Lore Questions




Anything documented any were that says how long after the 1st Rikti invasion that the Devouring Earth moved in to Woodvale (Eden)? Also how long after the invasion did the Hollowing take place?

Something witty and profound



The Hollowing happened in 2000, the first Rikti invasion started in 2002.

No idea about Woodvale.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Wish we had a time line for all of that stuff. Like when did Faultline happen?

Something witty and profound



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
Anything documented any were that says how long after the 1st Rikti invasion that the Devouring Earth moved in to Woodvale (Eden)? Also how long after the invasion did the Hollowing take place?
As the DE weren't created until 2003, at least one year after the Rikti War. Beyond that, no.


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Spoilers below (just because somebody would be upset if I didn't say that).

Here are some pages to read:

The Hollows


Rikti War Remember the Rikti War is different than the Rikti Invasion. Rikti war was in 2002, Rikti Invasion started during Issue 10.

I don't see a date attached to the Eden article. But Paragon Wiki is still always the best place to start.

You can use the above as a starting place. You can find articles on Trolls, Hamidon, Devouring Earth. Great stuff really. I can get lost just reading pages on Paragon Wiki.

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Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
Rikti War Remember the Rikti War is different than the Rikti Invasion. Rikti war was in 2002, Rikti Invasion started during Issue 10.
Not necessarily. The Rikti War is also often referred to as the "First Rikti Invasion". (The second being the I10 RWZ revamp event, and the subsequent invasions at the end of LGTF aren't really referenced in official lore.)

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
Wish we had a time line for all of that stuff. Like when did Faultline happen?
This is the best time line I've found. Unfortunately it only goes till 2002 describing the Rikti War. You can click on the timeline and it will take you to pages with more detail.

I see some folks type faster than I do. lol

There were no responses when I started to type my first post. Of course I provided links. lol.

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Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Not necessarily. The Rikti War is also often referred to as the "First Rikti Invasion". (The second being the I10 RWZ revamp event, and the subsequent invasions at the end of LGTF aren't really referenced in official lore.)
I usually see them referenced as Rikti War and Rikti Invasion. I have seen them as 1st and 2nd Invasion too.

Paragon Wiki even describes them as such (I know not a canon source).

Rikti War

Rikti Invasion

On those links it does use the words Invasion. But, War and Invasion I think are the best description of the two events.

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I tried to edit my post above. I kept getting an error and logged out when I tried.

Paragon Wiki has a great time line. See it here.

Sorry for too many posts.

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Originally Posted by Fista View Post
Wish we had a time line for all of that stuff. Like when did Faultline happen?
I'm not aware of any hard and fast dates for the Faultline Incident. We can make a few assumptions and deductions:

According to recent developer commentary, Penelope Yin as she appears in New Overbrook is intended to be 18 years old. That content was released in 2006 and given the aging that Penelope has undergone in the current signature story arc, it seems that the date of the opening of New Overbrook can be more or less pegged to be the same timeframe.

Penelope looks up to Jim Temblor and Annette (Faultline and Fusionette) as older sibling-like figures. (This is one of the factors that helped convince many that Penelope was supposed to be much younger than eighteen.) Presumably, Jim and Annette are 20-22 in 2006, by this reckoning.

Jim was a boy but probably a pre-teen or early teen when his father destroyed Overbrook. This comes from judging his accounts of his memories of the Faultline Incident, as well as from the fact that he is older than Penelope and she was living in Faultline at the time and was notable for making deliveries for her father's store ("Many of the heroes who had their bases in Overbrook prior to it's destruction had tales of strange things happening shortly after 'Perilous Penelope' swooped by on her scooter to drop off a delivery from her father's store").

If we figure that Jim is 20 at the time that a hero begins the New Overbrook story, then have to figure that he was maybe 14 when his father destroyed Overbrook. I can see a 12-year-old Penny making deliveries in a safe neighborhood. Ten-year-old Penny is not out of the question but would be pushing things just a bit. Even in a neighborhood full of superhero bases, you'd have to question whether that was a safe thing for her father to be employing her to do.

At any rate, the date we end up with is roughly year 2000 +/- two years.

The plain fact is that the studio prefers things vague, even matters of established history like the Hollowing or the Faultline Incident. There isn't any official timeline outside of the timeline in the "about the game" section of the official website. Oddly, in the case of Faultline, there isn't even a backgrounder that describes the zone and its history.

The studio is content enough with this state of affairs that they've let it be this way for the last eight years.



I love the official history pages on the website!!!

I just have to say that, because I never hear anyone else bring them up. But I gobbled all of it up before I ever even started playing, while I was waiting for the game to download. I didn't log in until I'd finished reading everything. Let me tell you forumites something. I didn't click the download button until I had read a couple of decades worth of in-game history. Those history pages were what sold me on this game. They are THE reason I logged in the first time. They are what made me a customer. They're what opened my wallet. Have I made my point? I've gone back and reread it all two more times. The whole world was just so fleshed out, and it made this new universe and city feel so immersive. So engrossed was I with Paragon City that I ended three years of Eve Online that day (a universe I was in love with for its storylines, contrary to what lures most players there).

I only bring this up because the last decade of official event-based history is very obviously missing on the official website, and I do believe Paragon Studios has a team of writers on its payroll.

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