Midnight Train to ... Ouro

Adeon Hawkwood



Yep I usually get it by doing the "The Magic Man" arc from Mercedes Sheldon heroside, if I hadn't picked it from a random portal there and getting the badge in Ouro.

I beleive you get the Devil's Time Piece as a collection and get the badge. I never check my collections but you definitely get the badge and portal.

That one is missing from the wiki page



We've had this "uncontrolled" method of Ouro acquisition for more than long enough. I feel it's time to introduce a proper, reliable, controllable way to gain the portal. We already have Tunnels just spontaneously existing near train stations, so it's not that far-fetched to have an Ouro agent contact you and ask to introduce you to Ouroboros.

Storyline reason? Pull a Kalinda. "We at Ouroboros are facing a coming storm. My mentor, Mender Silos, has charted the time-line for a long time and deduced that someone from your time will play a crucial role in determining the outcome of this disaster. We have narrowed the number of potential instigators... Potential participants down somewhat, but we are still looking at a list of thousands. You are one of those. Shoul you choose to accept our invitation, you are welcome to come to the Ouroboros Citadel with me and test your fate."

Simple enough.

Because I can't read the title any other way.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Late2Party View Post
Yep I usually get it by doing the "The Magic Man" arc from Mercedes Sheldon heroside, if I hadn't picked it from a random portal there and getting the badge in Ouro.

I beleive you get the Devil's Time Piece as a collection and get the badge. I never check my collections but you definitely get the badge and portal.

That one is missing from the wiki page
That's because you're looking at the Wikia page, rather than Paragonwiki. The CoH Wikia is no longer maintained, so it is out of date on many things.