ever mentioned making weapon customizations possible with costume pieces OUTSIDE of tier 9 maces? I'd really like to change from a mauly deathmace, but I'm still 100+ away from tier 9. Over my time in CoX, I have bought both the carnival of lights, and the barbarian weapon packs in moments of weakness.

I'd really like to use em some day...

so..TL: DR, have the devs ever mentioned character customization for EATS?



Those purchased packs might work (Barbarian, Carnival) as I found the purchased and Tier 9 vet reward stuff is interchangeable with the huntsman gun. I'll verify if the mace works or not in a moment although I believe the old style maces do not work.

EDIT: Okay it looks like the only other choices are the Fire and Ice Mace and the Celestial Mace are the non arachnos maces you can pick from.
Also *Facepalm* Didn't read your post like I should have despite it being short. You already pointed this out.

Funny that the scifi pack guns work with the huntsman though and that isn't tier 9.

Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
"My Thugs/Pancake can solo Breast Cancer!"



Anyone got a non-SOA with scorpion PPP out there? Iffen so, couldja check to see if you can transform YOUR scorpion maces?



Only to the aforementioned T9 choices.

Bit of a kick in the pants, isn't it? Wouldn't mind putting a police baton in my Bane's hands.